Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
uh, no it's not.

Are people FREE to participate in homosexual weddings or not?
If the "god withen" leads them not to join or promote the practice. aren't they free to OPT OUT?
or do homosexuals have the power to force people do their bidding when it's against those people's understanding of faith?

Are Jew's forced to make sausage at thier deli because a customer or pig farmers demand it?
Are Muslims forced to sell bacon from their food stores?
Are pet owners forced to sell dogs to some Asians that still like to use them in their traditional celebrations for food? would that be OPPRESSING tht Asian minority. Or might it be adhering to a standard of personal belief that it's cruel to uses dogs for food?
But isn't that just AN OPINION not even backed by any protected or clear religious standard?

so no the Christian's aren't "oppressing" homosexual by not selling them wedding cakes... or participating in their weddings
That is not what the law of the land says.

I said nothing of participating in a wedding. I did say something of discrimination without a just case.
