Perhaps I am more negative than most others but I argue with my wife that I am merely REALISTIC, not negative, when it comes to most things. In this case, I may very well be NEGATIVE because I could only think of one thing to a GREAT degree while viewing all the videos and stories on this lady and that is: We have HELLary and other ilks living long lives full of hate and treason yet a fine lady such as Joey is struck down in her prime. I know what her husband is up for because I lost my mom (at home) while taking care of her during her final days/hours she battled cancer. I can't imagine how devastated her parents must be due to losing her AND their son!!!! I haven't learned any more on them but I truly hope that they have at least one more child. How terrible it must be to outlive ALL of your children.....especially such gifted, outgoing children as their daughter.

Thanks for the response, Tyr; perhaps my sharing this story didn't interrupt too much of the more important topics about how one blows their nose and other extremely important issues that effect us and this Nation. We lose too many GOOD folks that leave too many terrible folks that continue to live lives less productive than this fine lady who will be gone far too soon!!!