Soro Leaks shows he's funding various groups trying in influence the populous and foment strife. and play all sides.
Fox News Roger Ales found to have "Black Room" at FOX where smear campaigns and private investigations against media enemies from outside and Inside of are run.
Democratic presidential candidate found colluding with the DNC and the MSM to crush fellow democrat.
The "right wing" Koch brothers assist Hillary
Never Trump neo-con types and rich donors back a COMPLETE unknown, Former CIA and Goldmans Sacks employee for president of the U.S.
the U.S. and Israel have quietly been giving military support and parts to the hated Iran for years
Now Pat Buchanon names the CFR as the cause the endless wars the U.S. continues to engage in.
etc etc etc etc...
Are we beginning to admit that the world is NOT as advertised and we MUST always scratch below the surface to even get close to what's really going on. That people with money and power really do try and have great influence in running the world and even the perception of what's happening and why. Not in a monolithic way. but definitely
not in a simple LEFT RIGHT way... "the moneyed powers" that the founders spoke of are alive and well.