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  1. #916
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    Until recent news about the muzzies, woke me up again I had not realized how long I have ignored this thread and its truth about the muslim maggots.
    Sure I know why I stopped, grief and deep sorrow from my mother's death but that should be no excuse to abandoning presenting the truth about this death cult, its murderous and evil agenda.

    So, today I will renew/resume my posts here that give clear and irrefutable evidence of this cult's savagery and murdering darkness that is its true heart, soul and goal. -Tyr

    Religion of Peace

    Atrocity of the Week

    Atrocity of the Week
    Kenya: Christians Beheaded

    Other Recent "Misunderstandings
    of Islam"

    2017.08.25 (Cameroon)
    A Sunni Jihadist group murders fifteen villagers and burns thirty-five homes.

    2017.08.25 (Afghanistan)
    At least twenty innocents are slaughtered during a Sunni suicide attack on a Shiite mosque during prayers.

    2017.08.25 (Myanmar)
    Muslim 'insurgents' stage pre-dawn raids on security posts, killing twelve members.

    2017.08.23 (Pakistan)
    Two radicals murder a local preacher over a religious disagreement.

    2017.08.23 (Libya)
    Fourteen people are beheaded by the Islamic State.

    2017.08.23 (Afghanistan)
    Women and children are among seven lives extinguished by a suicide bomber at a parking lot.

    (Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).


    Other listed articles from the link shown above, based upon verified attacks and actions, from legitimate news sources from around the world.
    Could they all be lies??????

