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    When a Man Loves A Woman When A Woman Loves A Man


    He knows not why or how the reason left
    nor why the whisper of each night brought heat
    He knows not when the time of hour past
    but this he knows, she's awfully nice and sweet

    He sings her praise with song then does his part
    bringing flowers dressed in green and solid gold
    He woos with song and music from the heart
    then clothes her with a kiss both new and old

    He brings her flowers of the rarest kind
    with genuine affection of the mind
    a rarely thing is love when found anew
    he will solidify then stick like glue

    He brings her love and the most precious kind
    She brings him truth and that, is never blind.



    She knows not why they struggled for so long
    nor why their eyes refused to greet
    She knows not when the first kiss turned to song
    but this she knows, he swept her off her feet!

    She dresses just for him in black lace style
    then draws her liner carefully sublime
    She drinks the elixir of his sweet smile
    and runs into his arms a hundreth time

    She brings him little gifts and cards with hearts
    with little I love yous, consigned in red and blue
    She listens carefully and always does her part
    to make him understand, she loves him too

    She brings him love, the most precious of kind,
    he brings her truth and that, is never ever blind.

    The End.

    Copyright © Mystic Rose | Year Posted 2017
    And I rightly told the author so on her homepage after added this poem to my favorites list there..!
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-06-2017 at 10:34 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Words lost in silence

    Goodbye my beloved, guess this is the end,
    too much has happened for our hearts to mend.
    Since, I became a victim of your wrath,
    my soul still ventures upon sorrows path.

    I searched within the corridors of your heart,
    to find in your performance, I play no part.
    Forgive me, for no longer I shall follow,
    seeing that your heart has become so hollow.

    Words lost in silence, mean we don't exist,
    now my lonely heart must learn to subsist.
    Your emotions change with each new season,
    that explains why you left without a reason.

    Oh lovers, remember those who light the lamp,
    are also the ones to douse it like a scamp!

    Silent One
    28 December 2016


    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Winter Magic

    So bleak the Winter strides upon my path...
    The dry, brown, fallen leaves behold its wrath...

    I shiver from the chill the North Wind blows
    And wonder in this barren land of crows:

    Where Is the magic that I once beheld
    When I was young and love was often spelled...

    Now with the wind there comes a glist'ning snow
    That covers everything...even my woe...

    The silence of its falling clears my head
    Reminding me that I am not yet dead!

    I go and catch a snowflake on my tongue
    And once magic...I am young...

    No longer bleak, the Winter seems to be,
    For something has renewed the life in me...

    Oh, Winter Magic, take hold of my hand...
    And let's go build a snowman... big and grand!

    Deborah Burch©

    Copyright © Deborah Burch | Year Posted 2016
    This poetess can write beautiful verses and has now been added to my favorite poets list at my home poetry site..-Tyr

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *******************************

    I found this poem shown below, written by my friend Richard, to be so fine, I had to come back to add it!-Tyr

    Best Richard Lamoureux Poems

    Everyone's a winner

    They told me I was remarkable
    and now it's plain to see
    There is nothing extraordinary
    about simple little me

    All the ribbons I have hanging
    Upon the shelf so high
    They told me I was a winner
    all I had to do was try

    It wasn't about competition
    Every child was told to have fun
    They told us we were the very best
    Each child born to be number one

    So out in the world they sent me
    Unequipped for what I would find
    With the legend of my accomplishments
    sadly this illusion was just in my mind

    No one was there to help me
    The competition was far to real
    It seemed other were driving the bus
    Even though I was behind the wheel

    So let your children know failure
    So they can learn to compete
    In a world of winners and losers
    They'll learn to think on their feet

    For adversity leads to greatness
    Each loss will lead to a win
    If I already think I am a winner
    I have no reason to begin

    Richard Lamoureux

    In an age of no grades and trophies for every kid, we are losing our risk takers. We can't insulate our children from what lies ahead. It is a competitive world and we are sewing the seeds of failure.

    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-09-2017 at 08:11 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    The Rose

    ----------- by Barbra Lambert

    What is more lovely than the rose
    Awash with dew in morn’s fair light?
    How do we pen of its repose—

    Discern the language of its prose
    Of fragrance sweeter than rare spice?
    What is more lovely than the rose

    Replete with excellence of pose
    In hues of pink, vermeil, and white?
    How do we pen of its repose

    In yonder garden where it grows
    On verdured stems that stand upright?
    What is more lovely than the rose—

    Classic, lush, and fully clothed
    With petals soft and O so light?
    How do we pen of its repose:

    Its ling’ring scent, its striking glow,
    Its irrefutable delight?
    What is more lovely than the rose—
    How do we pen of its repose?

