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    Default 10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Wicca

    If any are interested, I found this presentation to be a useful summary of some aspects of my faith that may make it more understandable for those outside.

    I had the good fortune of being born into Wicca. That’s an unusual situation: the vast majority of Wiccans — including my parents, whose parents were various sorts of Low Protestant — converted from other religions. The Halloween season invites many questions from people outside of Wicca about the nature of our religion. Some of those questions are things that even I didn’t have a good answer for, despite having been involved with Wicca since the day I was born. With that in mind, here are 10 things about Wicca I wish more people knew.
    1. “Wicca” means different things to different people.

    Wicca has no central authority to dictate the shape of the religion. We have traditions, certainly, but those traditions vary widely between groups and individual practitioners. As a result, generalizations about the religion — “this is what Wiccans believe” — are hard, if not impossible, to make. Some things remain constant, but nothing I write here is likely to apply to 100 percent of Wiccans.
    Widely cited “universal” Wiccan beliefs, such as the Witches Rede — “Do what thou wilt an it harm none” — and the Threefold Law — “whatever you do shall be returned to you three times over” — were never even mentioned in my home growing up.
    I’m reminded of Robert Anton Wilson’s tremendously helpful term “sumbunall” — that is, some, but not all. Feel free to insert “sumbunall” liberally throughout the rest of this article.
    2. All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.

    Although Wicca is the most widely known of the Neo-Pagan religions, it’s not the only one. These religions are often lumped together by people within and without the Pagan community, but there are important differences between Wicca and other faiths, such as Heathenry and Druidry.
    These religions can have different calendars, theologies, and ritual forms. One of the debates happening in the Pagan world right now, in fact, is figuring out the most equitable way to represent multiple forms of Paganism at major public events without giving undue attention to Wiccan practices.
    3. Wiccans have diverse views of theology, even within their own communities.

    So what do Wiccans believe? That’s another question with many potential answers. The usual answer is that Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess who manifest in the form of the deities familiar to us from mythology and tradition. But the exact nature of those entities is a matter of personal interpretation.
    Some Wiccans believe in the supernatural reality of divinity, while others may view the God and Goddess as archetypal forces within the human mind. The Goddess is frequently identified with the Earth itself (or herself!), and the God with the sun.
    There has also been pushback from some queer Wiccans regarding this binary model of God and Goddess, which can be seen as alienating to people who don’t fit into Western society’s gender norms. Even this most basic aspect of Wiccan theology is subject to evolve.
    4. Wiccans approach ritual as a creative art form.

    In my family coven, every ritual is unique. We write an entirely new script for every holy day. My ritual partner and I not long ago completed a cycle of all the major holidays, or sabbats, in which we adopted a different mythology for each one, for example.
    At major Pagan festivals, there are Wiccans who take great pleasure in presenting public rituals that play with the form of our ceremonies — I have seen a ritual that used only occult material available in the nineteenth century for its text and a ritual that used a stand-up comedy routine in place of the liturgy.
    A few features characterize the standard Wiccan ritual — an invocation of the elements, for example — but one of the great joys of Wicca is seeing how our fellows adapt the form to their own individual purposes.
    5. Even though Wicca is a young religion, it still has deeply held traditions.

    Wicca is a creation of the twentieth century, more or less, although it follows from developments that had been taking place in the United Kingdom for many years before it was “officially” introduced to the broader world by Gerald Gardner in 1954.
    Most Wiccans no longer believe in the famous Margaret Murray “witch-cult theory,” which suggested that Wicca was a belief system handed down in secret since the Paleolithic era. That’s not to say, however, that Wicca lacks rich traditions that have been handed down over the course of decades. Some of these practices may exist primarily within one group’s memory: at my family’s Samhain (Halloween) celebrations, for example, our rituals have included a moment where we speak the names of our dead as far back as I can remember. Eventually, these practices come to form the unique identity of an individual Wiccan group.
    6. Some Wiccans belong to covens; others don’t.

    Wicca was originally conceived of as a coven-based, initiatory religion in which prospective Wiccans had to undergo a vetting process and then be inducted into a coven through a special ritual. This initiatory tradition is still alive and vibrant today, and many covens can trace their histories back to major figures in Wiccan history, such as Gardner or Gwyddion Pendderwen.
    But most Wiccans today are, to use the term of art, “solitary practitioners” who worship without groups and without initiation into a lineage. These solitary Wiccans study their religion through books and discussion with other Pagans, a process that has become much easier since the internet became widely available. Both the initiated and the solitary practitioners are “true” Wiccans, although the way their worship looks may vary dramatically.
    7. Pretty much no popular depiction of Wicca has come close to being accurate.

