Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
The loudest of those allegations will come from the Left, who won't forgive Blair for siding with their 'great enemy', Bush. And Blair is no more a 'warmonger' than Churchill was, or Margaret Thatcher was, in defending the Falkland Islanders from Argentinian aggression. Terrorism is something that both defended against, and I suggest that they had that right.
You'll probably find The Argentinians had invaded the Falklands, so we had to take action and Hitler started invading Europe. If we had to apply the same situation as Bush/Blair with Iraq to the two former examples, then we would have bombed Argentina and Germany before they kicked off !!

One group, the Mujahiddeen, was later re-formed as Al Qaeda, with different aims, a different agenda. The Mujahiddeen existed to resist Soviet tyranny. Al Qaeda's purpose was far removed from that. One was a freedom-fighting group. The other, which America NEVER funded, was a terrorist group
it's bit them in the butt !!

Besides: if a country funds a country which it's allied to, then this ally later reneges on that, then sides with the enemy ... do you hold the finding-power responsible for funding AN ENEMY, when at no time during that funding, were they one ? Do you hold them responsible for a lack of clairvoyance capability ?

I believe in two things, keep ourselves to ourselves by keeping our noses out of the affairs of other nations and multiply defence spending 10 fold.
History provides evidence why this should be the case.