Death, A Mystery So Dreaded

What light will shine upon my demise
perhaps a lone candle burning low
Penny for your thoughts sounds so wise
will that light burn truly to glow!

Will light shadows dance upon the wall
a lively jig, complete with shouts
Will I still hear my beloved ones call
or even know to have such doubts?

Can I wander back, check on my friends
just a quick glimpse just to see
Shall death have twists, turns and bends
or deep blackness merely engulf me?

My dear loves, my life will it be missed
If I find not, will I be sorely pissed?

R.J. Lindley
jan. 17th 1979

Note-- Eileen Manassian mentioned in a
blog comment that she thought my sonnets
quite good. So I now break out this sonnet
from my private journal written 36 years ago
when I was 25 years old.
I dedicate its public showing to her, my friend.
Trust me, I made no changes in it .I learned my
lesson from mistakenly doing that..