THRESHOLDS: Collaborative Double Sonnets


By Robert J. Lindley & Edlynn Nau

I. Plow Your Fields, With Love Of Nature In Mind

In darkness seek light, in pain seek relief
when weak seek might, strength lies in true belief.
When harvesting crops, thank the fertile ground
if you are faithful, let your trumpet sound.

Plow your fields, with love of Nature in mind
with love embrace all, forever be kind.
Cut deeply fertile soil, look for hope there
reject easy life, therein lies a snare.

Wisdom comes, to he that prays and then waits
bad the counsels, to tempt the darkest Fates.
Birds gaily feast on worms deep plows bring forth
coldest are winds blasting us from the North.

River never sleeps in its winding bed
Greedy men, choosing not to give instead.

Robert J. Lindley, 5-02-2016


When first light is born as a precious gift,
and within nature, reminds us how near.
To this: Earth, beast, man, and all life we lift,
because any day above ground is dear.

Winter comes and life seems to disappear,
there's no hope in green or bloom to the vine.
Spring enters in joy wrapped boxes of cheer,
bringing her favors, though fragile and fine.

Courage is gift to the sad and declined,
celebration and dance, to the budding.
Certain is the hope for those who have climbed,
from the purge of the fire and flooding.

Then, each one decides to take or to give,
the ultimate gift, is give and forgive.

By Edlynn Nau
May, 03, 2016