Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
I dunno. I don’t really know (mature) women who want their guy to be sensitive. What we generally don’t want is someone who is emotionally unavailable. Closed off, if you will. I see those as different things.
One thing I know is 100% certain- once you lose respect for your spouse, whatever the reason, you might as well call it quits.
That's a female thing. I don't know that guys ever do, regardless how dumb that sounds and/or makes them. In my experience, women are their own worst enemies at losing that respect. They bitch and bitch and bitch ... you need to change this - so-n-so's husband does that - why can't you be more sensitive? Then you change all that crap and they realize they've turned you into someone they didn't marry and don't want you any more.

Go through THAT once, and refuse to budge the second go round and they leave too because they aren't getting their way changing you.

It's a lose/lose deal. Glad I finally got old enough to not care about it