In a marriage if something works, it works! If two people are happy in the way they set up their marriage and home life--then fine..
Yet here comes the but- By Nature and by culture, the man being the leader/protector, usually fits better and creates a more harmonious relationship by being helpful at home but not the primary keeper of the house(nest). = traditional family set-up..
I have no problem when I see the relationship in which the man is the household caretaker and the wife the huge breadwinner---if it works for them.

Problem is, as I've seen too many times over the years, the wife ends up resenting and not respecting the husband.
And that, even when she initiated and demanded the set-up to start with..
Truth is, Nature says the male is the dominate force, thus the female is the nest caretaker.
That is not male macho-ego or male chauvinism speaking. That is Nature!

That most women instinctively want a strong (but kind and fair) man is the way of the world.
Just as, instinctively most men want a beautiful (but sexy, sweet and fair) lady is the way of the world.

Also, I seen this too-- when a man gives a woman everything she wants, busting his ass to do so-- majority of women lose respect and end up cheating on the guy.
Could be -the old, well I got him so I can now do as I please scenario--which points to basic greed and lust..
And neither sex has a monopoly on that.. -Tyr