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    Default Green Beret: Striking corrupt Afghan got me kicked out

    Green Beret: Striking corrupt Afghan got me kicked out
    Army Times
    Green Beret: Striking corrupt Afghan got me kicked out

    A decorated Green Beret says he’s being kicked out of the Army for losing his cool in 2011 and striking an Afghan local police officer — one who had allegedly confessed to raping a boy and then beating the child's mother for telling authorities.

    Sgt. First Class Charles Martland wrote that he and his detachment commander, Capt. Daniel Quinn, received a “relief for cause” from that 2011 deployment to Konduz province, Afghanistan, for the assault, according to documentation provided to Army Times by the office of Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif. Martland, 32, said in a memorandum to the Army in his defense that he understood they were “absolutely wrong in striking one of our (ALP) commanders."

    Martland had fallen under the Army's Qualitative Management Program, a process that can be triggered by derogatory information on their record. Though technically not a draw-down tool, it is aiding in force reduction efforts by weeding out less desirable soldiers; a black mark on their record, such as a relief for cause, can trigger a formal QMP review and result in involuntary separation.

    Hunter, in an Aug. 18 letter to Ash Carter, has asked the defense secretary to intervene on Martland's behalf. The congressman took on Mortland's case after receiving a plea from help from the soldier.

    The Army could not comment on the administrative decision to separate Martland after 11 years of service, according to spokesman Wayne Hall. He cited privacy concerns. The soldier is to be involuntarily discharged no later than Nov. 1 according to an April 13 notification sent to Martland.

    In 2011, Martland's Special Forces unit was conducting village stability operations in Konduz province, requiring frequent coordination with police.

    Martland, in his letter to Hunter, said he had encountered corrupt police officials who were conducting beatings, honor killings and rapes — and going unpunished. When a police officer was accused of raping a boy and then beating the boy's mother, Martland said it was too much. In a memo to the Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center, Martland admitted to striking the Afghan.

    "My detachment commander and I felt that morally we could no longer stand by and allow our ALP to commit atrocities," he said in the memo.

    Hunter’s office shared the documents with Army Times. Hunter's spokesman Joe Kasper said he understood that the Afghan police officer confessed and laughed in the soldiers' faces when confronted.

    “It's sad to think that a child rapist is put above one of our elite military operators,” Hunter said in a statement on the Army's decision to discharge Martland. “The Army should stand up for what's right and should not side with a corrupt Afghan police officer."

    Hunter stressed in his letter to Carter the quality of the character references he had collected regarding Martland, who has served for 11 years and earned a Bronze Star with "V" Device. His evaluations provided by Hunter's office were largely positive. One evaluation did mark him down to "needs some improvement" for "responsibility and accountability," citing the "physical altercation with a corrupt ALP member.".....
    ]U.S. / Military policy to allow that horror show since early on in the Afghan invasion.
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-16-2015 at 10:22 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    They shafted the guy for beating a child molesting piece of shit!
    Thank the obama- he protects his muslim brothers even in murdering and raping boys or girls.
    You see, the STINKING SHIT FILLED Koran gives them permission to do anything to any enemy of Allah--""ANYTHING""!!!- --TYR
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    They shafted the guy for beating a child molesting piece of shit!
    Thank the obama- he protects his muslim brothers even in murdering and raping boys or girls.
    You see, the STINKING SHIT FILLED Koran gives them permission to do anything to any enemy of Allah--""ANYTHING""!!!- --TYR

    ​Yup...."They" is `o`s` embedded military implants....but most know that...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    They shafted the guy for beating a child molesting piece of shit!
    Thank the obama- he protects his muslim brothers even in murdering and raping boys or girls.
    You see, the STINKING SHIT FILLED Koran gives them permission to do anything to any enemy of Allah--""ANYTHING""!!!- --TYR
    This crap has been going on since before Obama Tyr.

