Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
New one for Justin......

Halloween And Bloody Body Parts On Roast

Soul saving, mad ravings shine without stars
dead thoughts spin upon a dark wheel.
Bluest blind eyes stored in large pickle jars
deep cuts, gladly met with a squeal.
Dark rooms full of gore and bloody dead things
treasures a monster loves to collect.
Hands rotting, fingers still holding gold rings
nasty and dusty from beast's neglect.

New additions, coming soon on Halloween night
boys and girls, their cut off bloody ears.
Monster does far more than just terrible fright
to instill in the kids deep ghastly fears!

This night, brings out goblins, ghouls and ghosts
human body parts, on fires these monsters roast!

Robert J. Lindley, 09-25-2015

Note- Written for my son Justin tonight.
He asked me to write another very scary one
for Halloween
This morn the little critic strikes yet again!

First he asks, why did they cut off their ears if they roast and eat the kids later?

I had no answer ready for that......

Then he asks, why do you always let the monster live?? Don't you know the monsters are supposed to die in the end??

Now my friends, I only see one way to stop this "madness"!

I got to write a Halloween poem that the kids win, the monster dies and the sun shines ever so brightly on the happy survivors..................with no sacrificed babies or roasted body parts! --Tyr