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    Default Trump May Yet Become a Terrific President

    and true with the bold, even though I blame congress more for the failure. Time for another bus ride and scolding, IMO. Ok, maybe not the scolding, but definitely a "no one leaves this meeting until we have a consensus" meeting.


    Trump May Yet Become a Terrific President

    We're six months into the Trump presidency and it's worth asking: When you eliminate the febrile fantasies of the left (sometimes called "journalism" or "the news" by people who work in "journalism" or "the news") and when you tune out the grave harumphs of the intellectual He's-Not-Quite-The-Thing right wing, and when you ignore too the lovestruck dreamy-dreams of the Trump Right or Wrong Fan Club, what are we left with?

    In fact, it seems to me — a reluctant Trump voter — President The Donald has done a pretty darn good job so far. Rough-hewn, inexperienced and sometimes too much of a loudmouth for his own and the country's good, he has nonetheless managed to increase American freedom and productivity while dragging us back from the brink of the Moribund European Socialist Please-Kill-Us-Mohammed anti-Western vision of the last guy who held the office.

    There's the great Supreme Court pick, of course. Plus he's eliminated sixteen old federal regulations for every new one put in place. He's made American foreign policy sane again by re-aligning us with Israel and pulling out of the nonsense Paris climate accord. You can talk about the non-wall all you like, but the drop in illegal border crossings under this president is, according to the head of the National Border Patrol union, "nothing short of miraculous." Stock market's up. Unemployment's down. Housing sales are up. ISIS is down. Oh, and Trump's brutal thrashing of our utterly corrupt and dishonest news media has been a joy to behold.

    But what about important legislation or the lack thereof? Well, that's a fair question. The massive Senate fail on Obamacare repeal is a disgrace and an embarrassment. Some blame Rand Paul's ceaseless I-Sure-Want-to-Repeal-Obamacare-But routine. Some blame the weaksauce dithering of the RINOs. And some blame the too-uncompromising posture of conservatives. Me, I blame them all, every damn one of them. They're a party. They need to get together and act for the good of the country and the president. They said they'd do it. They voted to do it when they knew it didn't count. Each one of them needs to sacrifice something and all need to get to yes together. (And Rand Paul needs to take his posturing face off TV and join them.)

    However. That said. It is the president's job to help make this happen. Barack Obama knew this. When he was pushing the disaster of Obamacare down our throats, the president got out there and made somewhere between thirty and forty speeches about how we could keep our doctors and how our premiums would go down. Okay, he was a lying scoundrel, but you can't fault him for neglecting the task at hand.

    At a lunch this week with the GOP senators, President Trump said it well: "Democrats were always selling their plan... and we never sell our plan. If we're weak on anything, it's on letting people know how good it is."

    Right. Except someone has got to explain to Le Grand Orange that that's actually his job. Attacking Obamacare, explaining the repeal plan, holding GOP lawmakers' feet to the fire. That's what the president does. That's how this stuff happens.

    Rest here -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    I can agree with that assessment. For all the talk of the Democrats sabotage of the administration, it's mostly been the administration sabotaging itself. Whether it's tweets that bring in 'secret recordings' or just pick fights with Congress, the Democrats have been surprisingly ineffective at coming up with any new plans for healthcare or to attract voters. Indeed, they lost 4 out of 4 special elections, costing their party millions of dollars as Jim pointed out the other day. On social media we see the posts regarding 'resist' but how likely that those folks actually vote? If they did they most likely voted for Bernie over Hillary, the country still not ready for a Bernie. The media pretty much fits in with the geniuses on FB, Twitter, and Instagram, lots of opinions on 'resist' but little sense in how to change any minds through meaningful ideas.

    What Trump has a problem with is that many who truly don't like him, but do want him to succeed for the country. He seems to get angrier at those people, even those that come around to him, than those who want him to fail. Look at those in the administration from Priebus, to Spicer, etc. They supported someone else, then him. He has not treated them decently in many public ways. I assume that is his interpretation of how a strong man behaves, to keep punishing those who don't always agree with you. I have hope the new guy will do better, as he seems cut from the same cloth in alphaness, but then again, might be his undoing? He made a point yesterday of saying that the president never lets him forget that he made initial 'bad choices,' and added his 51st apology, hoping someday it would really be accepted.