    This probably comes as no surprise to anyone who thinks about religion seriously, but even today there are few pop culture images of Wicca that bear any real resemblance to the religion as it is practiced. While most Wiccans believe in magick on some level, our magick doesn’t resemble the fantastic portrayals seen in The Craft or Witches of East End. (Ours is much more dangerous!)
    That’s not to say that Wiccans don’t enjoy these works — on the contrary, I know quite a few Wiccans who were ardent followers of American Horror Story: Coven — but pop-culture Wicca is even less dependable than pop-culture Catholicism.
    8. Wiccans tend to be eclectic, for better or for worse.

    Wicca, in contrast to many of the other Pagan religions, does not usually limit itself to one set of gods. As an example, while Heathenry, by definition, only includes the Germanic deities, Wiccans often include gods from many different pantheons on their altars, and include ritual practices from an equally large number of religious traditions.
    For the individual practitioner, this eclectic approach to religion means that every Wiccan can interact with the divinities and practices that speak most powerfully to them; however, it can also lead to a shallow, or even offensive, understanding of the beliefs held in other religions.
    9. Wiccans seek to “re-enchant the world.”

    This phrase, “re-enchanting the world,” is one that I admittedly have heard used only recently, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. Wicca came about, as far as I can tell, as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and the continuing alienation of humans from the natural world; equally, it has gained much of its vigor from a dissatisfaction with the patriarchal traditions of the Abrahamic religions.
    If modern life has alienated humanity from the world and forced us into unhealthy and unjust relationships with one another, then Wicca seeks to restore the connections that are central to the well-being of both the planet and ourselves.
    For some Wiccans, this process may be as simple on a personal level as making time to meditate outdoors; for others, it’s a grand critique of life under global capitalism. Wicca attempts to restore the essential magick of life on Mother Earth.
    10. Wiccans have holidays besides Samhain, you know.

    The traditional Wiccan calendar, the Wheel of the Year, features eight sabbats, of which Samhain is only one. These sabbats include the equinoxes and the solstices, plus the festivals of Imbolc (February 1), Beltaine (May 1), and Lughnasadh (August 1).
    In addition to that, most Wiccans observe a monthly ritual at the Full Moon and some also meet on the New Moon. All of that is before we take into account the Pagan Festival Season, which, for the Pagans who attend, often becomes a holiday just as sacred as any of the others.
    Although Samhain is usually thought of as the most holy night of the Wiccan year, we’re happy to talk about any of the others as well — the Witches come out every night, not just on Halloween.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WiccanLiberal View Post
    If any are interested, I found this presentation to be a useful summary of some aspects of my faith that may make it more understandable for those outside.

    I had the good fortune of being born into Wicca. That’s an unusual situation: the vast majority of Wiccans — including my parents, whose parents were various sorts of Low Protestant — converted from other religions. The Halloween season invites many questions from people outside of Wicca about the nature of our religion. Some of those questions are things that even I didn’t have a good answer for, despite having been involved with Wicca since the day I was born. With that in mind, here are 10 things about Wicca I wish more people knew.
    1. “Wicca” means different things to different people.

    Wicca has no central authority to dictate the shape of the religion. We have traditions, certainly, but those traditions vary widely between groups and individual practitioners. As a result, generalizations about the religion — “this is what Wiccans believe” — are hard, if not impossible, to make. Some things remain constant, but nothing I write here is likely to apply to 100 percent of Wiccans.
    Widely cited “universal” Wiccan beliefs, such as the Witches Rede — “Do what thou wilt an it harm none” — and the Threefold Law — “whatever you do shall be returned to you three times over” — were never even mentioned in my home growing up.
    I’m reminded of Robert Anton Wilson’s tremendously helpful term “sumbunall” — that is, some, but not all. Feel free to insert “sumbunall” liberally throughout the rest of this article.
    2. All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.

    Although Wicca is the most widely known of the Neo-Pagan religions, it’s not the only one. These religions are often lumped together by people within and without the Pagan community, but there are important differences between Wicca and other faiths, such as Heathenry and Druidry.
    These religions can have different calendars, theologies, and ritual forms. One of the debates happening in the Pagan world right now, in fact, is figuring out the most equitable way to represent multiple forms of Paganism at major public events without giving undue attention to Wiccan practices.
    3. Wiccans have diverse views of theology, even within their own communities.

    So what do Wiccans believe? That’s another question with many potential answers. The usual answer is that Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess who manifest in the form of the deities familiar to us from mythology and tradition. But the exact nature of those entities is a matter of personal interpretation.
    Some Wiccans believe in the supernatural reality of divinity, while others may view the God and Goddess as archetypal forces within the human mind. The Goddess is frequently identified with the Earth itself (or herself!), and the God with the sun.
    There has also been pushback from some queer Wiccans regarding this binary model of God and Goddess, which can be seen as alienating to people who don’t fit into Western society’s gender norms. Even this most basic aspect of Wiccan theology is subject to evolve.
    4. Wiccans approach ritual as a creative art form.

