Forsaken Love

Dear lover, why hast thou forsaken me
my miserable life now cut in shreds
If only thee had instead set me free
love, no longer sharing our silkened beds

To what ending hath thou denied my love
with darkness cast into our sadden souls
Once our future sailed on so far above
any lost, mundane and unworthy goals

There were eternal sparkles in your eyes
touching that declareth our loving so true
Now blackness clouds into our lost skies
crying, my heart breaks into missing you!

How sad! That you dwelleth within the dark
Letting deceit erase our loving spark.

Robert J. Lindley, 11-15-2015

Poem Syllable Counter Results

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
Total # Words: 100
archaic second person singular present of have.

archaic third person singular present of have.

You may have been told that "thou" and "thee" were for familiar use, and "you" and "ye" were
formal. This was not true originally, but it was true for about two centuries, roughly 1450-1650,
including Shakespeare's time. The previously plural "you" was used in the singular to signify
politeness and respect, which left "thou" and "thee" for all the other singular uses, ranging
from endearing intimacy to bitter rudeness. Eventually, the politer "you" drove out nearly all
uses of "thee" and "thou"; they survived mostly in poetry and religion.

(4)dwelleth - Wiktionary
dwelleth. (archaic) third-person singular simple present indicative form of dwell [quotations ▽].
1611, Bible (Authorized, or King James, Version), Romans 8:11:.

(5)Declareth dictionary definition | declareth defined
Verb. (archaic) Third-person singular present simple form of declare. Origin. declare + -eth.
English Wiktionary. Available under CC-BY-SA license