Why? Never mind, I don't even care to hear the answer.

We all spoke of "locker room talk" when Trump was nailed for talking smack about women. And whatever, in the locker rooms, at the bar when ladies aren't around & other things not in their presence. Fun talk, funny talk and maybe even perverted at times, and obviously can be sexist pigs and what not. I admit this.

But purposely, knowing the women of the board will be reading? That's no mistake, that's someone trying to push and annoy the women for effect.

But I don't think it matters, TF, as the women are as far as possible into the "disliking" department of you. Not much you can say anymore is going to change their opinions. You've showed your true colors a couple of thousand times.

I tell horrid jokes, and admittedly talk some piggy things about women at times - when with my brother or other guys. Big difference.