    In my family coven, every ritual is unique. We write an entirely new script for every holy day. My ritual partner and I not long ago completed a cycle of all the major holidays, or sabbats, in which we adopted a different mythology for each one, for example.
    At major Pagan festivals, there are Wiccans who take great pleasure in presenting public rituals that play with the form of our ceremonies — I have seen a ritual that used only occult material available in the nineteenth century for its text and a ritual that used a stand-up comedy routine in place of the liturgy.
    A few features characterize the standard Wiccan ritual — an invocation of the elements, for example — but one of the great joys of Wicca is seeing how our fellows adapt the form to their own individual purposes.
    5. Even though Wicca is a young religion, it still has deeply held traditions.

    Wicca is a creation of the twentieth century, more or less, although it follows from developments that had been taking place in the United Kingdom for many years before it was “officially” introduced to the broader world by Gerald Gardner in 1954.
    Most Wiccans no longer believe in the famous Margaret Murray “witch-cult theory,” which suggested that Wicca was a belief system handed down in secret since the Paleolithic era. That’s not to say, however, that Wicca lacks rich traditions that have been handed down over the course of decades. Some of these practices may exist primarily within one group’s memory: at my family’s Samhain (Halloween) celebrations, for example, our rituals have included a moment where we speak the names of our dead as far back as I can remember. Eventually, these practices come to form the unique identity of an individual Wiccan group.
    6. Some Wiccans belong to covens; others don’t.

    Wicca was originally conceived of as a coven-based, initiatory religion in which prospective Wiccans had to undergo a vetting process and then be inducted into a coven through a special ritual. This initiatory tradition is still alive and vibrant today, and many covens can trace their histories back to major figures in Wiccan history, such as Gardner or Gwyddion Pendderwen.
    But most Wiccans today are, to use the term of art, “solitary practitioners” who worship without groups and without initiation into a lineage. These solitary Wiccans study their religion through books and discussion with other Pagans, a process that has become much easier since the internet became widely available. Both the initiated and the solitary practitioners are “true” Wiccans, although the way their worship looks may vary dramatically.
    7. Pretty much no popular depiction of Wicca has come close to being accurate.

    This probably comes as no surprise to anyone who thinks about religion seriously, but even today there are few pop culture images of Wicca that bear any real resemblance to the religion as it is practiced. While most Wiccans believe in magick on some level, our magick doesn’t resemble the fantastic portrayals seen in The Craft or Witches of East End. (Ours is much more dangerous!)
    That’s not to say that Wiccans don’t enjoy these works — on the contrary, I know quite a few Wiccans who were ardent followers of American Horror Story: Coven — but pop-culture Wicca is even less dependable than pop-culture Catholicism.
    8. Wiccans tend to be eclectic, for better or for worse.

    Wicca, in contrast to many of the other Pagan religions, does not usually limit itself to one set of gods. As an example, while Heathenry, by definition, only includes the Germanic deities, Wiccans often include gods from many different pantheons on their altars, and include ritual practices from an equally large number of religious traditions.
    For the individual practitioner, this eclectic approach to religion means that every Wiccan can interact with the divinities and practices that speak most powerfully to them; however, it can also lead to a shallow, or even offensive, understanding of the beliefs held in other religions.
    9. Wiccans seek to “re-enchant the world.”

    This phrase, “re-enchanting the world,” is one that I admittedly have heard used only recently, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. Wicca came about, as far as I can tell, as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and the continuing alienation of humans from the natural world; equally, it has gained much of its vigor from a dissatisfaction with the patriarchal traditions of the Abrahamic religions.
    If modern life has alienated humanity from the world and forced us into unhealthy and unjust relationships with one another, then Wicca seeks to restore the connections that are central to the well-being of both the planet and ourselves.
    For some Wiccans, this process may be as simple on a personal level as making time to meditate outdoors; for others, it’s a grand critique of life under global capitalism. Wicca attempts to restore the essential magick of life on Mother Earth.
    10. Wiccans have holidays besides Samhain, you know.

    The traditional Wiccan calendar, the Wheel of the Year, features eight sabbats, of which Samhain is only one. These sabbats include the equinoxes and the solstices, plus the festivals of Imbolc (February 1), Beltaine (May 1), and Lughnasadh (August 1).
    In addition to that, most Wiccans observe a monthly ritual at the Full Moon and some also meet on the New Moon. All of that is before we take into account the Pagan Festival Season, which, for the Pagans who attend, often becomes a holiday just as sacred as any of the others.
    Although Samhain is usually thought of as the most holy night of the Wiccan year, we’re happy to talk about any of the others as well — the Witches come out every night, not just on Halloween.

    You forgot that you ride around on brooms and turn people into toads and hover over your cauldron in the middle of the night.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Right now hovering over my TV watching the World Series.

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    I could not care less about your faith and religion. It matters not.

