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    Load The Six-Guns And Saddle The Horses

    Why spit away your wild young past,
    as the clown takes off funny shoes
    too scared to relive those wild blasts,
    afraid of some invisible dues?
    Can you look and not race away,
    hide in dark corners you create
    leave the safe path, hell go astray,
    be savage, enjoy meat once ate!

    As the new moon in glory shines
    walk into the deep of dark night,
    touch the fire, hell grow some spines
    yield no longer to childish fright!

    What Fate brought, later took away
    oft found, if one but joins the fray!

    Robert J. Lindley
    Sonnet (Load the six-guns and saddle the horses)
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 03-10-2018 at 09:15 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Why Hath This Universe Given Sorrow Its Great Powers

    Why hath this Universe given Sorrow its great powers,
    with hard, dark rains, that our sad souls it showers?
    Booming echoes that shatter bone's marrows
    penetrating depths of anguish's lair with blackest arrows.
    Why does Fate bequeath it with such insidious blades,
    where its armies into crying hearts issue slaying raids?
    If such answers found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths, rise and not again fall!

    Why hath Destiny granted Sorrow such malevolent force
    that we pawns, are washed away in its raging course?
    Can no higher power, defeat this wicked, malignant malady
    Rescue our weeping souls, send us the needed remedy?
    Why must those seven unmerciful doors all be black,
    are we so far fallen as to never get back on track?
    If answers were found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths rise and not again fall!

    Why hath Love been cursed by not giving us greater shields,
    march us in peace across bright and rose strewn fields?
    When shall the blinders be removed from deceived eyes
    stay the red flow and stop the epic and wailing cries?
    Can life ever progress far enough to such knowledge find
    relief for love-lost heartaches and such tortured minds?
    If answers were found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths, rise and not again fall!

    Why hath this Universe given Sorrow its great powers,
    with hard, dark rains, that our sad souls it showers?
    Booming echoes that shatter bone's marrows
    penetrating depths of anguish's lair with blackest arrows.
    Why does Fate bequeath it with such insidious blades,
    where its armies into crying hearts issue slaying raids?
    If such answers found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths, rise and not again fall!

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-11-2018
    Rhyme, (Questions on Life, Lost Loves, Sorrows and Fate)

    Note- Blessed is the person that has never felt the deepest depths of sorrow in the loss of a dear loved one.
    May it ever be so for thee.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Into That Garden With Its Snow White Rose

    From beneath valley of shadows and rain
    she fled, bringing all I ever hoped to gain.
    Golden shoes, worn on dainty white feet
    the only angel I was to ever meet.

    Even her shadow cast a gleaming glow
    why she would desire me, I do not know.
    In her garden, solitary white rose grew
    its blessed promise only she ever knew.

    Autumn came and she became very sad
    tho' my bliss was greatest I ever had.
    I saw the slowness in her morning dance
    soon even her kisses lacked romance.

    When she plead, please just let me go
    winter had come, ground was white with snow.
    In her garden her bright white rose had died
    that night, on her tear-stained pillow she cried.

    New dawn, I found she and her rose had gone
    I walked into the woods to cry alone.
    Voice cried, "beyond the skies she waits for you,
    please be patient, time will give you your due."

    Then I knew, love's truest heart finds its path
    beyond earth's realm and its darkest wrath.
    Into that garden with its snow white rose
    find her dainty feet, golden shoes she chose.

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-13-2018
    Rhyme, (Golden shoes, gracing dainty toes)

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Ten Penny Thoughts

    old log, huge bore holes
    earth, bare ground black with burnt ash
    highway bridge fallen

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-16-2016

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    R. J. Lindley,
    April 9th, 1979

    Note- Escaped but not without deep and painful scars.
    Such dark creatures exist parading in human form..
    New Note, 3-17-2018 -
    How many survive? How many look back and see the perils of youth,
    and its love of danger, mysterious and oft deadly beauty?