    His putting personal loyalty above all other credentials has caused him to fall far behind in making the appointments his departments need. Department leaders are not free to hire staff that they want in positions that require Senate confirmation, as Trump wants them vetted by his criteria, not expertise. That is a problem, especially in departments like State and DOD that need literally hundreds of these slots filled.

    While many are crediting Trump, rightly or wrongly for the economic turn around, there really can't be much doubt that his strong words on immigration and illegals have had an impact in something like a 70% decrease in illegal entries. That's not coincidence. It does reinforce my opinion that a massive wall building isn't necessary, just the will to enforce the laws and punish those who break them would be fine. Perhaps some toughness towards neighbors that encourage the illegal crossings too would be in order, rather than threats of confiscating their money to build said wall.

    I blame Obama for the most part on the issues of NK and Iran, also on allowing Russia/Iran to become dominant in Syria. Trump is stuck with those, we all are. He has made the right moves though. in at least projecting the will to resort to force if diplomacy fails. He hasn't shown a tendency to jump into actions where our military is personally at risk unnecessarily, a good move in my opinion.

    His court picks have been extraordinarily good, he has kept his promise to nominate from a pre-vetted list. Solid A for those choices. It's the one area that probably got him over the top for voters that really didn't want to vote for him. There could be no question that if Hillary had won, the courts would be far different for at least a generation. That was the most compelling reason to vote for him.

    I would say that personally I find him best when giving a speech for a specific reason, yes, those tend to be tightly written by others. Today was one example that most probably didn't see, the commissioning of the USS Gerald R Ford. The other two that come to mind are those in the ME, his first foreign trip. Extraordinary. The first speech regarding NATO? Not good, he deviated from the prepared speech and it was very problematic. He made up for that in Poland, again a phenomenal speech, at least to a conservative minded person.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Default Trump is smarter, and wiser than most would guess...IMO.

    I don't believe the President is doing anything HE HASN'T PLANNED in advance.
    The man is a genius in many ways. Look at how frustrated, confused, and full of venom the LAME STREAM PRESS, and the Democrats are all the time.

    He has managed to outsmart them, and they hate that when somebody uses their techniques to DESTROY them, then laughs at them when they CRY, WHINE, and nearly Commit Suicide with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    I'm confident he'll be one of the Greats by the time his 8 years are up.

    All of us knew going into this that he's an outsider. The forces arrayed against him are sobering - you have the moonbat lemmings (which any GOP Prez would have, honestly), and then you have the establishment who (who are supposed to be on our side) have been dropping their monocles and harrumphing mightily.

    It's really difficult to compare this scenario to past Presidencies because of how W handled the new Internet Age. He took the high road and refused to dignify the stupid attacks on him, and the end result is that the anklebiters were encouraged. He followed precedent and you can't blame him because the internet was pretty new and evolving daily.

    Then you have Obama, who was given a free pass by media and cover via a well-funded horde of Soros' paid trolls.

    So, really, this is our very first President in this new era of ours who refuses to lie down and take it. He's a brawler, and again, we all knew that from the get-go. It enrages journalists that he bypasses via twitter, and I agree that his unfiltered thoughts are problematic and he should be assisted by a pro.

    But honestly, I think this is refreshing that he's saying what he's thinking instead of the bullshit we've been fed. For better or worse, we're hearing straight from our President what's going on and what he's thinking.

    I'll admit that some of the things that come out of the blue are confusing at first... but let's take the Comey Incident : Turns out he was one of the leakers and Trump was right to rid us of his corrupt bullshit - but when we all first heard about it, I think all of us were surprised. I certainly was.

    He's a businessman and expects & demands excellence. If someone isn't cutting the mustard; the shrewd exec cuts the dead weight sooner rather than later. The organization benefits from such actions ultimately.

    I don't know what the beef is with Spicer, but I suspect there's some back history there between Spicer & Scaramucchi. We don't know yet, but I think all of us can agree that Spicer could have been better when handling a combative and hostile press and in this particular administration, your Face Man has to be the best of the best - especially when having to deal with tweets that come out of the blue and a gleeful press out for blood.
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

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