    Buckingham Palace Attack was Another 'Allah Akbar'…
    Cleric Arrested in New York on Terror Charge…
    Labour Sacks Councillor over Support for Sexually Abused Kids
    Nigerian Muslim Group 'Retracts' Threat to Kill Christians…
    Sharing Non-Islamic Faith Still "Appears to Be Legal" in Dearborn
    UK Man Admits 'Exaggerating' Story of Anti-Muslim Hate Crime…
    Established Agent Cheats 58 Pilgrims Out of Money for Haj…
    Indonesian Militants Worked to Build Dirty Bomb…
    Pakistan Police Suggest 12-Year-Old 'Consented' to Gang Rape…
    Israel's Arab Teachers Paid by the State, Yet Incite Against It…
    Migrants Cost Quebec $2.6 Million Each Month in Welfare Payments…
    Domestic Worker Returns from Saudi Arabia with Scars, Burns…
    Brussels: Man Attacks Cops with Machete, Shouting 'Allah Akbar'…
    Cops Stabbed with Sword Outside Buckingham Palace…
    20 Shiites Murdered at Mosque by Sectarian Rivals…
    Baby Among Eight Iraqis Doused with Tar and Set on Fire…
    Advocate for Killing 'Blasphemers' Tackles Islam 'Misconceptions'…
    Welsh Politician Labels Barcelona 'Far-Right' Terror…
    Scottish Pastors Want New Towns Created for Masses of Migrants…
    Muslim Man Chases and Kicks French Woman…
    London Police to Prioritize Victims with Poor English…
    CAIR Really Wants on the 'White Supremacy' Bandwagon…
    Mosque Assisted Murder of Israeli Guards…
    Imam: Sexual Harassment is Having to Shake Hands with a Woman…
    Illegal Who "Can't Be Deported" Batters 62-Year-Old to Death…
    Germany "Can't Deport" ISIS Torturers…
    Indonesian Cleric Named Suspect in 2016 Terror Attack…
    AUS Official: Sharia is "No Different than Catholicism"…
    Chechnya Tries Forcing Divorced Couples to 'Reunite'…
    Saudi Arabia Bribes Muslim Journalists with Haj Visas…
    Preacher: Jinns (Demons) will 'Fall in Love' with Uncovered Women…
    Moroccan Beauty Queen Molested in Broad Daylight…
    Emirates Jails Transgender over 'Looks'…
    Atheist: Women Will Not Be Free Until Sharia is Banned…
    Indonesia's Sharia Police Record Clothing Violation in 'Book of Sins'
    Christian Dies in Jail after False Charge, Refusal to Renounce Faith
    EU's Failure to Deport Attracts More Illegals: Downward Spiral…
    Egyptian Province Blocks Access to 15 Churches to Appease Islamists…
    EU Ambassador: Israel Has Much to Learn from Us in War on Terror…
    American Pastor Caught Up in Erdogan's Purge…
    Polish Police Officer Attacked with Knife Outside Allah-Las Venue…
    MGM Resorts Offering to Fund Terror-Linked CAIR…
    "De-Radicalized" Muslim Caught Spreading Jihad Message…
    Clerics to Woman Seeking Divorce: 'Sacrifice Yourself for Islam'…
    70-Year-Old Mosque Cleric Killed over 'Religious Differences'…
    (Spanish) Muslim Woman Assaulted by Suspected Bigots in Madrid…
    Migrants Flex Muscle in Rome: Gas Cylinder Thrown at Police…
    Sweden Purges All Podcasts Critical of Migration Policy…
    Photo Shows Elderly Couple Laying Side-by-Side After Van Attack…
    10-Year-Old Calls Trump "Puppet of the Jews"…
    Imam Collected $620,000 in Swiss Welfare While Calling for Death of Christians…
    Preacher Says 'Annihilate the Jews' Instead of Condemning Terror…
    Dutch Cops Thwart Attack on 'Allah-Las' Rock Concert…
    Barcelona Terrorists Laughed and Joked as They Prepared Attack…
    British MP Suggests Segregated Trains Cars to Protect Women…
    Historian: Islamists Kill Women over Fear of Female Empowerment…
    German Cathedral Brings in Stone Blocks to Protect Against ROP…
    Egypt University Suspends Professor for Atheist FB Post…
    Pakistani Model Bullied over Short Hair…
    Customers Sour on Aldi's Sharia-Compliant Lanes…
    Italian Mayor to Jihadis: If You Want to Meet Allah, We'll Send You…
    Saudi Boy Spotted Doing the 'Macarena' - Cops Move In…
    Finland: Five Muslims Behind Country's First Terror Attack…
    SDSU Condemns Call for Muslim Leaders to Denounce Terror…
    Palestinian Groups Support Terror 'Under the Façade of Peace'…
    Comedian and Psychologist Flee Pakistan - and Islam…
    Chicago Uber Driver Demands Payment in 'Sex'…
    (UK) Vandals Steal Statue of Soldier Killed by Suicide Bomber…
    'Bikini Woman' Warned: "Keep the F- Out of Islam!"…
    Survivors of Hebdo Massacre Accused of 'Islamophobia'…
    UK: 6000 Child Abuse Complaints in One Muslim Borough…
    (Video) Female Reporter Harassed at Triple Talaq Verdict…
    JP Morgan Gives Big Money to the SPLC…
    ISIS Encourages Faithful to Attack German Church…
    Judge Puts Throat-Cutting Illegal Back on British Streets…
    Religion of Peace Cleric Planned Suicide Bombing in Spain…
    Christians Hacked to Death for Refusing to Recite Shahada…
    MP: Child Sex Victims Should Stay Quiet for the 'Good of Diversity'…
    Boko Haram Child Bombings Up 400% over 2016…
    Rocket Launcher Found in Paris 'No-Go' Suburb…
    Cleric Among Three Sentenced for Terrorism (Uganda)…
    Amsterdam Finally Admits Driver Who Rammed Station is Muslim…
    Channel 4 Drama Tries to Evoke Sympathy for ISIS Militants…
    Barcelona is a 'Salafist City'…
    Morocco 'Shocked' by Gang Rape on Public Bus…
