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    Quote Originally Posted by DLT View Post
    Well...I am thinking in terms of when TSHTF....and if/when the SOBs come for what I have (food, guns, ammo, liquor, whatever, etc.)...when their gov checks stop arriving.

    So it would be a perfect addition to what I already have (The Judge and a 9mm).
    Our current administration is a bigger danger to us than ISIS is.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Why so I need to keep my capabilities private? I'm a perfectionist. I didn't make me this way. I just am. And I'm good at what I do. What the hell else am I supposed to talk about? Something I suck at or know nothing about? I'm an athlete and know how to use weapons. You got a plumbing or algebra problem? Don't call me. If you look at every one of my posts, they always address each issue from one POV. I'm a military brat, Marine Gunnery Sergeant and an electrician. I'm good at history and English/journalism.

    I wouldn't suggest making me that guy behind the counter in charge of personal services. "Get your shit and get out".

    You seem to resent who I am for some reason. I ain't going to pretend to be anyone nor anything else just for you. You say some dumbass shit at times but I still like and interact with you. We all got our issues, bubba. Roll with it. I don't tell you how to do what you do nor do I make snide remarks about what you post.

    I AM a tough guy. That's what I do. I don't talk in any other kind of language. If you think that's bragging, try again. I'm missing a couple of ex wives and several GF's because of it. And I've spent most of my life alone and quite a few years in a bottle because of it. So don't presume to tell me what the fuck I am. I know exactly who and what the fuck I am and I ain't going to sit here and pretend to be any God damned thing else.

    And Merry Christmas to you too. Lighten up.

    *HEY GUNNY.....(Hey tough guy)..../..You need to lighten dont have to prove anything `here`...Many `Hear` your tough guy nonsense DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY...Its almost child like...

    ...Personally I Dont give a FOCK about your past life....*we all have one...but most of us here dont push it on others...SO dont presume we all want to hear it from you repeated to us Daily...Maybe you should start a thread about "GUNNY`s Past Life" for anyone to visit...that way....* it can all be in one place...We can carry on this back and fourth bullshit or we can Ignore one another...I for one will respect it ..its up to you...

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post

    *HEY GUNNY.....(Hey tough guy)..../..You need to lighten dont have to prove anything `here`...Many `Hear` your tough guy nonsense DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY...Its almost child like...

    ...Personally I Dont give a FOCK about your past life....*we all have one...but most of us here dont push it on others...SO dont presume we all want to hear it from you repeated to us Daily...Maybe you should start a thread about "GUNNY`s Past Life" for anyone to visit...that way....* it can all be in one place...We can carry on this back and fourth bullshit or we can Ignore one another...I for one will respect it ..its up to you...
    I'm not trying to prove anything. If you don't care about my life, don't read my posts. You don't get on MY nerves. I seem to get on yours. I don't need to ignore you. If we don't talk about our lives, just WHAT THE FUCK do you want to talk about? Thread after thread about Obama, and there is no God, and "liberals" suck? We all have lives too. All our lives are affected by the aforementioned idiots.

    I don't come on here to be an internet dickhead. I ran a board for years where I couldn't say a word without being attacked for taking a side. Regardless the side. We aren't changing anything, and while I DO talk some politics, I talk mostly about life. Why you seem to take exception to someone talking about his/her life is beyond me. I don't ask you to agree with me, nor do I demand you have my skillset.

    I really just understand what your problem is. Because I ALSO don't log on for this drama queen shit.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I'm not trying to prove anything. If you don't care about my life, don't read my posts. You don't get on MY nerves. I seem to get on yours. I don't need to ignore you. If we don't talk about our lives, just WHAT THE FUCK do you want to talk about? Thread after thread about Obama, and there is no God, and "liberals" suck? We all have lives too. All our lives are affected by the aforementioned idiots.

    I don't come on here to be an internet dickhead. I ran a board for years where I couldn't say a word without being attacked for taking a side. Regardless the side. We aren't changing anything, and while I DO talk some politics, I talk mostly about life. Why you seem to take exception to someone talking about his/her life is beyond me. I don't ask you to agree with me, nor do I demand you have my skillset.

