Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
To me, a steak is a great slab of meat, juicy, succulent, the thicker the better, and all the more satisfying for it (w/onions, maybe, or just possibly garlic, if I'm in the mood for it). A slab of meat that you need to use a pneumatic drill on, because it's so thick. THAT is steak worthy of the name !! Anything from medium rare to well done does me .. I don't much care ...

Sir Drummond, and Gunny. No disrespect to Kathianne here, but that photo shows, what we call POT ROAST on a bun, where I grew up.
A steak...a REAL STEAK, does not get chopped up, or served on any bun unless you order a PHILLY CHEESE STEAK, where the meat is cut into smaller pieces, and never anything but Well Done.

My grandmother made it often, with boiled potatoes, her gravy, and a couple of veggies.