The hard part about making a movie from life
is that life was barely plausible enough
to be a movie in the first place.

He barely survived his, a monument
to the human ability
to endure.

For 50 years, her turbulent personal
made her a staple of tabloids.
And last year she revealed
she’d had a double mastectomy.
Now she’s a dervish of manic energy
with large eyes, full lips,
and cheekbones of suffering.

So much, so overwhelming, so negative,
she says. Who was this little troublemaker
who didn’t think he was worth anything
to get me through all the things that keep me
up at night, sitting with the sound
in my boots, working.

She lights up, she recalls,
It’s easy to fudge things.
It’s hard to be devoted.

[NOTE: Found/blackout poem crafted from a TIME article titled
“The Lady and the Scamp. Angelina Jolie Finds Her Equal,” as
written by Lev Grossman about how the actress came to choose
and tell the story of Unbroken.]