My friend each one shows a deep understanding of connections. I liked 'em all!
Your understanding is quite profound as its very hard to write short poems(hard for me)

This one is my fav...

"Trusting eyes opaque

Endless unconditional love

Aging confusion heartbreak

Eternal best friend"

As in****this dedication inspired by your short poem.

Eyes That Inspire

Her trusting opaque eyes danced, told me all
a doorway into endless unconditional love
No longer lost in aging confusion, heartbreak
Blessedly found was my eternal best friend!

A lighthouse shining amidst a stormy sea
saving power glowing, sent from far above
Her heart a rainbow filled with deepest love,
a miracle that had come to save only me!

How could I know, this goddess , my friend
such beauty that awed me into silence
A sweet kiss upon my long lost cheek
Love's salvation found so near the end!

Dedicated and co-written by Robert L.
and Sassy....