I hope charges are brought forth, and jail time involved. This shit is wrong, and as you see can lead to violence. One instance of this can lead to entire neighborhood rioting.


Racist Note That Led to Protests, Cancelled Class at St. Olaf’s College Was ‘Fabricated’

Administrators at St. Olaf’s College revealed in an email that a racist note that led to a week-long series of protests on campus was “fabricated.”

A racist note, that sparked week-long protest efforts by students at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, was “fabricated,” according to administrators.

The note, which threatened a black female student and used an ethnic slur, was concocted as part of an ill-conceived attempt at political activism.

“This was not a genuine threat,” St. Olaf President David R. Anderson wrote on Wednesday to students. “We’re confident that there is no ongoing threat from this incident to individuals or the community as a whole.”

The note, Anderson added, was a “strategy to draw attention to concerns about the campus climate.”

Student Samantha Wells, who reported the incident, claimed on social media that she was aware that the note was “fabricated” at the time that she submitted the report.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/0...as-fabricated/