    You are a decent and level-headed person. That is more important.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    I could not care less about your faith and religion. It matters not.

    You are a decent and level-headed person. That is more important.
    Look at her choice of IDs though. I suspect she's around my age especially since her husband voted for Reagan. Our definition of liberal is not even close to the same as the current one. We were taught to live and let live. There are MANY paths to the top of the same mountain. And I'd give anyone a hand up.

    And I agree. Being a good person is more important than doing something in the name of a religion. And @WiccanLiberal, I got me a red onion.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Default Good for you

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Look at her choice of IDs though. I suspect she's around my age especially since her husband voted for Reagan. Our definition of liberal is not even close to the same as the current one. We were taught to live and let live. There are MANY paths to the top of the same mountain. And I'd give anyone a hand up.

    And I agree. Being a good person is more important than doing something in the name of a religion. And @WiccanLiberal, I got me a red onion.
    I am actually a bit older than V4R - I'm a vintage '58

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    Quote Originally Posted by WiccanLiberal View Post
    I am actually a bit older than V4R - I'm a vintage '58
    I'm right on your heels. Running up on 56. You'll be celebrating the winter solstice on my b-day.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Wiccanliberal I appreciate the outline. Very interesting.
    We have very different POVs on faith but i never want to mischaracterize anyones beliefs so I'm glad you've given a broad sketch of wicca.
    Would you be Ok if i ask you a couple of clarification questions about the difference in Wicca vs "heathenry" and "paganism" and other types of pagan or occult groups?
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Default absolutely

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Wiccanliberal I appreciate the outline. Very interesting.
    We have very different POVs on faith but i never want to mischaracterize anyones beliefs so I'm glad you've given a broad sketch of wicca.
    Would you be Ok if i ask you a couple of clarification questions about the difference in Wicca vs "heathenry" and "paganism" and other types of pagan or occult groups?
    I am always OK with honest questions. I have had very enjoyable discussions about varying spiritual points of view with persons from all kinds of faith backgrounds. It is my personal belief that whatever road to spiritual fulfillment a person takes, if it influences them in a positive way, that is a good outcome. For example, you seem to me to be a person who 'walks their walk.' Your faith is evident in the way you interact with others. Rather than stating what you believe, you seem to live in a way that shows it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Wiccanliberal I appreciate the outline. Very interesting.
    We have very different POVs on faith but i never want to mischaracterize anyones beliefs so I'm glad you've given a broad sketch of wicca.
    Would you be Ok if i ask you a couple of clarification questions about the difference in Wicca vs "heathenry" and "paganism" and other types of pagan or occult groups?
    I already did. We've established she is green and flies a broom.

    Seriously. I'm just as interested.

    I can tell you wiccans aren't heathens. Being pagain is a religion older than yours and it's based on the seasons. Calling them occult is like calling YOU occult. Why you got to be so judgmental of others?

    Here's a clue for you ... pagans live with nature and Christians and Muslims just want to kill everyone and take over everything they own. DO the math. SO just WHO do you think the "heathens" are?
    Last edited by Gunny; 11-05-2015 at 06:21 PM.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I'm right on your heels. Running up on 56. You'll be celebrating the winter solstice on my b-day.
    I doubt I will see 56 again!
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    I doubt I will see 56 again!
    I'll be seeing it once. December 21at. The next one won't be 56.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I already did. We've established she is green and flies a broom.

    Calling them occult is like calling YOU occult. Why you got to be so judgmental of others?

    Here's a clue for you ... pagans live with nature and Christians and Muslims just want to kill everyone and take over everything they own. DO the math. SO just WHO do you think the "heathens" are?
    On target!

    I was raised a Christian. I got away from an organized church because of
    the two-faced ways they treated people. Elitist fools that on a Sunday would
    preach behavior and demand to have families raised their way condemning
    young folks for mistakes. Yet they seem to have loved their cocktail parties
    in the Reverends Manse.

    I rather believe that the Creator made the mountains and rivers. Man builds
    temples, not the Creator.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    On target!

    I was raised a Christian. I got away from an organized church because of
    the two-faced ways they treated people. Elitist fools that on a Sunday would
    preach behavior and demand to have families raised their way condemning
    young folks for mistakes. Yet they seem to have loved their cocktail parties
    in the Reverends Manse.

    I rather believe that the Creator made the mountains and rivers. Man builds
    temples, not the Creator.
    Rev ain't all that bright. I like wiccanliberal. First mistake. Her husband has a temper like mine. Second mistake since he posts here too. She probably slaps him upside the head and makes him not blow the place up. I. on the other hand am under no such restrictions.

    Her thread. Want to discuss it? Go for it. Want to call her a heathen? We ain't gonna be friends.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Not going to argue at all.

    As I said, she seems to be good people,
    and I am fine with that.

    Best to drop it.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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