    The United States has been turning a blind eye to a culture practice in Afghanistan where men of power rape young boys as a sign of status. The practice, called bacha bazi (“boy play”), has abhorred American soldiers serving in Afghanistan. But most did nothing to stop the rampant pederasty on orders from commanders, who in turn were told by the Obama and Bush administrations to not interfere with the raping.“The American policy of nonintervention is intended to maintain good relations with the Afghan police and militia units the United States has trained to fight the Taliban,” according to The New York Times.
    The U.S. military spokesman in Afghanistan, Colonel Brian Tribus, wrote in an email: “Generally, allegations of child sexual abuse by Afghan military or police personnel would be a matter of domestic Afghan criminal law. …There would be no express requirement that U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan report it.” An exception, he said, is when rape is being used as a weapon of war, the Times reported.
    The raping of boys deeply bothered many soldiers. Those that took action to stop it have been punished by the military.
    Dan Quinn, a former Special Forces captain, was relieved of his command and eventually left the military after he beat up an American-backed militia commander who kept a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave.
    “The reason we were here is because we heard the terrible things the Taliban were doing to people, how they were taking away human rights,” Quinn said “But we were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did — that was something village elders voiced to me.”
    The Army is also trying to forcibly retire Sergeant First Class Charles Martland, a Special Forces member who joined Quinn in beating up the commander.
    Representative Duncan Hunter (R-California) is trying to help Martland and keep him from losing his military career, saying the soldier should not be kicked out like Quinn for coming to the aid of sexual abuse victims.

    It's been american policy for some time to let the local authorities get away with murder, rape, theft etc.. as long as our troops can maintain their presence for whatever political/economic goals the U.S. leaders and it's plutocrats want.
    Noreagea, Saddam, the Shaw, Pinochett etc. etc...
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Green Beret: Striking corrupt Afghan got me kicked out
    Army Times
    Green Beret: Striking corrupt Afghan got me kicked out

    ]U.S. / Military policy to allow that horror show since early on in the Afghan invasion.
    Can you ALWAYS pull the negative out of the positive? And people like YOU are the reason he got the boot. The Bureaucracy is so afraid they'll be seen as not politically correct.

    And I know some Green Berets. He's lucky he's breathing, much less able to whine. Technically, the Green Beret was sloppy. I'd have set him up and he'd have just "disappeared". And I'd have made damned sure their wasn't some jackass punk around with a cellphone ro film the "disappearance".

    If he was going to get in trouble in public, he should have shot the pedophile in the head.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Can you ALWAYS pull the negative out of the positive? And people like YOU are the reason he got the boot. The Bureaucracy is so afraid they'll be seen as not politically correct.
    you can alway view my post in a negative light. And you wonder why i make long post.
    I support the GB. But you somehow twist my views as part of the problem. weird.

    without me giving you a "wall of words"
    My views are based on right and wrong from a biblical, and constitutional POV. not PC.
    When the law supports Biblical morals and standards and natural rights i support it when it doesn't i don't.
    keep that in mind next time you try to describe where -you think- i'm coming from on an issue.
    You'll hit closer to the mark than just trying to shoehorn me into simple left right boxes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    And I know some Green Berets. He's lucky he's breathing, much less able to whine. Technically, the Green Beret was sloppy. I'd have set him up and he'd have just "disappeared". And I'd have made damned sure their wasn't some jackass punk around with a cellphone ro film the "disappearance".

    If he was going to get in trouble in public, he should have shot the pedophile in the head.
    i'm with you here.
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-21-2015 at 02:31 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    you can alway view my post in a negative light. And you wonder why i make long post.
    I support the GB. But you somehow twist my views as part of the problem. weird.

    without me giving you a "wall of words"
    My views are based on right and wrong from a biblical, and constitutional POV. not PC.
    When the law supports Biblical morals and standards and natural rights i support it when it doesn't i don't.
    keep that in mind next time you try to describe where -you think- i'm coming from on an issue.
    You'll hit closer to the mark than just trying to shoehorn me into simple left right boxes.

    i'm with you here.
    Your views are based on a closed-minded Biblical view. Dude, I'm Southern Baptist. My grandfather was the Superintend of Sunday Schools, a Deacon and sang in the choir. Guess how many times a week I went to church?

    I was also raised in a Cold War military family where if you weren't alpha male and couldn't fight out of your stroller, you were a waste. I am what I am. I don't pretend to be anyone else. You guys let the women take your balls in the 70s. You want to be all sensitive. I'm about as sensitive as a steel rod. I know what I'm good at and what I'm not.

