Quote Originally Posted by LOki View Post
No one knows.

I have no idea who the "us" is you're speaking of, but it doesn't include me--you should ask "them."

No one knows. Anyone who claims evolution can or should be able to predict this, is someone who has a profound misunderstanding of basically everything.

No one knows.

Human beings might not ever experience the kind of population segregation, that allows suffient genetic drift for separate speciation of each population, that would make the notion of "having evolved" meaningful--or, we might just blow ourselves up, or otherwise simply become extinct. No one knows.

Again, I have no idea who the "us" is you're speaking of, but the answer ought to be "nothing."

That's a giant "if" there, but my stab at it says the reason we've stop evolving (if that's what you mean by "end of the cycle" and if we accept the premise) is that there are insufficient survival and reproductive pressures present to make fitness to survive and reproduce significant enough to have a meaningful impact on human survival and reproduction.
WOW - thanks for actually answering the questions.. (unlike Hagbard) - at least you took a stab at it...

Now I guess I have to wrap up your post by saying - if that's the best the THEORY of Evolution has to answer my questions, than I'll still stick to Creationism - it seems much more plausable to me...