    Contest: Your Absolute Best II
    Sponsored by: The Seeker
    Date: December 18, 2016

    Copyright © Barbra Lambert | Year Posted 2016
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Written for the Winter Solstice sunrise at Avebury, Wiltshire, England

    I have waited for you
    Where no shadow seeps
    Deep in the earth
    Where the slow damp creeps
    Under the stones
    Where the sunlight sleeps
    I have waited for you

    I have listened for you
    In the eaglet’s cry
    In the echoes of rooks
    In the empty sky
    In a new born’s breath
    And a dead man’s sigh
    I have listened for you

    I have looked for you
    Where the elders grow
    Followed your steps
    Through the virgin snow
    Through groves of yew
    And mistletoe
    Looking for you

    I have watched for you
    By the door and the gate
    Risen up early
    And lain down late
    Doubted your love
    And cursed my fate
    Watching for you

    You said you would come
    You said that you will
    Appear as the dawn
    On the curve of the hill
    I have waited for you
    Through the dark, and the still
    You said you would come

    I lit you a fire
    I kindled a flame
    In the fear of the darkness
    I called out your name
    I thought I was dying
    And then you came
    You said you would come

    And here you are
    The promise of light
    Sweetening silence
    And softening night
    And all shall be well
    And be blesséd delight
    You said you would come

    © Gail Foster 21st December 2016

    Copyright © Gail Foster | Year Posted 2016

    Truly great verses!-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Of Three States Of Mind - A Poetic Weave

    Jan 4 2017
    With Love

    Copyright © Maurice Yvonne | Year Posted 2017
    Very unusual way to express. Uncommon poetic images..., but very touching and forming a relief pattern.
    Thank you, Robert, for this experience.
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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    You are very risky person to open your easily vulnerable soul in front of the others to such an extent.
    I am greatly surprised and happy that such Men still exist. Me Great Respect to you!
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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    Sorry for my daring to put something from Russia poetry in this tread. But, nevertheless...

    To Kachalov's Dog (*)

    Come, Jim, give me your paw for luck,
    I swear i've never seen one like it.
    Let's go, the two of us, and bark
    Up the moon when Nature's silent.

    Come, Jim, give me your pow for luck.
    Stop licking me, pet, and please do
    At least heed this advice i'm giving.
    Of life you havent got a clue,
    You do non realise life is worse living.

    You master's kind a man of note,
    And visitors his home are thronging,
    They all admire your velvet coat
    Which smilingly they love to fondle.

    You're devilish handsome for a dog,
    So charming, trusting, unsuspicious,
    Not asking if you may or not,
    Like a drunken pal, you plaster kises.

    Dear Jim, I know a great warety
    Of visions of all shorts call,
    But have you seen her here, the saddest
    And the least talkative of all?

    I'm sure she'll come here. In my absence
    Please catch her eye. Go kiss her hand for me,
    For all my real or fancied errors asking
    Forgiveness of her in humility.

    (*) Kachalov - a close friend of Sergei Yesenin. Famous Russian theater actor.


    Blossom wite bird cherries scatter
    On the on the dewy grass like snow.
    Hungry rooks in ploughland gather,
    Picked warms up as they go.

    Low the silk smooth grath is bending,
    Pitch scents to the pine-trees cling.
    Groves in leaf, and luscios meadows -
    How the senses reel in spring!

    Secret things give me pleasure,
    Heart-ease and delight they bring.
    There's a girl whose love I treasure
    And of her alone I thing.

    Shed your blossom-snow, bird cherries!
    Sing, birds, in they shady groves.
    Weaving up and down the meadow
    I'll go scattering flower foam.