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 320
    Total # Words: 240


    Power Of The She Vixen That Oft Souls Destroys

    Silk sheets graced her sweet, welcoming night bed
    promised relief from pain, sorrow and dread.
    With such treasure offered truth becomes blind
    dark powered beauty that corrupts the mind.

    Each victim was a lamb led to slaughter
    once thought, no earthly power could halt her.
    For her eyes hypnotized and her kiss stole
    the power of light in the human soul.

    Time did not decay her soft winning smile
    deceptive illusion that would beguile.
    This truth I now know, I now truly speak
    she prayed on we fools and the very weak.

    Her touch and lips sealed with a dark kiss
    hiding thoughts of that one would dearly miss.
    Her admirers would praise her sex appeal,
    her next victim would jump aboard with zeal.

    Alas! I was such, I make no excuse
    pray I, these revelations are some use.
    Lone survivor of her destroying ways
    I sit alone awaiting final days.

    If should you met beauty that so allures
    know its curse, from which there are no cures.
    Never allow its touch, deadly kiss
    open your eyes and hear its snakelike hiss.

    Writing now but nightmares tonight shall come
    tho freed, I still hear its banging loud drum.
    She, appearing in that beautiful guise
    to deceive even worldly, and the wise.

    Silk sheets graced her sweet, welcoming night bed
    promised relief from pain, sorrow and dread.
    With such treasure offered truth becomes blind
    dark powered beauty that corrupts the mind.

    R. J. Lindley,
    April 9th, 1979

    Note- Escaped but not without deep and painful scars.
    Such dark creatures exist parading in human form..

    New Note, 3-17-2018 -
    How many survive? How many look back and see the perils of youth,
    and its love of danger, mysterious and oft deadly beauty?

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Bread

    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Bread

    I've no problem with bardolatry fans
    their barmecide and oft humorous rants.
    Give me golden words not found in empty cans,
    not bawbee's from those with sad, empty pants.
    Truly I enjoy, bright golden attic wit,
    creators of canorous verse that soars.
    Those I may share bumbo and be a big hit
    not with callithumpians that so sorely bores.

    Nor do I fancy to become a bichon frise,
    beholding to those with comminatory ways.
    Finding some will cut you off at the knees
    as a criticaster dariole for fugacious pay.
    judged by Flews that chatter in morbid tune.
    Give me saudade and a sandy beach vacation
    with very little scrippage in the month of June.

    Aye, no snollygoster soucouyant will do,
    for my heart and soul begs sun-grazing songs.
    Not a superbious umbriferous critic or two,
    with the poet's soul this body truly belongs.
    Seeking no uroboros legacy my ink doth stain
    as a soulcatcher with a selkie as a muse.
    Alone, in this rawky terrain my life will remain
    for solitude and honor my poet's heart doth choose.

    I've no problem with bardolatry fans
    their barmecide and oft humorous rants.
    Give me golden words not found in empty cans,
    not bawbee's from those with sad, empty pants.
    Truly I enjoy, bright golden attic wit,
    creators of canorous verse that soars.
    Those I may share bumbo and be a big hit,
    not with callithumpians that so sorely bores.

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-21-2018

    Make of this what you will,
    I give thus and surely shall send no bill
    Yet in my poet's heart my soul oft grieves
    for the Autumn colors not the decaying leaves
    For the heart that yearns to write and truly give
    and the mortal soul that writes to live
    With inked symbols and a mind tired of toil
    wading through worlds filled with pride and hidden turmoil
    I write with purpose to give to others, not to take
    tho' oft my poet's heart over burning coals some gladly rake.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018

    ************************************************** ***********

    From my blog post-- A short explanation of the meaning and the reason I wrote this poem.--Tyr

    "" Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Bread

    Blog Posted:3/21/2018 9:54:00 AM

    My new poem, written with words that are selected to send a message to a very select few in this wide, busy and so-called enlightened world, namely modern poetry publishers. Tho',

    some of it may seem too harsh, the body of it is on target methinks.