    I really just understand what your problem is. Because I ALSO don't log on for this drama queen shit.

    Ahhhh....(as I sip my coffee)....seigh....ya gunny I ran a board once also (in my life)...I also did this and I also did that....Yada yadaa...

    When I get ugly Gunny I usually respond...When I hear tough guy "talk" insinuating negatively..."nonchalantly" on others here....*it gets my attention and makes me want to put a Boot up the bragging tough guy`s ASS...The more a tough guy runs his mouth the more cred he looses....

    Pay attetion:

    *I like easy Intelligent people with nothing to prove...If people want to know more... they will ask...

    Lets move forward...

    *Hey Gunny...we can talk about whats in the news...good and know.... "NEW" fresh material ...along with some fun stuff...and keep the >> "about me" << drama Queen crap to a minimum...

    Ok..Gunny...we can stop now...or it can be your turn...

    Hey Gunny...Its Football Sunday......ahhhh I caint wait...I know Jimmy is anxious also...

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post
    Ahhhh....(as I sip my coffee)....seigh....ya gunny I ran a board once also (in my life)...I also did this and I also did that....Yada yadaa...

    When I get ugly Gunny I usually respond...When I hear tough guy "talk" insinuating negatively..."nonchalantly" on others here....*it gets my attention and makes me want to put a Boot up the bragging tough guy`s ASS...The more a tough guy runs his mouth the more cred he looses....

    Pay attetion:

    *I like easy Intelligent people with nothing to prove...If people want to know more... they will ask...

    Lets move forward...

    *Hey Gunny...we can talk about whats in the news...good and know.... "NEW" fresh material ...along with some fun stuff...and keep the >> "about me" << drama Queen crap to a minimum...

    Ok..Gunny...we can stop now...or it can be your turn...

    Hey Gunny...Its Football Sunday......ahhhh I caint wait...I know Jimmy is anxious also...
    It isn't "tough guy talk". I don't know what you got in your craw, but how about you get rid of it? I am who I am and I talk the way I talk. All there is to it. You don't see me threatening to e-beat anyone up. You sound like my GF. You COULD ask Jim, Jeff, Abs, Kathianne, CSM, Pix, or even that douche Glockmail ... I've always been the same. I'm just me.

    And unless I get bored to tears, I ain't watching any damned NFL. Jim's head's probably already buried in his tube watching pre-game speculation ad nauseum. I had enough of the NFL and their stupid officiating last week to last the rest of the year.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Gunny's a pussy, nothing more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    Gunny's a pussy, nothing more.
    Yeah. I figured you'd catch that.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Speaking of guns, when the police have sharpshooters, what caliber rifle do they use? How about the military?

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    Damn, look like I missed a lot in this "gun" thread.

    Ok just for kicks, there are 1. all talk never done shit bad-asses and then there are 2. really silent real bad-asses, then there are 3. people once very silent about it all but think--"hell why not admit it all and admit maybe a lot of it(the fighting) wasn't too bright to do"! But it still always beats being a damn coward even if you get your ass handed to you with a smile! Done that and had it done to me both. Nobody I know, if they fought bad-truly bad-ass guys - "a lot"- for over three decades won every damn fight. I damn sure did not...

    Now, am I supposed to be ashamed about admitting being defeated?
    Well no, not in my world.
    And I am speaking about street fighting with no- weapons. ok?
    So chill, drink a beer and concentrate on the bastards that want to rape/enslave our women/kids, murder us and
    live like 7th century savages while they pray to Satan 6 times a day for a lying promise.- -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 12-06-2015 at 06:37 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post

    *HEY GUNNY.....(Hey tough guy)..../..You need to lighten dont have to prove anything `here`...Many `Hear` your tough guy nonsense DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY...Its almost child like...

