Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
you guys problem here is that you're creating a STRAWMAN. by only looking a PART of the situation and framing the narative to fit your ... whatever picture that makes you fell better or something.

it takes 2 to tangle. all your comments talk about "the north, the north, Lincoln, the north..."

The History I learned ALSO mentioned the SOUTH and It's Motives for LEAVING the Union. which was SLAVERY.
they didn't leave the union because of TARIFFS, they left BECAUSE they FEARED the north would change/END Slavery. It'd been an issue for 100 years. most of the session docs explicitly state slavery as the reason. the Confederate president stated it as the reason. Southern Senators leaving the Congress stated it as the reason. southern newspapers stated it as the reason. southern soldiers in letters state it as the reason. the slavery clauses are the ONLY major difference in the Confederate constitution from the U.S. Constitution.
Lincoln's Republican party was formed by ABOLITIONIST. So the the south decided to LEAVE. Lincoln wanted to appease the South by any means, but the south would not have it or believe it. Lincoln's main goal was to "Save the Union" the south's main goal was to "Save Slavery". the goals were at cross purposes. The Northern abolitionist used it as a political wedge as Lincoln did eventually.

if you look at a history of say... a concrete company with 2 owners. Mr Red wants to continue to use Sand from China and Mr Green sorta doesn't. But BECAUSE Mr Red in fears that the Sand from China will be stopped he decides to split the biz. But Mr. Blue doesn't want to. He Goes go to court to keep the biz one unit and wins. And by winning also all the Sand from China portion of the biz is ended.
WHAT Caused the Court battle?

you just don't look at ONE side and say well the Br Blue never really had that much a problem with Sand from China ANYway so Sand from China was NOT the real reason for the court case.
that's dishonest.

the sand from China was what caused the rift. no rift, no court.

Anyone that says Lincoln was Saint is a Lair.
Anyone that says the Slavery was just a Side Show or a 2ndry component is a Liar.

there are no angels in Northern or Southern politics here, Except maybe some of the abolitionist that from the beginning want to end slavery in the U.S..

Slavery was/is a horrific thing and people of good conscious should have ended it and not tried to keep it for ANY reason. It wasn't benign in any form in the U.S.. And the Civil War IS what finally ended it.

If you want to say that Lincoln was a scumbag of a politician and that some in the north had slaves and many whites in the North didn't care AT ALL about slavery. YES, you're EXACTLY right. But don't leave out that the politicians and slave owners in the South were WORSE on the issue.
ONLY the abolitionist of the north and south have clean hands on the issue.
The war brought it to head and Northern politicians were free to move in the right direction without trying to compromise with southern politicians wishes. But only compromise with the minority of the north that still embraced the practice. But by the end of the War ALL were freed... by northern soldiers and northern politicians.
Wrong. As usual. Slavery itself is the strawman used by the Union/the North/Lincoln to vilify the South. Few people really cared; which, is the topic. Not your moral outlook on it.

You're also typical of those who judge the actions of people from a different time and set of beliefs by today's. By today's beliefs, ESPECIALLY YOURS, the US wouldn't exist to begin with. You have talked yourself into getting your ass kicked off the continent and having to swim back to Europe.