    I see such people leading poetry into a shallow age by advancing modern popularism over that of substance and classical standards.

    You may disagree but a poet must write what he or she truly feels. ""

    ************************************************** ******************

    From my poetry site-- Comments received on this poem that surely pissed off many poets there, tho' its ire and message is directed at modern poetry publishers not other poets at my home poetry site.-Tyr

    Comments by some very fine poets given so far--

    Hamilton Avatar
    John Hamilton
    Date: 3/22/2018 9:43:00 AM

    Bardolatry, love your words, such a deep condemnation of the publishing industry, but I think it goes beyond poetry, timeless values are tossed aside, selfishness rules the day, they can have their ripped jeans and selfie poetry, not interested in this self absorbed world. Well said Robert!
    Gentry Avatar
    Susan Gentry
    Date: 3/22/2018 9:31:00 AM

    Wonderful and exceptionally talented write. Words I've never heard of or words used in ways I've never seen. Profound yet humorous. 8 enjoyed!

    mcdaid Avatar
    liam mcdaid
    Date: 3/22/2018 9:30:00 AM

    you're pen sings as usual pal striking notes with deep passion smiling i am a free verse writer i take my inspiration from the bible mostly i write from my heart and soul keep your golden ink flowing pal excellent piece

    One Avatar
    Silent One
    Date: 3/22/2018 8:22:00 AM

    I have no interest in being published, I never have done.. Although many years ago I wrote regularly for a magazine.. You make a valid point my friend, published poetry today is very different... Poets should write for the joy, not for the glory my friend.. Great poem..

    Williams Avatar
    Maria Williams
    Date: 3/22/2018 7:30:00 AM

    Its sad to see so many wonderful poets like you Robert not getting the recognition that they should be getting. isn't poetry about rhyme,the rhythm, the movement? Of course there are a lot of poets who are able to express themselves beautifully and poetically in free verse, I for one prefer rhyme. However, this is about your poetry, and as usual it is a true masterpiece, brilliant as always my friend, and a Fave ....Maria

    Barden Avatar
    Gregory R Barden
    Date: 3/22/2018 12:43:00 AM

    You have inspired me, Robert, and I will be writing something about this myself ... thank you so much for taking the time to touch on this very important subject, and for fighting to keep TRUE poetry alive, for it is in serious jeopardy. This is a brilliant write, and I hope it is seen by many. Blessings to you, my Dear Friend - keep up the great work! :-)

    Barden Avatar
    Gregory R Barden
    Date: 3/22/2018 12:38:00 AM

    This is wonderful, my friend, just wonderful, and packed full of wisdom and substantive message. I am quite disenchanted with the direction of printed/published poetry these days, and the import and weight being given to this rambling, almost senseless "new" Free Verse, and the demise of classic form and true Rhyme, (which will ALWAYS be more challenging and rewarding, IMHO). We must let our voices be heard, because we are the ones holding the pens, and beauty and substance and ART are at stake.

    Hinshaw Avatar
    Robert L. Hinshaw
    Date: 3/21/2018 8:20:00 PM

    A masterpiece from the Master Poet indeed! Very insightful verse! You said it all - see my more detailed comments in our soup mail exchange. Bob

    Hinshaw Avatar
    Robert L. Hinshaw
    Date: 3/21/2018 8:20:00 PM

    A masterpiece from the Master Poet indeed! Very insightful verse! You said it all - see my more detailed comments in our soup mail exchange. Bob

    Haight Avatar
    Sandra Haight
    Date: 3/21/2018 5:10:00 PM

    A very thought-provoking. well-written poem, Robert. Another way in which our world is changing is in what is considered poetry. Some of what I too see in published contemporary poetry portrays the cold, flat, empty and self-centered emotions that modern writers seem to exhibit, supported as cool, and that publishers uphold and push as great. It is a colder world less possible of comprehending rhymes, cadence, beautiful metaphors, and real meaning. We need to keep real poetry alive! Sandra

    Buhagiar Avatar
    Victor Buhagiar
    Date: 3/21/2018 5:09:00 PM

    Poetry has lost much of its appeal in this phase of life. Our god is money but that which makes profit not learning. I have always felt it's no use trying to publish any poetry especially the classic type, such as the type you love to write. But my advice is to write on.