    Illegal Migrant Rapes UK Woman Then Tries Paying Her 'for Sex'…
    Culture Center Bans 'Asylum Seekers' over Sex Assaults…
    Letter Reveals Palestinian Terrorist to Be Deeply Religious…
    Imam Who Terrorized Spain Was Given Human Rights Asylum…
    Cleric: Call to Love People Across Religious Lines is 'Alien to Islam'…
    Call to Islamic Prayer Echoes Germany…
    Holocaust Memorial Defaced with 'Allah' Graffiti…
    UK: 'Social Media Hate Crimes' are Same as Real Hate Crimes…
    Barcelona Driver's Final Words are 'Allah Akbar', as 15th Victim Found
    Muslim Cop Who Played Up 'Islamo-phobia' Caught Making Child Porn…
    Group Hoped to Blow Up Plane with Explosives Planted in Barbie Doll…
    Cleric Rapes 14-Year-Old Congregant Behind Mosque…
    'Moderate' Indonesia Puts Women in Prison for 'Misguided' Teachings…
    "Kiss My Ass": Women Defy Preacher with Bikini Snaps…
    German Imprisoned for Posting FB Photo Showing Islam-Nazi Link…
    Saudi Wife Divorced for 'Walking Ahead' of Husband…
    Council Orders Married Couple Forcibly Separated…
    'Angela Merkel Muhammad' Marks Germany's Changing of the Guard
    Islamic Radicals to Be Treated by Mental Illness Specialists…
    Numbers Drop as Mafia 'Encour-ages' Migrants Not to Land in Italy
    Spencer: PayPal Overreached…
    China Cracks Down on Noise Pollution from Mosque Speakers…
    Banners Tell Men to 'Make' Women Dress Modestly…
    Belgium Kindergarten Features Death Threats against Infidels…
    (Egypt) Christian Home Seized for Praying without a License…
    Barcelona Driver Shot Dead by Police - Was Wearing Suicide Belt
    Islamist Tells His Own Mother: You Should Be Killed as an Infidel…
    Anti-Israel Terror Group Allowed on the Ballot in Germany…
    Barcelona Imam's Religious Awak-ening Sparked by Madrid Bombers
    Female Preacher: 'Major Sin' for Women to Pluck Eyebrows…
    Teen Spits on Quran: "We'll Anger God If We Don't Execute Him"…
    McMaster Endorsed Book Advocating Kissing the Quran…
    Terrorist's Apartment Contains Framed Quran Verses…
    Britain's Armored Vehicles Fall Back to Protect London…
    Muslim Locals Helped Hindu Victims of Train Derailment…
    BDS Activists Bully Jewish Children Outside AUS School…
    Fewer People Daring to Attend Liberal Mosque in Germany…
    FGM Happening in Canada…
    Finnish Police Knew Killer was 'Radicalized' - Refused to Deport…
    Muslim Women Targeted by Their Men for Online Abuse…
    Man Gets 80 Lashes for 2 Pills…
    Cat & Mouse Cartoons Teach UK Children to Hide from Terrorists…
    Muslim Leader in Australia Calls for Burka Ban…
    France: 1 Dead as Van Rams Bus Stop in Marseille…
    Muslims Quickly Raise 'Backlash" Narrative in Barcelona…
    Barcelona Cell: 12 Young Men with No History of Extremism…
    Russia: Islamist Tried to Firebomb Shopping Center Prior to Stabbings
    Spain: Islamists Had 120 Gas Canisters…
    Canada Investigates Possible Ex-pression of Non-Conformist Views
    Bangladesh Turns Back Fellow Muslims Fleeing Violence…
    Christian Teen Badly Beaten by Mob over Quran Rumor…
    (French) 330 Jihad Deaths in Europe Since 2015…
    Palestinian Terrorist: I Intend to Be a "Martyr in the Path of Allah"…
    Killer in Finland Claimed to Be 'Seeking Asylum'…
    Barcelona Police Confirm Death of 7-Year-Old Boy…
    Imam Who Masterminded Attacks in Spain May Have Been 'Vaporized'…
    Turkish School Will Stop Teaching Evolution this Fall…
    Australia Charges 3 Sunnis with Arson Attacks on Shiite Mosque…
    Poll Shows Europeans Less Trusting, More Pessimistic…
    Survey: One-Third of Jews in UK Want to Flee…
    German MP Caught Laughing and Joking During Barcelona Statement…
    Mastermind of 2005 Bombings: Meant to Establish Sharia…
    Professor: Sweden is Now a Bigger Threat to Finland than Russia…
    Man Wears 'F-ISIS' Shirt Past Barcelona Site…
    Trump Mulls Cutting Military Aid to Pakistan…
    Islamic Cleric Behind Terror Cell in Spain - Died Making Bomb…
    Barcelona Cell Planned Massacre of Hundreds at Cathedral…
    8 Stabbed in Russia by Islam Supporter…
    Finland Stabbing: Moroccan Jihadi Targeted Women…
    Terrorist in Spain: Kill Unbelievers, Leave Only Practicing Muslims…
    Police ID 'Shy' 22-Year-Old Moroccan as Barcelona Driver…
    US Muslims Told to Fight Infidels or Prepare for Concentration Camps…
    UK's Corbyn Calls for 'Van Control' in Wake of Attacks Using Vans…
    Erdogan Gives Election Day Instructions to Turks in Germany …
    Spencer Files Complaint over Iceland Poisoning…
    Filipino Terrorists Hole Up with Hostages in Mosque…
    Woman Chopped Up with Axe for Marrying by Choice…
    Iran's President Drops Hint about Clandestine Nuke Program…
    Journalism Center Shills for CAIR…
    Refugees Making Soft Targets for Islamic Terrorists in Nigeria…
    Saudi Money Gets Islam a Foothold at UK's Largest Christian Fest…
    US to Deport Palestinian Terrorist…
    Oklahoma Rep: Mosques are Bigger Threat than Statues…
    Muslim Family Harassed by Teens in Texas…
    'Religious Organizations' Involved in Forced Conversion of Hindu Girl…
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-26-2017 at 09:43 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

