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Thread: Shtf

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    Stop fooling around and buy some ammo.
    To truly fight one needs bullets and lots of 'em...
    Nothing says "drop dead" like hot pieces of lead cruising along at hyper-sonic speed.

    Gun , no ammo = fancy club... -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 10-20-2015 at 08:07 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post
    ​Its coming...In One form or ...another....

    Interesting that most of these pictures have a British origin ... Harry Potter, of course, and then there's the man searching a skip somewhere in London (it has to be London, as that's an Inner London telephone number on the side of it ... & AJ Pain is a skip hire firm, located in Bermondsey, SE15 ..).

    Anyway, I don't think the Brits would have the 'luxury' of any sort of post-'SHTF' preparations. If a nuclear war broke out, and even one moderately-sized nuke was detonated anywhere in Britain .. we'd probably all be dead within days from the fallout, as the UK is so small compared to the US.

    If it was a social disorder breakdown .. well, almost all of us don't have guns ! Also, we'd never survive without importing food in large quantities, so much of the population would have to die just from starvation. We're also more clustered in cities than you are (I think) .. so disease would spread rapidly. Food, water, would run out quickly if transportations of it (or piped supplies) stopped. Add to that the emergence of the true Muslim nature, and any terrorism they might all 'revert' to.

    No, serious breakdown in social order would probably kill nearly all of us. A nuclear war definitely would. No useful plans could be drawn up of the 'survivalist' brand .. at all.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    I suppose people are more concerned about an economic collapse, and the after math.
    That's definitely a real option at this point. But The S---- been Hitting The Fan in dribs and drabs for over decades years now concerning our liberties.

    there was a time just a few years ago when people thought that the gov't spying on everyone was LAUGHABLE.
    But now people say, "well of course they are spying on everyone we all knew that" yeah right.
    there was time when we thought that the president couldn't detain people without due process.
    that day is gone.
    there was time hen people thought the president couldn't kill people without due process
    that day is gone.
    there was time when a president had to get permission to use troops... then past a certain date.
    that day is gone.
    there was a time when the national guard was under the direct command of the governors not the President.
    that day is gone.
    there was time when people weren't forced to marry or help celebrate a homosexual marriage or suffer loss of your biz/job or fines or jail.
    that day is gone.
    there was a time where you could travel by air, train, bus and car without police and pseudo-police searching your luggage, your vehicle, your person, and asking you your destination and for "your papers" /ID.
    that day is gone.
    and there's more i haven't mentioned and more of the same on the way it seems.

    the founders saw gov't actions like the above as tyrannical and thought that the S had HTF and it was time for more drastic measures. (after they had petitioned, remonstrated, demonstrated, protested etc)
    the Quakers thought the same earlier in Europe and many hopped a boat to get out of the country.

    today we're like the frogs in the pot slowing getting cooked waiting for some point where it SUDDENLY gets too hot, then it's time to jump. But some folks even defend or demand the rise in temperature because they think it's OK for OTHERS to be cooked and imagine it's for their safety and not for them too.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    I suppose people are more concerned about an economic collapse, and the after math.
    That's definitely a real option at this point. But The S---- been Hitting The Fan in dribs and drabs for over decades years now concerning our liberties.

    there was a time just a few years ago when people thought that the gov't spying on everyone was LAUGHABLE.
    But now people say, "well of course they are spying on everyone we all knew that" yeah right.
    there was time when we thought that the president couldn't detain people without due process.
    that day is gone.
    there was time hen people thought the president couldn't kill people without due process
    that day is gone.
    there was time when a president had to get permission to use troops... then past a certain date.
    that day is gone.
    there was a time when the national guard was under the direct command of the governors not the President.
    that day is gone.
    there was time when people weren't forced to marry or help celebrate a homosexual marriage or suffer loss of your biz/job or fines or jail.
    that day is gone.
    there was a time where you could travel by air, train, bus and car without police and pseudo-police searching your luggage, your vehicle, your person, and asking you your destination and for "your papers" /ID.
    that day is gone.
    and there's more i haven't mentioned and more of the same on the way it seems.

    the founders saw gov't actions like the above as tyrannical and thought that the S had HTF and it was time for more drastic measures. (after they had petitioned, remonstrated, demonstrated, protested etc)
    the Quakers thought the same earlier in Europe and many hopped a boat to get out of the country.

    today we're like the frogs in the pot slowing getting cooked waiting for some point where it SUDDENLY gets too hot, then it's time to jump. But some folks even defend or demand the rise in temperature because they think it's OK for OTHERS to be cooked and imagine it's for their safety and not for them too.
    Yep. Now we have presidential candidates and other politicians declaring that among their serious enemies are members of an opposing political party, veterans, and just plain folks who oppose their personal views. When those who govern consider the governed their enemies, that nation is in serious trouble.
    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

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    Quote Originally Posted by Perianne View Post
    Is anyone here into preparing for SHTF and would like to discuss topics related to it?
    It's real simple. Keep, at the very minimum, a 3-month stock of food and supplies on hand for a natural disaster.....which should cover even an unnatural disaster.

