Quote Originally Posted by Great warrior View Post

When a classmate told 19-year-old Heraa Hashmi that “all terrorists are Muslims” she began to compile a dossier of all instances of Muslims condemning terror attacks
"... Using Google spreadsheets, she made a “712-page list of Muslims condemning things with sources”, which she tweeted. The list includes everything from acts of domestic violence to 9/11.

“I wanted to show people how weak the argument [that Muslims don’t care about terrorism] is,” she explained.

Her stats struck a chord. Within 24 hours, Hashmi’s tweet had been retweeted 15,000 times. A couple of her followers volunteered to help her turn her spreadsheet into an interactive website and, within a week of the tweet, muslimscondemn.com was born. This was last November, but the website has grown considerably since then and, sadly, flickers into prominence whenever a new attack takes place...."
I've never doubted that MOST Muslims flatly Condemn Terrorism. And i believe the western plutocrats/oligarchs/kletocrats are using Islam and "terror groups" as pawns and as the new boogie-man.
However, the Islamic faith easily lends itself to terrorism on the edges.
And in the main, it lends itself to political and social oppression
of all those that don't "submit" to it's prescribed lifestyle...

...More than any other major religion.