    What I DON'T do is preach to others and in case you missed the aforementioned paragraph and a few of my posts, I KNOW the Bible. I also know I ain't letting a bunch of animals rule this place if I have a say-so. And I'll do what I have to to try and stop it. I'm fighting for mine. A bunch of words in a Bible or the Constitution don't mean shit if you can't defend them.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Your views are based on a closed-minded Biblical view. Dude, I'm Southern Baptist. My grandfather was the Superintend of Sunday Schools, a Deacon and sang in the choir. Guess how many times a week I went to church?
    I was also raised in a Cold War military family where if you weren't alpha male and couldn't fight out of your stroller, you were a waste. I am what I am. I don't pretend to be anyone else. You guys let the women take your balls in the 70s. You want to be all sensitive. I'm about as sensitive as a steel rod. I know what I'm good at and what I'm not.
    What I DON'T do is preach to others and in case you missed the aforementioned paragraph and a few of my posts, I KNOW the Bible. I also know I ain't letting a bunch of animals rule this place if I have a say-so. And I'll do what I have to to try and stop it. I'm fighting for mine. A bunch of words in a Bible or the Constitution don't mean shit if you can't defend them.
    Gunny, looks like your the one who's closed minded. it's your way or the highway in most cases with you opinion. your voice over the voice of God or the constitution.
    When i grew up I was told if you don't want to preach that's fine, but don't piss on others if they want to.

    Jesus told folks to preach BTW how else are people suppose to know what to "defend" if folks don't talk about it and encourage each other to live it? Do you just want the Muslims, the Homosexuals, leftist wingers and MSM to do the preaching to people? seems to me you ought to get busy spreading more of what you heard in sunday school than some of the chest beating bs you picked up later.

    And I' haven't wasted my time trying to make up what you are or what you think you are Gunny. But you seem to want to fit me in some hole you've learned from your home or the military, sorry I don't fit your boxes. If you don't understand "civilians" then don't make up negative crap just because you don't get it.

    And for the record the Bible means what it means in forever. God defends it even if you don't get or believe it all.
    Maybe your life doesn't mean jack if you don't defend it but the Bible and God will be fine.
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-21-2015 at 03:07 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Gunny, looks like your the ones closed minded. My way or the highway.
    When i grew up I was told if you don't want to preach that's fine, but don't piss on others if they want to.

    Jesus told folks to preach BTW how else are people suppose to know what to "defend" if folks don't proclaim it. Do you just want the Muslims, the Homosexuals, leftist wingers and MSM to do the preaching to people? seems to me you ought to get busy spreading more of what you heard in sunday school than some of the chest beating bs you picked up later.

    And I' haven't wasted my time trying to make up WHAT you are or what you think you are Gunny. But you seem to want to fit me in some hole you've learned from your home or the military, sorry I don't fit your boxes. If you don't understand "civilians" then don't make up negative crap just because you don't get it.

    And for the record the Bible means what it means in forever. God defends it even if you don't get or believe it all.
    Maybe your life doesn't mean jack if you don't defend it but the Bible and God will be fine.
    Actually, I'm more open-minded than you are. I take you for what you post on the board. It's not personal to me.

    Try Matthew 10:14. I don't waste my time.

    God may defend His word. Man defends the Bible.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Actually, I'm more open-minded than you are.
    Well Gunny I think we may have different definitions of "open minded".

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    God may defend His word. Man defends the Bible.
    His word/Bible
    one in the same.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Well Gunny I think we may have different definitions of "open minded".

    His word/Bible
    one in the same.
    You mean the history of Judaism/Christianity is God's word? The practice some Christianity and be tolerant and forgiving and stop trying to preach to those who believe otherwise. Spreading the word and forcing it on people are two different things.

    What makes YOU different than these Muslims? Only difference I see (as far as know) is you don't murder people. Your mentality is the same. My religion is the only path to Heaven. I DID actually read your argument with wiccanliberal.

    Do you actually believe a benevolent and loving God created everyone just to throw most of them away?

    You forget your Sunday School lessons, bubba. We are ALL God's children. MY God doesn't toss people in the trash for not believing in Him the way I do. Judge not, lest ye be judges, Mr Christian. Don't be a hypocrite and don't misuse the Word. It doesn't say anywhere to force yourself on others.

    SO you might want to try googling "open-minded". I don't care what you nor anyone else believes in. I'm just no going to let you kill me over your tunnel vision.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    You mean the history of Judaism/Christianity is God's word? The practice some Christianity and be tolerant and forgiving and stop trying to preach to those who believe otherwise. Spreading the word and forcing it on people are two different things.

    What makes YOU different than these Muslims? Only difference I see (as far as know) is you don't murder people. Your mentality is the same. My religion is the only path to Heaven. I DID actually read your argument with wiccanliberal.