  2. Thanks Drummond, Abbey Marie thanked this post
  3. #917
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    Lest we forget, muslims worship a pedophile that married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9... that's their messiah... the one they love and worship... it's sick, and so is their cult of blood, death, destruction and totalitarianism.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-26-2017 at 11:53 AM.

  4. Thanks Drummond, Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post
  5. #918
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    Default Lest we forget eight years of lies?

    <img src="">
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

  6. Thanks Drummond, Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post
  7. #919
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Until recent news about the muzzies, woke me up again I had not realized how long I have ignored this thread and its truth about the muslim maggots.
    Sure I know why I stopped, grief and deep sorrow from my mother's death but that should be no excuse to abandoning presenting the truth about this death cult, its murderous and evil agenda.

    So, today I will renew/resume my posts here that give clear and irrefutable evidence of this cult's savagery and murdering darkness that is its true heart, soul and goal. -Tyr

    Religion of Peace

    Atrocity of the Week

    Atrocity of the Week
    Kenya: Christians Beheaded

    Other Recent "Misunderstandings
    of Islam"

    2017.08.25 (Cameroon)
    A Sunni Jihadist group murders fifteen villagers and burns thirty-five homes.

    2017.08.25 (Afghanistan)
    At least twenty innocents are slaughtered during a Sunni suicide attack on a Shiite mosque during prayers.

    2017.08.25 (Myanmar)
    Muslim 'insurgents' stage pre-dawn raids on security posts, killing twelve members.

    2017.08.23 (Pakistan)
    Two radicals murder a local preacher over a religious disagreement.

    2017.08.23 (Libya)
    Fourteen people are beheaded by the Islamic State.

    2017.08.23 (Afghanistan)
    Women and children are among seven lives extinguished by a suicide bomber at a parking lot.

    (Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).


    Other listed articles from the link shown above, based upon verified attacks and actions, from legitimate news sources from around the world.
    Could they all be lies??????

