Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Lots of bad shit in history!


10 Forgotten Atrocities Committed By The Allies In World War II

The saying goes that history is written by the victors, and that holds very true when it comes to World War II. It is often referred to as the good war, with the Allies depicted as the shining white knights who came to save the entire world from the evils of Hitler and the Japanese. However, while the history books tend to depict the Allies as almost saintly, the reality of the situation was often a lot more disturbing and a lot less flattering.

The Allies committed many atrocities during World War II and its aftermath that they would rather you forgot. While there is no questioning that the Axis were certainly worse, it is clear from the many atrocities committed by the Allies that war brings out the brutality in all of us.

#10 - The Massive Bombing Campaign Against Civilian Targets In Japan

Most people know of the moment in history when the United States dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The famous argument for their use was that the Japanese were impossible to bring to surrender and that such a shocking display was the only thing that would prevent a land war that would last decades and cost millions of lives. However, well before the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the US had already been bombing Japanese civilian cities on a regular basis to demoralize the enemy and had caused quite a death toll.

In fact, General Curtis LeMay, who ordered the attacks, was of the mind that the Japanese might not actually surrender until they were pretty much all wiped out. It was for this reason that he decided the bombing campaigns of regular Japanese cities were not enough and that the US needed to go for one of their most major cities and do something drastic.

On March 9, 1945, he carried out his plan and ordered an air raid on Tokyo itself, but this was no normal bombing run. The bombers were dropping napalm cylinders and petroleum jelly to firebomb the entire city.[1] More than 40 square kilometers (15 mi2) of city was burned to ruin, with many melted people stacked on top of each other. It was a horrific sight, with at least 100,000 civilians killed. General LeMay even remarked once that the United States may have killed more people firebombing Tokyo than they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined and admitted that he would have likely been charged with war crimes if his side had lost.

#9 - Russian Soldiers Raped Women After Liberating Poland From The Nazis

#8 - Operation Paperclip Was Probably Even Worse Than You Already Thought

#7 - US Soldiers Started Collecting Japanese Skulls

#6 - The Americans Sent Soviet Dissidents Back To Russia To Die

#5 - The US And The UK Used German POWs As Slaves Back Home

#4 - Millions Of Ethnic Germans Were Deported To Germany After The War

#3 - Stalin’s Scorched-Earth Policy

#2 - The Americans And The British Turned Away Many Jewish Refugees

#1 - Canadian Troops Burned Down An Entire Town In Revenge


Pretty horrific and sad.
No ones hands are clean.

Seems the best we can do is to promote/train to our best ideals and laws, and be accountable when those among us fall short.