There's a few folks here I wonder about, one that is gone really left no doubt. Most are not racists or anti-most people groups. Some though seem to want to prove they are so 'non-PC' they occasionally come off as incivil. I for one wish people would consider the differences.

I've said before, I don't think Trump is a racist or any other type of 'anti-anything.'

He comports himself however as a bully, certainly comes off as a misogynist, and is rude. These behaviors seem to attract some people, including racists. To equate all supporters of Trump with racists in general is about as correct as the differences between being non-PC and incivil. It's more than a degree, but hard to put one's finger on. OTOH, there are racists that support him, as evidence by the 'endorsement' of the KKK. That Trump didn't denounce that in timely manner, certainly turned many folks off to him, but also attracted others, including those sick of PC.

The election is over, but one thing I've noticed, since about 2 weeks before the election, Trump stopped acting like the above. He was gracious in acceptance speech. He was gracious speaking after meeting with Obama. When interviewed by Stahl for 60 minutes, he was filmed telling anyone treating others badly in his name to STOP. CBS waited to the program to air that though they had it taped days before. Why? They aired plenty of clips to promote the program.

The only one from the left that has told their 'backers' to stop is Bernie. Tells one something.