    Buckingham Palace Attack was Another 'Allah Akbar'…
    Cleric Arrested in New York on Terror Charge…
    Labour Sacks Councillor over Support for Sexually Abused Kids
    Nigerian Muslim Group 'Retracts' Threat to Kill Christians…
    Sharing Non-Islamic Faith Still "Appears to Be Legal" in Dearborn
    UK Man Admits 'Exaggerating' Story of Anti-Muslim Hate Crime…
    Established Agent Cheats 58 Pilgrims Out of Money for Haj…
    Indonesian Militants Worked to Build Dirty Bomb…
    Pakistan Police Suggest 12-Year-Old 'Consented' to Gang Rape…
    Israel's Arab Teachers Paid by the State, Yet Incite Against It…
    Migrants Cost Quebec $2.6 Million Each Month in Welfare Payments…
    Domestic Worker Returns from Saudi Arabia with Scars, Burns…
    Brussels: Man Attacks Cops with Machete, Shouting 'Allah Akbar'…
    Cops Stabbed with Sword Outside Buckingham Palace…
    20 Shiites Murdered at Mosque by Sectarian Rivals…
    Baby Among Eight Iraqis Doused with Tar and Set on Fire…
    Advocate for Killing 'Blasphemers' Tackles Islam 'Misconceptions'…
    Welsh Politician Labels Barcelona 'Far-Right' Terror…
    Scottish Pastors Want New Towns Created for Masses of Migrants…
    Muslim Man Chases and Kicks French Woman…
    London Police to Prioritize Victims with Poor English…
    CAIR Really Wants on the 'White Supremacy' Bandwagon…
    Mosque Assisted Murder of Israeli Guards…
    Imam: Sexual Harassment is Having to Shake Hands with a Woman…
    Illegal Who "Can't Be Deported" Batters 62-Year-Old to Death…
    Germany "Can't Deport" ISIS Torturers…
    Indonesian Cleric Named Suspect in 2016 Terror Attack…
    AUS Official: Sharia is "No Different than Catholicism"…
    Chechnya Tries Forcing Divorced Couples to 'Reunite'…
    Saudi Arabia Bribes Muslim Journalists with Haj Visas…
    Preacher: Jinns (Demons) will 'Fall in Love' with Uncovered Women…
    Moroccan Beauty Queen Molested in Broad Daylight…
    Emirates Jails Transgender over 'Looks'…
    Atheist: Women Will Not Be Free Until Sharia is Banned…
    Indonesia's Sharia Police Record Clothing Violation in 'Book of Sins'
    Christian Dies in Jail after False Charge, Refusal to Renounce Faith
    EU's Failure to Deport Attracts More Illegals: Downward Spiral…
    Egyptian Province Blocks Access to 15 Churches to Appease Islamists…
    EU Ambassador: Israel Has Much to Learn from Us in War on Terror…
    American Pastor Caught Up in Erdogan's Purge…
    Polish Police Officer Attacked with Knife Outside Allah-Las Venue…
    MGM Resorts Offering to Fund Terror-Linked CAIR…
    "De-Radicalized" Muslim Caught Spreading Jihad Message…
    Clerics to Woman Seeking Divorce: 'Sacrifice Yourself for Islam'…
    70-Year-Old Mosque Cleric Killed over 'Religious Differences'…
    (Spanish) Muslim Woman Assaulted by Suspected Bigots in Madrid…
    Migrants Flex Muscle in Rome: Gas Cylinder Thrown at Police…
    Sweden Purges All Podcasts Critical of Migration Policy…
    Photo Shows Elderly Couple Laying Side-by-Side After Van Attack…
    10-Year-Old Calls Trump "Puppet of the Jews"…
    Imam Collected $620,000 in Swiss Welfare While Calling for Death of Christians…
    Preacher Says 'Annihilate the Jews' Instead of Condemning Terror…
    Dutch Cops Thwart Attack on 'Allah-Las' Rock Concert…
    Barcelona Terrorists Laughed and Joked as They Prepared Attack…
    British MP Suggests Segregated Trains Cars to Protect Women…
    Historian: Islamists Kill Women over Fear of Female Empowerment…
    German Cathedral Brings in Stone Blocks to Protect Against ROP…
    Egypt University Suspends Professor for Atheist FB Post…
    Pakistani Model Bullied over Short Hair…
    Customers Sour on Aldi's Sharia-Compliant Lanes…
    Italian Mayor to Jihadis: If You Want to Meet Allah, We'll Send You…
    Saudi Boy Spotted Doing the 'Macarena' - Cops Move In…
    Finland: Five Muslims Behind Country's First Terror Attack…
    SDSU Condemns Call for Muslim Leaders to Denounce Terror…
    Palestinian Groups Support Terror 'Under the Façade of Peace'…
    Comedian and Psychologist Flee Pakistan - and Islam…
    Chicago Uber Driver Demands Payment in 'Sex'…
    (UK) Vandals Steal Statue of Soldier Killed by Suicide Bomber…
    'Bikini Woman' Warned: "Keep the F- Out of Islam!"…
    Survivors of Hebdo Massacre Accused of 'Islamophobia'…
    UK: 6000 Child Abuse Complaints in One Muslim Borough…
    (Video) Female Reporter Harassed at Triple Talaq Verdict…
    JP Morgan Gives Big Money to the SPLC…
    ISIS Encourages Faithful to Attack German Church…
    Judge Puts Throat-Cutting Illegal Back on British Streets…
    Religion of Peace Cleric Planned Suicide Bombing in Spain…
    Christians Hacked to Death for Refusing to Recite Shahada…
    MP: Child Sex Victims Should Stay Quiet for the 'Good of Diversity'…
    Boko Haram Child Bombings Up 400% over 2016…
    Rocket Launcher Found in Paris 'No-Go' Suburb…
    Cleric Among Three Sentenced for Terrorism (Uganda)…
    Amsterdam Finally Admits Driver Who Rammed Station is Muslim…
    Channel 4 Drama Tries to Evoke Sympathy for ISIS Militants…
    Barcelona is a 'Salafist City'…
    Morocco 'Shocked' by Gang Rape on Public Bus…