    My biggest fear (currently) is the EMP hype. It would only (supposedly) take one nuke set off at the correct altitude to (supposedly) knock out all of the grid nation-wide. Now, I find that hard to believe....but nevertheless, I try to stay stocked up on pet food and people food, water, etc., to provide for about three case of an electric grid failure due to whatever.

    A suitcase bomb nuked city where I live is another fear. I've seen the dismal movies and I don't think I would want to survive that. But the problem exists that people DO survive such disasters, whether they want to or not. So where do you go from there?

    The most probable scenario at this point in our deliberate that the economy will finally and completely collapse (it can't go on this way forever, after all). How do you prepare for that? You stock up on food the same way, keep cash and coin on hand, keep guns & ammo on hand and ready...because other people that did NOT make any preparations WILL try to take anything you have away from you....and pray. Pray a lot!

    This generation (my generation) has had it too damned easy for far too long now. Our 'day' is coming. Our trials have yet to begin. But when it does come, I am betting it will be a doozy.
    Last edited by DLT; 10-20-2015 at 09:51 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I'm not a prepper, but I do have some small stores of water and food in case of power outages, for whatever reason. Hurricane, earthquake, man-made disaster, anything.
    I do want to get a gun before Delaware says we can't.

    Is the fan getting hit soon? I am WAGing (wild-*ss guessing) within the next 5 years. Anyone old enough to watch the towers fall, is probably going to understand.

    Our economy is being propped up by the Feds currently. If and when they finally decide that they just can't do that any more...or that it just isn't working....(which will, of course, be as soon as any Republican gets into the WH)....our actual misery will then begin. Oh sure, the current ''real" Misery Index is already dismal, but once the Feds raise interest rates up to where they should have been all along....our collective, national misery will be off the scale.

    The current Misery Index is based upon the regular unemployment rate (ie not the U6 figure, which is calculated figuring in the millions (94?) of Americans not working or that have given up even looking for a job in the Obamanation) and the BS inflation rate ...

    (which somehow never seems to include the skyrocketing cost of food or fuel...or anything else that is going up and up...since supposedly there IS no inflation). Bogus as hell, IOW.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    What the heck is shtf?
    I have always had the same plans for imminent nuclear destruction survival. My first plan is to take my family and move to New Zealand. If that is not feasible, then it is time for search and destroy. Meaning search for someone with a well built and stocked shelter and destroy them.
    Wait....if you're a typical anti-gun-ownership leftie....what are you gonna use to destroy them with? Grand intentions? Harsh language???

    True ex-bf asked his son (now 32) in Houston, TX what plans, if any, that he had for himself, his wife and his 8-yr old son, should TSHTF. Now keep in mind that this "kid" doesn't own a car because he's afraid to drive (his Hispanic mother wussed him out at an early age even making him too afraid to ride a damned bicycle). And same with his wife re: not driving, and he owns no weapons of any kind. His reply was "We're going to Canada". Seriously, you can't make this shit up! LOL!!!

    The delusional left amazes and astounds me, even now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DLT View Post
    Wait....if you're a typical anti-gun-ownership leftie....what are you gonna use to destroy them with? Grand intentions? Harsh language???

    True ex-bf asked his son (now 32) in Houston, TX what plans, if any, that he had for himself, his wife and his 8-yr old son, should TSHTF. Now keep in mind that this "kid" doesn't own a car because he's afraid to drive (his Hispanic mother wussed him out at an early age even making him too afraid to ride a damned bicycle). And same with his wife re: not driving, and he owns no weapons of any kind. His reply was "We're going to Canada". Seriously, you can't make this shit up! LOL!!!

    The delusional left amazes and astounds me, even now.
    Pretty much covers their gameplan.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post

    LOL! That's a graphic I haven't seen previously. Drag the body in....hehe.

    Or, like in Fargo, take em to your butchershop where you work (conveeenient) and grind em up!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Pretty much covers their gameplan.
    Reality never sinks in to the left, does it. No gun, no car/transporation....but they "think" they will somehow make it, unscathed, all the way to Canada....and that, after a natural disaster, nuclear attack or any other major fubar....Canadian border would be wide open (as it has never been before) to all of the US (and Mexican, and Central American, and South American, etc.) refugees. Riiiight!

    My ex's son needs to get an adult-size clue. He needs to put on his big boy pants and start acting and planning like a grownup.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    He forgot to put TP on the list. You got girls around, they can waste that crap faster than the rate of fire from a crew-served weapon.
    Assuming the water is cut off due to a disaster and that you have to use a DIY latrine, you could always stock up on newspaper and use that. Of course, everyone will end up with black asses. Small price to pay for cheap

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Interesting that most of these pictures have a British origin ... Harry Potter, of course, and then there's the man searching a skip somewhere in London (it has to be London, as that's an Inner London telephone number on the side of it ... & AJ Pain is a skip hire firm, located in Bermondsey, SE15 ..).

    Anyway, I don't think the Brits would have the 'luxury' of any sort of post-'SHTF' preparations. If a nuclear war broke out, and even one moderately-sized nuke was detonated anywhere in Britain .. we'd probably all be dead within days from the fallout, as the UK is so small compared to the US.

