Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
I have no problem with you having a different view here, but seems to me you could be more uh diplomatic (if not loving) in your rejection of my understanding.
I haven't called you or your views "sh!t" etc.
I've simply said it's NOT what Jesus SAID, or what the Bible teaches.
And you're lying or grossly mis-reading on purpose.

And I'm saying Jesus said the OPPOSITE of what you believe.

And Dmp c'mon you think i "refuse to consider other views", dude I luv to hear, read and think about other views. But it seems like you think that "consider" is the same as EMBRACE or accept as true.
they aren't.
And there no dobut that you're rejecting my understanding pretty harshly. Have you "considered" it dmp?
I'm saying you fight tooth and nail - completely avoiding points that counter your point of view.

As far as Solomon is concerned,
Well Yes God ALLOWED a lot of godly men and women to do a lot of things. God is very forgiving. It doesn't mean that he ENDORSES it or thought/taught it as the best thing to do.
So God was fine with folks doing certain things at certain times. God changes. God adapts his instructions.

And the Bible says that Solomon's wives turned him away from God.
Different topic.

So I really don't see any really biblical support for your view here.
But again believe whatever you want. But There's no honest way read multiple wives or serial partnerships as being promoted in the Bible as GOOD or God/Jesus endorsed.

Abraham. David. Esau. Jacob. (shrug) In fact - in 2 Sam, God says:

“And here’s what God, the God of Israel, has to say to you: I made you king over Israel. I freed you from the fist of Saul. I gave you your master’s daughter and other wives to have and to hold. I gave you both Israel and Judah. And if that hadn’t been enough, I’d have gladly thrown in much more.
Sounds a lot like Jesus was on-board with all that, no?

I'm saying, God cares about much more important things than Church or societal definitions of marriage. And the worst part - this thread isn't even about marriage.

It's about Love. And Love means - the fullest, most-mature measure of love - means not associating attachment with those we love - even those with whom we share the most intimate nature of love.