    ...Personally I Dont give a FOCK about your past life....*we all have one...but most of us here dont push it on others...SO dont presume we all want to hear it from you repeated to us Daily...Maybe you should start a thread about "GUNNY`s Past Life" for anyone to visit...that way....* it can all be in one place...We can carry on this back and fourth bullshit or we can Ignore one another...I for one will respect it ..its up to you...
    LongTermGuy. I agree with you. Gunny knows how I feel too! It's not necessary to constantly be reminded how tough a Marine (former marine) wants everybody to think, and believe he is here. Gunny also knows during my 30 years in uniform, how I have met, more than my fair share of Bragging wannbe's who think everybody will be impressed with their fabricationisation meant to impress people they don't know. In fact. I put that kind of bragging in the category of near...Stolen Valor. Since we can go to Youtube, and see the thousands of wannbe hero's who have all the medals, honors, awards, and phony paperwork...THEY INSIST, must always be So Classified...they really can't talk about it. But sadly. Also during my 30 years. I learned from 1st hand experience, in person how THAT LINE GENERALLY IS A LIE.
    So. Now I will just go on, and wait to be trounced with all the BS money can buy because I spoke my HONEST opinion here.
    Last edited by aboutime; 12-06-2015 at 07:13 PM.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    LongTermGuy. I agree with you. Gunny knows how I feel too! It's not necessary to constantly be reminded how tough a Marine (former marine) wants everybody to think, and believe he is here. Gunny also knows during my 30 years in uniform, how I have met, more than my fair share of Bragging wannbe's who think everybody will be impressed with their fabricationisation meant to impress people they don't know. In fact. I put that kind of bragging in the category of near...Stolen Valor. Since we can go to Youtube, and see the thousands of wannbe hero's who have all the medals, honors, awards, and phony paperwork...THEY INSIST, must always be So Classified...they really can't talk about it. But sadly. Also during my 30 years. I learned from 1st hand experience, in person how THAT LINE GENERALLY IS A LIE.
    So. Now I will just go on, and wait to be trounced with all the BS money can buy because I spoke my HONEST opinion here.
    I won't be "trouncing". We've done this route before. To go from not liking someone, or how they post, or how often, that's all one thing. To imply one is somehow lying about their military service, that's altogether different. I can line up a bunch of folks that can vouch for Gunny, whether here in public, or in private, but I don't think that would satisfy you, for whatever reason. I only point this out for others reading, so others don't get the impression he is somehow lying about who he is. If you make the claim, you should be able to back it up - but instead that's where you claim to get angry, state it's only your opinion and such, and then bail. I don't think it's fair to make such claims about a veteran here without proof. If someone made such claims about you, and I knew as much about you, I would be more than happy to stand up and defend your honor.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I won't be "trouncing". We've done this route before. To go from not liking someone, or how they post, or how often, that's all one thing. To imply one is somehow lying about their military service, that's altogether different. I can line up a bunch of folks that can vouch for Gunny, whether here in public, or in private, but I don't think that would satisfy you, for whatever reason. I only point this out for others reading, so others don't get the impression he is somehow lying about who he is. If you make the claim, you should be able to back it up - but instead that's where you claim to get angry, state it's only your opinion and such, and then bail. I don't think it's fair to make such claims about a veteran here without proof. If someone made such claims about you, and I knew as much about you, I would be more than happy to stand up and defend your honor.

    jimnyc. As I thought I made it very clear with my remarks. That is my opinion, and my opinion only, based on the life I have lived, and the thousands of people I have known, and worked with in uniform.

    Because I am a veteran, your are seemingly telling me I am not permitted to offer my opinion?
    Damn. Getting to sound like the Obama administration has leaked into DebatePolicy with Political Correctness again.

    Finally. I made no claims about anyone. I am using your rules here, and doing my best to obey them. Unless, you want me to give up saying what I think because SOMEONE might not like hearing my opinions.??
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    LongTermGuy. I agree with you. Gunny knows how I feel too! It's not necessary to constantly be reminded how tough a Marine (former marine) wants everybody to think, and believe he is here. Gunny also knows during my 30 years in uniform, how I have met, more than my fair share of Bragging wannbe's who think everybody will be impressed with their fabricationisation meant to impress people they don't know. In fact. I put that kind of bragging in the category of near...Stolen Valor. Since we can go to Youtube, and see the thousands of wannbe hero's who have all the medals, honors, awards, and phony paperwork...THEY INSIST, must always be So Classified...they really can't talk about it. But sadly. Also during my 30 years. I learned from 1st hand experience, in person how THAT LINE GENERALLY IS A LIE.
    So. Now I will just go on, and wait to be trounced with all the BS money can buy because I spoke my HONEST opinion here.
    It's necessary to be ME fucker. Now you want to start talking shit? Tell us about that chair you polished for 30 years. Bet it's got a nice. I'm about sick of you two jealous-ass dickheads. You accuse me, but I ain't the one of the 3 of us talking the shit.

