Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
There's only one Bible. Fact is, I know some Muslims that aren't bad people. I don't know any Arabs or Indians I'll turn my back on. And I won't shop in their smelly-ass stores. If I wanted to smell goat's ass I'd buy a f-ing goat.

I know some Christians that are lying-a$$ m-fers. We could start with the Westboro Baptist Church. They claim to be Christian and I have YET to see anything they have to say in the Good Book. Hitler claimed the Aryan race was ordained by God when he was more occultist than anything else. Moses decimated his own ranks because they didn't kill every man, woman and child.

The common denominator is these people all use something as an excuse. Everyone needs a cause to fight for. You know what percentage of Southerners actually owned slaves? 3-5%. The rest were poor dirt farmers. They didn't fight to retain slavery. They fought to keep Uncle Sam out of their damned yards. These people crossed an ocean and braved a new land to have something of their own they never could in Europe and then you got some dickhead trying to tell you what to do on it? We fought against taxation, but what rules our lives NOW? Taxes.

You can't blame people for their excuses. People are weak. Killing them doesn't work. Destroying their excuse DOES.

There are common denominators in both...along with people...difference is one Book Preaches good the other bad....I understand enough about the koran...and what it preaches and ALLOWS...