    Do you actually believe a benevolent and loving God created everyone just to throw most of them away?

    You forget your Sunday School lessons, bubba. We are ALL God's children. MY God doesn't toss people in the trash for not believing in Him the way I do. Judge not, lest ye be judges, Mr Christian. Don't be a hypocrite and don't misuse the Word. It doesn't say anywhere to force yourself on others.

    SO you might want to try googling "open-minded". I don't care what you nor anyone else believes in. I'm just no going to let you kill me over your tunnel vision.

    Seems you're mad at me BECAUSE of what you think I believe. and that I tell others from time to time.
    but say you "don't care"

    seems like you do care.

    But Wiccan TOLD us what she believes.
    took a whole thread to talk about wiccan beliefs.
    Talked about what she thought about spirits and spells and nature etc.
    A very SPEFIC "tunnel vision" view of the earth and spirit world.
    she was TALKING and PREACHING even.
    but you we're all --goo goo Wicca--, --leave her alone-- blah blah goo goo wicca is older than christian rev.--
    sheesh- What the heck?! What's wrong with this picture?

    But if i talk about my faith I'm a bad guy -- like the muslims.
    but if Wicca talks about her beliefs she's A-OK. goo goo gaaa.
    What's up with that Gunny?

    You complained about some bad church history. Yeah Ok, that's not me and Jesus never promoted ANY of that.
    But some ancient Pagans had human sacrifices and some ate people, but neither you or I attached that to Wicca's present beliefs did we?

    So is it the CONTENT of my beliefs that you don't like? the realtiy of Heaven and Hell, and that Jesus said stuff like "I am the way the truth and the life and no one come to the father but by me."? one way of salvation?

    So why are you so upset at MY beliefs but don't have a problem with Wicca talking about hers?
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-21-2015 at 04:13 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Seems your mad at me BECAUSE of what you think I believe. and that I tell others from time to time.
    but say you "don't care"

    seems like you do care.

    But Wiccan TOLD us what she believes.
    took a whole thread to talk about wiccan beliefs.
    Talked about what she thought about spirits and spells and nature etc.
    A very SPEFIC "tunnel vision" view of the earth and spirit world.
    she was TALKING and PREACHING even.
    but you we're all --goo goo Wicca--, --leave her alone-- blah blah goo goo wicca is older than christian rev.--
    sheesh- What the heck?! What's wrong with this picture?

    But if i talk about my faith I'm a bad guy -- like the muslims.
    but if Wicca talks about her beliefs she's A-OK. goo goo gaaa.
    What's up with that Gunny?

    You complained about some bad church history. Yeah Ok, that's not me and Jesus never promoted ANY of that.
    But some ancient Pagans had human sacrifices and some ate people, but neither you or I attached that to Wicca's present beliefs did we?

    So is it the CONTENT of my beliefs that you don't like? the realtiy of Heaven and Hell, and that Jesus said stuff like "I am the way the truth and the life and no one come to the father but by me."? one way of salvation?

    So why are you so upset at MY beliefs but don't have a problem with Wicca talking about hers?
    Of course I care. You think I spent 21 years making sure you have your right to religion freedom if I DIDN'T? I spent those same 21 years ensuring wiccan had the right to hers. And the Jehova's Witnesses. Catholics. Mormons. Blacks. Hispanics.

    I don't care what THEY believe. I know what I believe and in the end, I answer for ME, not them. If you want to play victim and be "the bad guy", the difference is, she expresses her beliefs. You preach. BIG difference.

    And since I'm at it, while you close your mind to certain people based on their religion, wiccans know more about the Earth and nature than any of these nerds YOUR tax dollars are being wasted on having Summits that accomplish nothing but Leer jet rides and free dinners and hotel rooms at the 5 star level. I'd listen to her before any of these geeky bureaucrats or the preacher at the local church if I want to know something about nature.