    So go fuck yourselves, pissants. And either one of you or both at the same time that wants to show up in M<y fucking="" yard?="" bring="" it="" little="" bitches.="" just="" make="" sure="" your="" pussy="" asses="" have="" rides="" because="" you="" damned="" won't="" be="" walking.="" two="" are="" the="" most="" miserable="" fucks="" i="" think="" i've="" ever="" met.="" you're="" all="" internet="" talk.="" it.="" got="" a="" big="" yard.<="" html="">Y yard, Bring it on. I don't give a fuck what you limpdicks think. But you're bothering everyone else with you damned whining. </y>
    Last edited by Gunny; 12-06-2015 at 10:21 PM.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

  16. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    jimnyc. As I thought I made it very clear with my remarks. That is my opinion, and my opinion only, based on the life I have lived, and the thousands of people I have known, and worked with in uniform.

    Because I am a veteran, your are seemingly telling me I am not permitted to offer my opinion?
    Damn. Getting to sound like the Obama administration has leaked into DebatePolicy with Political Correctness again.

    Finally. I made no claims about anyone. I am using your rules here, and doing my best to obey them. Unless, you want me to give up saying what I think because SOMEONE might not like hearing my opinions.??
    Where did I say such? I didn't. You want to say the bold part in order to make yourself look like the victim here. All I'm saying is that if someone wants to make such outlandish claims, they should be coming with something to backup their claims. I don't think that's too much to ask for. You can ride solely on your opinion if you like, but you fail if that's the case.

    Play your games and run in circles again when someone questions you or calls you out for your lame shit. You voice your opinions, we get to call you on them. You make claims, we ask you to back them up, see how that works?

    You're acting like a bitch again. This is like the 3rd time you started this shit with Gunny. NOT ONCE have you come back with anything whatsoever. EVERY time you acted like you were some sort of victim because you were asked to backup any claims you were making. But whatever, if you want to make unsubstantiated claims, and then look like a dick when someone questions you, then so be it. You run with this "stolen valor" crap, and then want to act like a big old baby when someone dares question you. I'll tell you what - how about putting your old man panties on then and actually speaking clearly, instead of beating around the bush and making half ass claims. Spit out what you have to say, instead of little lame things and then acting innocent when questioned?

    Or just claim I am like the Obama administration and claim I am now PC. Lame BS and looking for excuses, that's all that is.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    It's necessary to be ME fucker. Now you want to start talking shit? Tell us about that chair you polished for 30 years. Bet it's got a nice. I'm about sick of you two jealous-ass dickheads. You accuse me, but I ain't the one of the 3 of us talking the shit.

    So go fuck yourselves, pissants. And either one of you or both at the same time that wants to show up in M<y fucking="" yard?="" bring="" it="" little="" bitches.="" just="" make="" sure="" your="" pussy="" asses="" have="" rides="" because="" you="" damned="" won't="" be="" walking.="" two="" are="" the="" most="" miserable="" fucks="" i="" think="" i've="" ever="" met.="" you're="" all="" internet="" talk.="" it.="" got="" a="" big="" yard.<="" html="">Y yard, Bring it on. I don't give a fuck what you limpdicks think. But you're bothering everyone else with you damned whining. </y>
    I don't think LongTermGuy is jealous or anything like that, and I certainly haven't seen him call anyone else out for their military service, nor question it, nor play games with it or any of that crap. It's one thing to fight and have words, but going from that to calling someone out for their service is a different thing, IMO. We should have CSM put a rest to it once and for all. I can't think of a more believable or respected military man of them all around these parts. But as soon as we go that route, AT we'll swear up and down that he wasn't calling anyone out - hence the beating around the bushes and the inability to be a man and actually state what he wants to state - just downright and outright state it.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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