    Morning Avatar
    July Morning
    Date: 3/21/2018 4:57:00 PM

    It's really hard to find a traditional publisher interested in poetry. In general poetry books don't sell well, unless you're near the top. As far as self publishing, you may as well just turn your wallet over to them and let them beat you with a wet noodle whilst they laugh at you behind your back for being such a sucker. In any case, we write on, just because...

    Warrior Avatar
    Winged Warrior
    Date: 3/21/2018 3:56:00 PM

    With narcissistic people all around us especially in the publishing business... it's hard to get a good word in lol...literally lol...but our words will be the test of let's keep writing my brother...excellent write my friend...stay in the poetic classic light...^WW^

    Haigh Avatar
    Robert Haigh
    Date: 3/21/2018 3:29:00 PM

    I stopped sending any poems to publishes as far back as 1997! I had several poems published in anthologies, and I bought three of the books. But then I stopped buying their books, even though some of my poems were in. I thought I should get royalties, not a request to buy their books! I now just write and post poems for free. I get what you are saying, Robert! All we can do is remain true to our own convictions, and the old classical standards! Keep on writing!

    Chiri Avatar
    Brenda Chiri
    Date: 3/21/2018 3:16:00 PM

    Robert I love it! Free verse can never come close to true old or even dinosaurs poetry! Hahaha! Yes my friend how can one truly express a love story like we have done with free verse? I simply love this it is so amazingly said! Ahaha! My friend you are a genius! Much love Brenda

    Hobo Avatar
    Word Hobo
    Date: 3/21/2018 2:55:00 PM

    Robert. Wow is right! What an exuberant defiance of post modernism's deconstruction of meaning. I understand UCLA will no long teach Shakespeare in literature. This is a dashing side of you that we want to see more of. Enjoyed!!!

    Duet Avatar
    Carole Duet
    Date: 3/21/2018 2:28:00 PM

    Wow Robert! Glad I have a dictionary. lol Anyway, I love the humor and "one upmanship" in this poem. This poem tickles the brain. Love it and it's surely a FAV for me.

    Wings Avatar
    Broken Wings
    Date: 3/21/2018 2:10:00 PM

    Robert, love your wordplay and message in this awesome write. Well, we are alike we both have a true poets soul, my grandma used to say I had an old soul and she was right for I adore the poets of old, I do not really enjoy the modern way some write or the rant or rap poetry, although I can appreciate the skill of it, but give me a good old timeless beautiful poem any day and I will find the bliss.

    Gauthier Avatar
    Line Gauthier
    Date: 3/21/2018 2:01:00 PM

    A most intriguing read, Robert. Witty humour and strong messaging, Robert.

    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/21/2018 1:34:00 PM

    Bravo Robert, may they smoke a turd in hell...incredible vocabulary here, a fave for sure; good art is timeless. I guess I'll find out about these publishers since I finally approached one, an important ethic you've raised in this incredible write;-)

    Smith Avatar
    Charlie Smith
    Date: 3/21/2018 1:11:00 PM

    You are our "poets soul" Robert, great note. I'm with you on some of what many call "great writes". They just seem to be obnoxious ramblings to me. But you must realize most of my taste is in my mouth...

    McGreavy Avatar
    Maureen McGreavy
    Date: 3/21/2018 11:52:00 AM

    Witty wordy wonderful write! Thoroughly enjoyed my friend, learned some new words too! All the best and a lovely day to you my friend xomo!

