Saw it last night. And.... yeah, it was a Michael Bay movie. Great action sequences that eventually become so shakey you can't tell who's who, surrounded by a crappy plot.

I like Shia LeBouf, and I thought he was great in this. However, they could've easily trimmed a good 30 minutes from his whole love story. Why invest so much time in characters nobody cares about, then have the autobots' story explained in a 3-minute scene? And, as someone who never watched the show, and only saw the 80's movie once, I had no clue who any of the Decepticons were. I could see where that would piss off some fans. As it is, they served the plot, but they weren't exactly "characters".

But, it entertained me for 2 hours, and what more can you want? Movies like this not only don't need to be thought about afterwards, they almost demand you don't think about them. I was thinking about it, as much as I hate Michael Bay, the guy's definitely developed his own style, and his movies are so confident, it's easy to look past the crappiness.

That said, Michael Bay should get out of the mansion and talk to a few black people every now and then. Literally every black character in this movie was a huge stereotype. There's no reason to have a character saying "that theah is mah mammy!" in the year 2007. That said, the row of black guys behind me ate up all that stuff, so maybe Bay's onto something.

But, that Megan Fox! Yowza! And the blonde NSA girl (I think she was Australian) was nice to look at, too!