    Illegal Migrant Rapes UK Woman Then Tries Paying Her 'for Sex'…
    Culture Center Bans 'Asylum Seekers' over Sex Assaults…
    Letter Reveals Palestinian Terrorist to Be Deeply Religious…
    Imam Who Terrorized Spain Was Given Human Rights Asylum…
    Cleric: Call to Love People Across Religious Lines is 'Alien to Islam'…
    Call to Islamic Prayer Echoes Germany…
    Holocaust Memorial Defaced with 'Allah' Graffiti…
    UK: 'Social Media Hate Crimes' are Same as Real Hate Crimes…
    Barcelona Driver's Final Words are 'Allah Akbar', as 15th Victim Found
    Muslim Cop Who Played Up 'Islamo-phobia' Caught Making Child Porn…
    Group Hoped to Blow Up Plane with Explosives Planted in Barbie Doll…
    Cleric Rapes 14-Year-Old Congregant Behind Mosque…
    'Moderate' Indonesia Puts Women in Prison for 'Misguided' Teachings…
    "Kiss My Ass": Women Defy Preacher with Bikini Snaps…
    German Imprisoned for Posting FB Photo Showing Islam-Nazi Link…
    Saudi Wife Divorced for 'Walking Ahead' of Husband…
    Council Orders Married Couple Forcibly Separated…
    'Angela Merkel Muhammad' Marks Germany's Changing of the Guard
    Islamic Radicals to Be Treated by Mental Illness Specialists…
    Numbers Drop as Mafia 'Encour-ages' Migrants Not to Land in Italy
    Spencer: PayPal Overreached…
    China Cracks Down on Noise Pollution from Mosque Speakers…
    Banners Tell Men to 'Make' Women Dress Modestly…
    Belgium Kindergarten Features Death Threats against Infidels…
    (Egypt) Christian Home Seized for Praying without a License…
    Barcelona Driver Shot Dead by Police - Was Wearing Suicide Belt
    Islamist Tells His Own Mother: You Should Be Killed as an Infidel…
    Anti-Israel Terror Group Allowed on the Ballot in Germany…
    Barcelona Imam's Religious Awak-ening Sparked by Madrid Bombers
    Female Preacher: 'Major Sin' for Women to Pluck Eyebrows…
    Teen Spits on Quran: "We'll Anger God If We Don't Execute Him"…
    McMaster Endorsed Book Advocating Kissing the Quran…
    Terrorist's Apartment Contains Framed Quran Verses…
    Britain's Armored Vehicles Fall Back to Protect London…
    Muslim Locals Helped Hindu Victims of Train Derailment…
    BDS Activists Bully Jewish Children Outside AUS School…
    Fewer People Daring to Attend Liberal Mosque in Germany…
    FGM Happening in Canada…
    Finnish Police Knew Killer was 'Radicalized' - Refused to Deport…
    Muslim Women Targeted by Their Men for Online Abuse…
    Man Gets 80 Lashes for 2 Pills…
    Cat & Mouse Cartoons Teach UK Children to Hide from Terrorists…
    Muslim Leader in Australia Calls for Burka Ban…
    France: 1 Dead as Van Rams Bus Stop in Marseille…
    Muslims Quickly Raise 'Backlash" Narrative in Barcelona…
    Barcelona Cell: 12 Young Men with No History of Extremism…
    Russia: Islamist Tried to Firebomb Shopping Center Prior to Stabbings
    Spain: Islamists Had 120 Gas Canisters…
    Canada Investigates Possible Ex-pression of Non-Conformist Views
    Bangladesh Turns Back Fellow Muslims Fleeing Violence…
    Christian Teen Badly Beaten by Mob over Quran Rumor…
    (French) 330 Jihad Deaths in Europe Since 2015…
    Palestinian Terrorist: I Intend to Be a "Martyr in the Path of Allah"…
    Killer in Finland Claimed to Be 'Seeking Asylum'…
    Barcelona Police Confirm Death of 7-Year-Old Boy…
    Imam Who Masterminded Attacks in Spain May Have Been 'Vaporized'…
    Turkish School Will Stop Teaching Evolution this Fall…
    Australia Charges 3 Sunnis with Arson Attacks on Shiite Mosque…
    Poll Shows Europeans Less Trusting, More Pessimistic…
    Survey: One-Third of Jews in UK Want to Flee…
    German MP Caught Laughing and Joking During Barcelona Statement…
    Mastermind of 2005 Bombings: Meant to Establish Sharia…
    Professor: Sweden is Now a Bigger Threat to Finland than Russia…
    Man Wears 'F-ISIS' Shirt Past Barcelona Site…
    Trump Mulls Cutting Military Aid to Pakistan…
    Islamic Cleric Behind Terror Cell in Spain - Died Making Bomb…
    Barcelona Cell Planned Massacre of Hundreds at Cathedral…
    8 Stabbed in Russia by Islam Supporter…
    Finland Stabbing: Moroccan Jihadi Targeted Women…
    Terrorist in Spain: Kill Unbelievers, Leave Only Practicing Muslims…
    Police ID 'Shy' 22-Year-Old Moroccan as Barcelona Driver…
    US Muslims Told to Fight Infidels or Prepare for Concentration Camps…
    UK's Corbyn Calls for 'Van Control' in Wake of Attacks Using Vans…
    Erdogan Gives Election Day Instructions to Turks in Germany …
    Spencer Files Complaint over Iceland Poisoning…
    Filipino Terrorists Hole Up with Hostages in Mosque…
    Woman Chopped Up with Axe for Marrying by Choice…
    Iran's President Drops Hint about Clandestine Nuke Program…
    Journalism Center Shills for CAIR…
    Refugees Making Soft Targets for Islamic Terrorists in Nigeria…
    Saudi Money Gets Islam a Foothold at UK's Largest Christian Fest…
    US to Deport Palestinian Terrorist…
    Oklahoma Rep: Mosques are Bigger Threat than Statues…
    Muslim Family Harassed by Teens in Texas…
    'Religious Organizations' Involved in Forced Conversion of Hindu Girl…
    Great job, as ever, Tyr.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