    My only replies given so far, yesterday morning given to my friend Maureen..-Tyr

    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/21/2018 12:53:00 PM

    I was wondering how many would truly get it and even see the humor wedded in..

    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/21/2018 12:50:00 PM

    Thank you my friend. I see you get it and also understand heart in poetry also should mean defending/honoring its foundation too. Something too many ""modern"" publishers do not seem to grasp.For this poem is about modern publishers and how they seek to appeal to the masses by lowering the standards rather than by honoring them. They at fear poetry is dying due to recent trends but cutting away is foundation to try to gather more fans only hastens its demise, IMHO. THIS FAVORING MODERN VERSE, NO RHYME AND CHAOTIC PRESENTATIONS OFT WRITTEN WITH NO REAL MEANING , PURPOSE OR FOUNDATION DOES NOT BODE WELL FOR POETRY , IMHO.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 03-22-2018 at 10:02 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    My new poem written just two days ago has now popped in at number 38 of the Best New Poems list at my home poetry site..
    Which is both amazingly fast and very high as a first day's listing. -Tyr

    Best New Poems | Popular Poems

    The best and most popular new poems posted on PoetrySoup within the past MONTH. These are the top poems, by poet, as chosen by PoetrySoup members. Also see Top 100 Poems All-time and Top 100 Famous Poets - All Time .
    Rank PoemTitle Poet
    1 Our Love is Eternal Frederic Parker
    2 The Daughter Of The North Wind Sings In Soprano Susan Ashley
    3 On Golden Wings We Fly Vladislav Raven
    4 Together we are strong Akkina Downing
    5 As Daylight Turns to Dusk John Gondolf
    6 Haiku - tears of time Shadow of the Past
    7 Carissa's Love Connie Marcum Wong
    8 The Packing of a Suitcase Gershon Wolf
    9 Rainy Days And Mondays Probir Gupta
    10 The Story of Sophie Smith Nina Parmenter
    11 All That Is Between Gregory R Barden
    12 Mind The Paint Subimal Sinha-Roy
    13 Spring Is In The Air Carrie Richards
    14 Star gazing I.Spit.Ink SaruhRosen
    15 Silence P.M. Richter
    16 Falling Through the Years Janice Canerdy
    17 Mind The Paint Sandra Haight
    18 Do Mind the Wet Paint Andrea Dietrich
    19 Where I was in the seventies Viv Wigley
    20 The Year I Was Born Laura Loo
    21 One last hug Vijay Pandit
    22 My Nineteen-Seventies CayCay Jennings
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    25 Spring - You Sly Fox John lawless
    26 Delirium Dust Winged Warrior
    27 Daffodils And Crocuses Emile Pinet
    28 Thunder Plays Tag Reason A. Poteet
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    30 Some hearts can never be tamed Silent One
    31 Death by Delirium - Poe's Untimely Demise July Morning

