Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
If the woman was uncomfortable with the assignment, why didn't she opt out of the unit? Or was she just looking for publicity?

I know this for a fact because my daughter's class did the same assignment in middle school. Parents are sent a notice in advance of the unit that details what will be taught and why. Those who feel uncomfortable with the subject matter can ask for alternative material.

The unit is actually intended to show kids how terrorists work so they won't be susceptible to what they see and read on the internet. You would be surprised what it out there. If kids are taught to recognize blatant propaganda, they won't fall for it.

My daughter's class learned about all faiths. Leaders all all four major faiths spoke to the class, including an Iman. No one complained to Fox News.
Do we have a steaming pile of sh*t emoticon? Jesus Christ.