    Hope that you are aware that ANY translation steals a lot from the flavor of a poem and is not able to transfer a poem as it is.
    Last edited by Balu; 01-12-2017 at 10:06 AM.
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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    In Bluebell Wood

    Adventures in Bluebell Wood
    With Pirates and Robin Hood
    Roy Rogers and Peter Pan
    Custer in another last stand

    Lone Ranger catching thieves
    Tarzan climbing trees
    Red Barron flying again
    In this secret hideaway den

    The days so full of fun
    Fighting Vikings when they come
    Merlin’s magical things
    Flash and the Emperor Ming

    A thousand games we played
    Charge of the Light Brigade
    Sinbad and Captain Blood
    Adventures in Bluebell Wood

    Copyright © Robert Broadbent | Year Posted 2016


    I sent this comment to this fine poet on the poem presentation page.

    ""So captures the imaginative world of we when kids played ages ago my friend!-Tyr
    I simply love this gem and have added this gem to my fav list..A7""
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    A poem of Sergei Yesenin which became a romance.

    Letter to mother

    Are you still alive, my old good mother?
    I'm alive. Hello, hello, my mom!
    Lets unspeakable light in every evening
    Flow over your minuscule home.

    People tell that you became so anxious,
    Worrying what kind of life I've got,
    That you often standing at the road
    Wearing worn old-styled overcoat.

    And you see in shades of evening darkness
    Every time same nightmare appear:
    During saloon fighting some mean bastard
    Put a knife thru my heart, what you fear.

    Calm your soul, dear mother, they are lying.
    From all bull it seems to be the worst.
    I am not a low-life boozehound
    To pass off without see you first.

    I am still the same - I'm full of caress.
    And this is indeed my only hope:
    Rid myself from pain of being restless
    And return to our simple adobe.

    I'll be back when in the spring our garden
    Starts to wear white blooming tuxedo.
    But don't wake me anymore at dawn
    Like you did eight years back ago.

    Don't wake up dead dreams, it's too late now,
    Don't remind about things were lost, -
    That's because at very early ages
    I went thru fatigue and terrible loss.

    Don't teach me to pray. No need to do that!
    Time would never come back, it's the plight.
    You are only help and comfort for me,
    You indeed are my unspeakable light.

    Please forget about all your worries,
    Your anxiety to be forgot.
    Don't stay so often at the road
    Wearing worn old-styled overcoat.

    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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    Form: Dramatic monologue |

    Galaxies, Memories And Relativity

    Kinetic waves of energy
    Ripples in time and space
    subtle sums of synergy
    Patterns of silk and lace

    Universes that race away
    Mem’ries that as quickly fade…
    Into black holes of yesterday
    That give nothing back in trade

    Stardust settling ‘pon dusty hutch
    And on planetary plain (alike)
    Truly does not differ much
    In substance same (as in sight)

    Universes that give birth to stars
    Pediatric wards work pretty much the same
    Birth is birth…for what it’s worth
    It’s just a cosmic game

    Galaxies that go on forever
    Rainbows that have no end
    All a part of eternal endeavour
    Without an answer my friend

    Warp speed….Snail’s pace
    It’s all relative you see
    One takes place in outer space
    The other is given to you and me

    Copyright © David Whalen O Haolin in ancient Celtic | Year Posted 2016
    This is my friend David at his best, composing deep, but truly enjoyable verses!! -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    A monument I've raised not built with hands...

    A monument I've raised not built with hands,
    And common folk shall keep the path well trodden
    To where it unsubdued and towering stands
    Higher than Alexander's Column.

    I shall not wholly die–for in my sacred lyre
    My spirit shall outlive my dust's corruption –
    And honour shall I have, so long the glorious fire
    Of poesy flames on one single scutcheon.

    Rumour of me shall then my whole vast country fill,
    In every tongue she owns my name she'll speak.
    Proud Slave's posterity, Finn, and–unlettered still –
    The Tungus, and the steppe–loving Kalmyk.

    And long the people yet will honour me
    Because my lyre was tuned to loving–kindness
    And, in a cruel Age, I sang of Liberty
    And mercy begged of Justice in her blindness.

    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

    (Aleksandr Pushkin. 1836)
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Balu View Post
    A monument I've raised not built with hands...

    A monument I've raised not built with hands,
    And common folk shall keep the path well trodden
    To where it unsubdued and towering stands
    Higher than Alexander's Column.

    I shall not wholly die–for in my sacred lyre
    My spirit shall outlive my dust's corruption –
    And honour shall I have, so long the glorious fire
    Of poesy flames on one single scutcheon.