    If it was a social disorder breakdown .. well, almost all of us don't have guns ! Also, we'd never survive without importing food in large quantities, so much of the population would have to die just from starvation. We're also more clustered in cities than you are (I think) .. so disease would spread rapidly. Food, water, would run out quickly if transportations of it (or piped supplies) stopped. Add to that the emergence of the true Muslim nature, and any terrorism they might all 'revert' to.

    No, serious breakdown in social order would probably kill nearly all of us. A nuclear war definitely would. No useful plans could be drawn up of the 'survivalist' brand .. at all.
    If it was just an EMP attack, destroying the electric grid, you would still have to have some effective weapon at your disposal to keep others from stealing what you have and killing you for S&Gs in the process.

    If I lived in the UK, I would have a gun (or three) and plenty of ammo at my disposal just for such emergencies. I would also have enough food stored for a few months, at least. Laws that are enacted that put you or your family in more danger during national emergencies are tyrannical, and should be opposed, if not completely ignored. Nobody has the right to put you in danger that they cannot protect you from. But that's just me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DLT View Post
    Assuming the water is cut off due to a disaster and that you have to use a DIY latrine, you could always stock up on newspaper and use that. Of course, everyone will end up with black asses. Small price to pay for cheap
    We're getting too far into THIS. People (at least Southerners) used to use corn shucks. As a Marine, I'm pretty adept at a DIY latrine. Give me cammies, a K-bar and a poncho liner and I'll survive. Oh yeah, I already have those.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by DLT View Post
    If it was just an EMP attack, destroying the electric grid, you would still have to have some effective weapon at your disposal to keep others from stealing what you have and killing you for S&Gs in the process.

    If I lived in the UK, I would have a gun (or three) and plenty of ammo at my disposal just for such emergencies. I would also have enough food stored for a few months, at least. Laws that are enacted that put you or your family in more danger during national emergencies are tyrannical, and should be opposed, if not completely ignored. Nobody has the right to put you in danger that they cannot protect you from. But that's just me.
    I think it was Channel 4, about a year ago, who dreamed up what they call a 'mockumentary' (a mock-up of a documentary) of what would happen in the case of a cyber-attack against our National Grid system. The proposal was that our electricity supplies would cease for just one week. In that time, we were shown, on a day-by-day basis, how society would utterly collapse in that time .. supermarkets raided for food, people becoming increasingly savage as the reality of their situation slowly sunk in.

    It ended with the power coming back on, just after a desperate father and husband had killed someone holed up in one of those supermarkets, just so that he could get access to a couple of tins of food ... this after one home, equipped with its own emergency generator, had been attacked by the entire neighbourhood ...

    If you were in the UK and had a gun (or three), you'd have most probably obtained them illegally, from crooks (not an easy thing to do, especially undetected). You'd have had no other way of obtaining them .. as you'd have had no way of justifying to our authorities any 'need' to be armed with them, and of course, if you were suspected of owning them, you'd be subject to possible arrest. If you had stores of food, and anyone suspected you of having that, you'd be attacked immediately, and with precious little way of defending yourself other than with kitchen knives ...

    My guess is that law and order would be nonexistent in the UK. In a society where ALL control comes from the State, this would place extreme pressure on our authorities to maintain order. I think any national emergency would quickly overwhelm them, and the only way to exercise any would be to go to draconian extremes. Quite possibly the biggest single threat to people WOULD be our authorities .. !!
    Last edited by Drummond; 10-21-2015 at 05:09 AM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    I think it was Channel 4, about a year ago, who dreamed up what they call a 'mockumentary' (a mock-up of a documentary) of what would happen in the case of a cyber-attack against our National Grid system. The proposal was that our electricity supplies would cease for just one week. In that time, we were shown, on a day-by-day basis, how society would utterly collapse in that time .. supermarkets raided for food, people becoming increasingly savage as the reality of their situation slowly sunk in.

    It ended with the power coming back on, just after a desperate father and husband had killed someone holed up in one of those supermarkets, just so that he could get access to a couple of tins of food ... this after one home, equipped with its own emergency generator, had been attacked by the entire neighbourhood ...

    If you were in the UK and had a gun (or three), you'd have most probably obtained them illegally, from crooks (not an easy thing to do, especially undetected). You'd have had no other way of obtaining them .. as you'd have had no way of justifying to our authorities any 'need' to be armed with them, and of course, if you were suspected of owning them, you'd be subject to possible arrest. If you had stores of food, and anyone suspected you of having that, you'd be attacked immediately, and with precious little way of defending yourself other than with kitchen knives ...

    My guess is that law and order would be nonexistent in the UK. In a society where ALL control comes from the State, this would place extreme pressure on our authorities to maintain order. I think any national emergency would quickly overwhelm them, and the only way to exercise any would be to go to draconian extremes. Quite possibly the biggest single threat to people WOULD be our authorities .. !!
    Two-pronged attack. Hit the energy grid AND the water source.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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