Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
One might hope that the 'event' (i.e attempted assassination) one week ago in Salisbury, UK, isn't having its effect upon the 'voters' .. ? That they don't feel pressured to knuckle under to Putin's will .. ?

Unfortunately, not everyone is as, ahem, 'lucky'. Putin is VERY sure of the fate he's carving out for Crimea ...


Apparently, Putin knows what the people of Crimea want, and will always want, for all time ... no elections, or Referenda on the subject, will ever be necessary !


Putin .. the dazzlingly accurate clairvoyant. Or, Putin, the ruthless power-grabbing dictator, who has no time for any democratic process that fails to serve his interests ?
you laugh at Putin, do not forget that you laugh at all the people of Russia who vote for him. Do you think 100 000 000 people of Russia are stupid?

Putin has restored the country after America brought democracy in 90-x. America brought democracy in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.these countries were unlucky as Russia, and for this they are in ruins. but Russia is not komunnisticheskomu she is on a new path, those who understand his decision. and those who Desir poro think that Russia is ruled by Stalin that he is far behind