  8. Thanks Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post
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  9. #920
    Join Date
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    Time to continue this long thread after my long absence.
    I see that my lapse, was an error on my part...--Tyr

    Religion of Peace
    Atrocity of the Week

    Mali: 40 Innocents Cut Down
    Other Recent "Misunderstandings
    of Islam"
    2018.05.02 (Libya)
    Two suicide bombers storm an election headquarters and claim a dozen scalps.
    2018.05.01 (Mali)
    Elderly people are burned alive in their homes by Religion of Peace proponents.
    2018.05.01 (Iraq)
    Terrorists shoot sixteen people to death in their homes - mostly women and children.
    2018.05.01 (Nigeria)
    Dozens worshippers at mosque are sent straight to Allah by a teenage suicide bomber.
    2018.05.01 (Somalia)
    A female aid worker is shot dead at a market by Mujahideen.
    2018.04.30 (Afghanistan)
    Eleven children are torn limb-from-limb by a suicide bomber at a religious school.
    (Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Stockholm: The truck of the Uzbek death driver tore the body of the 11-year-old Swedish girl Ebba

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post


    Stockholm: The truck of the Uzbek death driver tore the body of the 11-year-old Swedish girl Ebba

    But the new (BLIND) Pope says they are same as Christians....... --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Religion of Peace
    Atrocity of the Week
    Atrocity of the Week
    Nigeria: 86 Blown to Bits
    Other Recent "Misunderstandings
    of Islam"

    2018.05.06 (Afghanistan)
    Seven shopkeepers heading to market are reduced to pulp by Taliban bombers.
    2018.05.06 (Afghanistan)
    Seventeen people at a mosque are cleared out by a Shahid bomb blast.
    2018.05.05 (Cameroon)
    A dozen people at a mosque are laid by two suicide bombers.
    2018.05.04 (Nigeria)
    A suicide bomber rushes inside a family home and kills three residents.
    2018.05.03 (Kenya)
    Four Christian quarry workers are hacked to death with machetes by Religion of Peace activists.
    2018.05.03 (Syria)
    Two aid workers are among four killed by Jihadi car bombers.
    (Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).


