Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
I read a book, don't know if that's what it's based upon, years ago. Some if factual, some is as misleading as the Cherry Tree story.
Don't know. The factual history I was taught was separate which was taught as folklore. The difference IMO now is how it is accepted in a society where everything that was good is bad, and everything bad is now good.

Harmless tales told children as parables or just cutesy-pie stories now have to have someone come along and piss on them and boldly proclaimed untrue. Who cares if there was no Paul Bunyon and he didn't have a Blue Ox? They were just stories. The "Wah" brigade leaves no stone unturned to ruin someone's day.

Factual history depends on the source(s) and how many. Rewriting factual history IMO is a sin.