    She's a nice person on a message board. Who cares what she believes in unless she makes it an issue? You were the one making it an issue. Don't notice you doing a whole bunch of arguing with Gnostic and he directly attacks Christianity.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Of course I care. You think I spent 21 years making sure you have your right to religion freedom if I DIDN'T? I spent those same 21 years ensuring wiccan had the right to hers. And the Jehova's Witnesses. Catholics. Mormons. Blacks. Hispanics.
    good job Gunny.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I don't care what THEY believe. I know what I believe and in the end, I answer for ME, not them. If you want to play victim and be "the bad guy", the difference is, she expresses her beliefs. You preach. BIG difference.
    play victim?sheesh
    Hey sorry you don't like my "preaching". I suggest you get over it cause I probably won't stop.
    I'm not Wicca, I express myself differently. But i also think you just don't like the content.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    And since I'm at it, while you close your mind to certain people based on their religion
    Uh NO. I'm open to all PEOPLE, muslim wiccas, mormons, military, civilians, black white yellow red left or right.
    But i don't buy everything they sell. BIG difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    , wiccans know more about the Earth and nature than any of these nerds YOUR tax dollars are being wasted on having Summits that accomplish nothing but Leer jet rides and free dinners and hotel rooms at the 5 star level. I'd listen to her before any of these geeky bureaucrats or the preacher at the local church if I want to know something about nature.
    "free diners lear jets nerds" sheesh.
    there are no wicca and occult charlatans and creeps?

    But Gunny Listen to who ever you feel like, but please try to get to the truth no matter how it's presented or by who.
    If you want to know about nature maybe a Wicca is the way to go. But if you want to know about salvation, God, heaven and hell maybe not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    She's a nice person on a message board. Who cares what she believes in unless she makes it an issue?
    She is a nice person and I treat her as such and continue too. But she cares about what she believes and so do I.
    We don't have a problem with each other or our styles of expression. You seem to want some people -me - to STHU over differences in views on religion.
    Or maybe you have hard time holding fixed beliefs and talking PLANLY to others about them without rejecting or being mean to the person. So you think others have the same problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    You were the one making it an issue.
    It's debate policy. People people makes issues of politics, religion and stuff here.
    I've never threatened to kill or beat people here or off the board over their views on any subject. have you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Don't notice you doing a whole bunch of arguing with Gnostic and he directly attacks Christianity.
    check his older threads. He's avoid most of my attempts talk to him as civilly as i did wicca. When he did engage he wasn't/isn't as honest or conversational as her. He just dodges questions and repeats BS after it's been answered or refuted. I waste no more time with him.
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-21-2015 at 05:19 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    good job Gunny.

    play victim?sheesh
    Hey sorry you don't like my "preaching". I suggest you get over it cause I probably won't stop.
    I'm not Wicca, I express myself differently. But i also think you just don't like the content.

    Uh NO. I'm open to all PEOPLE, muslim wiccas, mormons, military, civilians, black white yellow red left or right.
    But i don't buy everything they sell. BIG difference.

    "free diners lear jets nerds" sheesh.
    there are no wicca and occult charlatans and creeps?

    But Gunny Listen to who ever you feel like, but please try to get to the truth no matter how it's presented or by who.
    If you want to know about nature maybe a Wicca is the way to go. But if you want to know about salvation, God, heaven and hell maybe not.

    She is a nice person and I treat her as such and continue too. But she cares about what she believes and so do I.
    We don't have a problem with each other or our styles of expression. You seem to want some people -me - to STHU over differences in views on religion.
    Or maybe you have hard time holding fixed beliefs and talking PLANLY to others about them without rejecting or being mean to the person. So you think others have the same problem?

    It's debate policy. People people makes issues of politics, religion and stuff here.
    I've never threatened to kill or beat people here or off the board over their views on any subject. have you?

    check his older threads. He's avoid most of my attempts talk to him as civilly as i did wicca. When he did engage he wasn't/isn't as honest or conversational as her. He just dodges questions and repeats BS after it's been answered or refuted. I waste no more time with him.
    Sorry bubba. I don't play expand-a-post. You do THIS crap to me, consider it dead. And I don't know who "him" is. You could try lightening up. I've already thrown your own Bible at you at least twice and I don't a response to either of the verses I posted.

    I'll answer your last comment by inviting you to re-read my last post. I didn't serve so YOU could be right and everyone else could be wrong. There's no difference between you forcing your religion on others and others trying to force theirs on you. You're no better than they are.

    I speak to people for who and what they are NOW. How they answer to God is between He and them. What business is it of yours to judge them? None. Back to Matthew, huh?

    And stop taking everything so damned personal. Especially with me. You want to play Bible with Me, I'll nail your ass to the wall. I know my stuff in case no one's noticed over the years. More importantly I can see what Christianity means .... tolerance and forgiveness and acceptance. Apparently you missed THAT Sunday School lesson.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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