    If we could and would just bow down(surrender), to these murdering savages, maybe they would not murder us all, or rape all our daughters, mothers, wives, sisters, goats, sheep, etc.. !
    So goes the democrat party's liberal philosophy and its political agenda/stand. While they work in league with Islam, in this nation. Happily and with dedication seek to appease and lie for these vermin constantly..
    Dems are no better than the animals they defend, IMHO..
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    A small sample I now post, It is possible to post thousands of these. So with this worldwide onslaught , why are the muslims being treated so special, and given special status, above other non-muslim citizens in so many countries-- Answer -- is --- their non-muslim allies the globalists help protect them.
    This nation either wakes up and takes definitive and correct action or we will fall. History does not lie... ---Tyr

    Although the "big one" didn't happen this year, the Religion of
    Peace still crushed the competition with 182 terror attacks during its
    holiest month. At least 854 people were killed and 1005 injured.
    Most impressive is that the carnage was spread over 25 countries.

    Other religions barely made a showing, combining
    for just 1 religiously-motivated attack and 1 death.

    Despite the hype, not a single life was lost to "Islamophobia."
    Jihad Report
    Jun 09, 2018 -
    Jun 15, 2018
    Attacks 46
    Killed 242
    Injured 219
    Suicide Blasts 11
    Countries 13

    The Religion of Peace

    Jihad Report
    May, 2018
    Attacks 188
    Killed 887
    Injured 1070
    Suicide Blasts 32
    Countries 28
    List of Attacks

    It's far easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different.

    Atheist Poet and Publisher Shahzahan Bachchu Shot Dead in Bangladesh

    According to disturbing reports out of Bangladesh, atheist poet and publisher Shahzahan Bachchu was shot to death today in the town of Kakaldi.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Other Recent "Misunderstandings
    of Islam"

    1... 2018.06.24 (Iraq)
    A mother and two daughters are viciously stabbed to death in their home by Islamists.

    2...2018.06.23 (Nigeria)
    A suicide bomber detonates in the middle of the night, killing five villagers.

    3...2018.06.22 (Afghanistan)
    The Taliban target a road construction crew, kidnapping dozens and killing four would-be rescuers.

    4...2018.06.21 (Nigeria)
    Shiite radicals attack a group of police, killing one.

    5...2018.06.19 (CAR)
    Muslim 'rebels' fire into a Catholic church, killing a worshipper.

    6...2018.06.19 (Mozambique)
    A sleeping child is among five villagers murdered by Islamists.

    (Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

    Yet again--the religion of peace show what their version of peace truly is!!! -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 06-25-2018 at 09:13 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Default Tyr....if you think about it. This stuff is getting more at home.

    Looks like the terrorists have finally taken hold...pretending to be Congress members who endorse threatening any way they can. Making living in this nation a threat to this..

    There's a place in GITMO that needs Waters to Clean Toilets.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Notice now given to this--
    amanwaa, muslim idiot....---Tyr

    Quote Originally Posted by amanwaa View Post
    Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion by the number of conversions every year. The religion began in Arabia, but today 80% of all believers in Islam lived outside the Arab world.
    My reply to this muslim moron is the quote shown below, to which this brave warrior has no reply, as muzzy cowards only fight innocent women and children....-Tyr

    Cancer grows too, but I do not see anybody celebrating it.
    Islam is a cancer upon earth. It is nothing more than an insane, murdering cult that has disguised itself as a religion. One that has in its 1400+ year history murdered over 250 million innocent people and that is the low estimate, the other estimate is much higher....
    Do give us a history lesson on how that other 80% came to be outside the Arab world....
    Try presenting a history of Islams savagery and murdering in its conquests throughout its always violent 1400+ year history.
    Islam has never been a religion of peace, it has always been a sadistic, murdering cult that murders all that do not yield and then join its insanity! Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    Looks like the terrorists have finally taken hold...pretending to be Congress members who endorse threatening any way they can. Making living in this nation a threat to this..

    There's a place in GITMO that needs Waters to Clean Toilets.
    That disgusting old gas bag of a pig turns my stomach.

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