Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Everything I put quotes around you wrote.
If you have a problem with it being quoted then don't write it Jim.
Are you seriously this retarded?

Yeah, you may place YOUR own quotes around MISQUOTES - how about you just actually quote the actual posts I made? Instead of just placing quotes and my name around what YOU wront?

I have a problem with you MAKING SHIT UP.

And if you continue, I won't quote you anymore either like I did above, I'll just do as your doing, and miss by a mile and a half with misquotes.

You are NOT quoting what folks write - you are apparently guessing. Are you unable to copy/paste or use the quote function properly? Unbelievable, and then blame me when you can't figure it out.

Reminds me of that time when you said "I'll always side against Trump, no matter what, even when unconstitutional, I don't care. I just hate him. Whatever it takes, even if I have to lie like Maxine Waters, whatever will work"

Try using the QUOTE BUTTON, and I will too.