Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
So you don't think there should be speed limits? I don't really want to get on the freeway with people driving 80 mph.
If you want to drive you souped up car around, go to Germany. The autobahns have no speed limit.
Hell 80 is the normal speed in many states Gabs, the posted speed limit is 70 on the eastern seaboard and 75 mid lands, people run 80 in a 70 all day long, the police will usually give you ten, anything over that you are taking a chance.

Although I do disagree with going as fast as you want, anywhere you want, you may be able to control your car great, but what happens when grandpa pulls out right in front of you, or the family going on Vacation happens to make a mistake and pulls into your lane because as you are running 100 mph it looks to them in their mirror that they have plenty of room. Heck most of the new cars coming off the line are on;y capable of running just sp fast unless you get a high performance ship and re tune the computer.