    Rumour of me shall then my whole vast country fill,
    In every tongue she owns my name she'll speak.
    Proud Slave's posterity, Finn, and–unlettered still –
    The Tungus, and the steppe–loving Kalmyk.

    And long the people yet will honour me
    Because my lyre was tuned to loving–kindness
    And, in a cruel Age, I sang of Liberty
    And mercy begged of Justice in her blindness.

    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

    (Aleksandr Pushkin. 1836)
    Aleksandr Pushkin was an amazing poet. He was definitely one of the world's greatest poets in my opinion!
    I've read many of his poems but I suspect the are perhaps many more than have not been translated.
    He rates tops in my book, my friend..
    With this being one of his top poems! -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-15-2017 at 02:11 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Aleksandr Pushkin was an amazing poet. He was definitely one of the world's greatest poets in my opinion!
    I've read many of his poems but I suspect the are perhaps many more than have not been translated.
    He rates tops in my book, my friend..
    With this being one of his top poems! -Tyr
    I don't know if you or anybody else is familiar with the oeuvre of A.S.Griboyedov (1795-1829)

    Here is a monologue from His famous A Four-Act Comedy - 'WOE FROM WIT'
    ( )
    In Soviet secondary school it was subject to learning by heart for everybody.

    C h a t s k y

    I wonder who the judges are !

    With age they show hostility to freedom,

    They read the press that dates as far

    Back as the Crimean war. They call it wisdom.

    They're quick to criticize and curse

    And always sing the same old song,

    They never think they can be wrong.

    The older these men are the worse.

    Where are those fathers of the nation,

    Good models for our generation,

    The ones that roll in looted money

    With influential friends and relatives on hand?

    The ones that feast away their lives of honey

    And dwell in houses magnificent and grand?

    The houses in which the foul features of the past

    Will never be revived by all this foreign caste.

    The Moscow they will keep your mouth shut

    By sending you a dinner party invitation card.

    Or, maybe,

    It is the man to whom you used to take me

    For a bow when I was a baby?

    The leader of outstanding rascals, he

    Had a team of loyal servants

    That during fight-and-drinking rounds

    Had saved his life and honour, but then once

    He suddenly exchanged them for three hounds.

    And then there is the man, as good as all the others,

    He gathered children for his ballet muse

    By tearing them away from their mothers.

    He set his mind on Zephyrs and Amours

    And let the whole of Moscow admire their beauty,

    And when it came to setting his accounts

    He didn't bother about credits. "Out of sense of duty"

    All his Amours and Zephyrs he sold out.

    Those are the men that now have grown old and grey,

    The men enjoying high respect and estimation.

    "They are indeed our fair judges" - you will say.

    And if there is a man among the younger generation

    That never strives for vacancy nor seeks an occupation

    Who sets his mind on science and shows a thirst for knowledge

    Or good himself fills him with inspiration

    To creativity in art,

    They scream: "Disaster! Fire!" and acknowledge

    The man to be a dreamer and dangerous at that.

    The coat! The coat! They wear it still,

    So beautifully made, it used to hide

    Their timidness and their flippant mind.

    And that's the road that we should take at will.

    The wives and daughters, too, affect the coat

    And so did I until a while ago.

    I'm not an infant now, you know,

    On things like that I shall no longer dote.

    When some Guard's officers one day

    Were on a short time visit here

    The women shouted: "Hurrah!"

    And threw their bonnets into the air.

    F a m u s o v (to himself)

    He'll let me down, I'm sure.

    (in a loud voice)

    Sergey Sergeyich, I shall go,

    There in my room for you I'll wait.

    (goes out)
    Last edited by Balu; 01-15-2017 at 07:10 PM.
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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    if stars are lit
    it means - there is someone who needs it.
    It means - someone wants them to be,
    that someone deems those specks of spit
    And overwrought,
    in the swirls of afternoon dust,
    he bursts in on God,
    afraid he might be already late.
    In tears,
    he kisses God's sinewy hand
    and begs him to guarantee
    that there will definitely be a star.
    He swears
    he won't be able to stand that starless ordeal.
    He wanders around, worried,
    but outwardly calm.
    And to everyone else, he says:
    it's all right.
    You are no longer afraid,
    are you?'
    if stars are lit,
    it means - there is someone who needs it.
    It means it is essential
    that every evening
    at least one star should ascend
    over the crest of the building.

    By Vladimir Mayakovsky
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

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