    32 Passion in Black and White Maria Williams
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    34 Pardon From The Storm Charlie Smith
    35 I AM Robert Haigh
    36 A Must Read For All PoetrySoup Members -Good News For All Maurice Yvonne
    37 What dead eyes sees Arturo Michael
    38 Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Bread Robert Lindley
    39 The Little One is Three arthur vaso
    40 My Cry Jannie Breedt
    41 In Memoriam: Chiselled in My Heart Victor Buhagiar
    42 A Water Haiku Paul Callus
    43 Thought changer Roy Pett
    44 Dreams of Dreaming of You Brenda Chiri
    47 QUEEN OF CROISSANTS Line Gauthier
    48 Flavor of Stars Lin Lane
    49 The Green Beneath The Snow Gail Foster
    50 Waking before I found love Chris Green
    51 - Thoughts 'Tween Stars Embrace And Waters Deep Grace - Sunshine Smile
    52 A Silent Song Leanne Lovejoy-Burton
    53 fireflies Mike Hauser
    54 A SAD SUNSET Alexis Y.
    55 The Unfledged Albatross Maureen McGreavy
    56 What a wonderful World Drake Eszes
    57 World Comes Alive Spring Is In The Air Eve Roper
    58 I'm Taking A Break, Better Days Nick Trim
    59 Sunset Lullaby Joseph May
    60 Into this Night for my Love I Went Keith O.J. Hunt
    61 Soothe Tim Smith
    62 If Not Tomorrow Kelly Deschler
    63 Me Thinking, B Thinking Mike Gentile
    64 Simple Mutterings - The Nightingale Broken Wings
    65 One Proud Yellow Dandelion Sunlite Wanter
    66 Flowering beauty grows amongst thorns liam mcdaid
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    71 Death Of A Tree carlos trevino
    72 Fears and Tears Carole Duet
    73 Should I Return Eileen Manassian
    74 Sister Uwe Stroh
    75 Such a Light Thing Freddie Robinson Jr.
    76 Relax and Laugh Paul Warren
    77 You Are Sibuko Dlamini
    78 Man on the Sidewalk Rhoda Tripp
    79 Speak Freely Kyle kriticos
    81 A Bohemian Maze of True Evil Donna Loughman
    82 virginity lost Word Hobo
    83 Billy's Revenge Tom Cunningham
    84 One normal person in chaos Lewis Raynes
    85 SOLITUDE Demetrios Trifiatis
    86 The Flowers In My World James Inman
    87 A right to live fauxcroft wade
    88 Nefarious Spirit Gary Bateman
    89 Love Never Dies Joe DiMino
    90 The Ballad Of Prospector Pete Robert L. Hinshaw
    91 Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum Sam Perkins
    92 Arrival Agnes Krampe
    93 Forward in fifteen minutes James Swartz
    94 Sunset Lullaby Laura Leiser
    95 Framed Geoffrey Brewer
    96 Pickled scenery S.zaynab Kamoonpuri
    97 A Snow Squal Darlene De Beaulieu
    98 When February Feels Like May ilene bauer
    99 Heavenly light John Hamilton
    100 Haunting Fruit and Innocent Wish-2B Muhammad Imtiaz
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    This is really great writing, Robert. May it ever be so for thee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Why Hath This Universe Given Sorrow Its Great Powers

    Why hath this Universe given Sorrow its great powers,
    with hard, dark rains, that our sad souls it showers?
    Booming echoes that shatter bone's marrows
    penetrating depths of anguish's lair with blackest arrows.
    Why does Fate bequeath it with such insidious blades,
    where its armies into crying hearts issue slaying raids?
    If such answers found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths, rise and not again fall!

    Why hath Destiny granted Sorrow such malevolent force
    that we pawns, are washed away in its raging course?
    Can no higher power, defeat this wicked, malignant malady
    Rescue our weeping souls, send us the needed remedy?
    Why must those seven unmerciful doors all be black,
    are we so far fallen as to never get back on track?
    If answers were found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths rise and not again fall!

    Why hath Love been cursed by not giving us greater shields,
    march us in peace across bright and rose strewn fields?
    When shall the blinders be removed from deceived eyes
    stay the red flow and stop the epic and wailing cries?
    Can life ever progress far enough to such knowledge find
    relief for love-lost heartaches and such tortured minds?
    If answers were found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths, rise and not again fall!

    Why hath this Universe given Sorrow its great powers,
    with hard, dark rains, that our sad souls it showers?
    Booming echoes that shatter bone's marrows
    penetrating depths of anguish's lair with blackest arrows.
    Why does Fate bequeath it with such insidious blades,
    where its armies into crying hearts issue slaying raids?
    If such answers found, perhaps we could again stand tall,
    with truth and courage's depths, rise and not again fall!

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-11-2018
    Rhyme, (Questions on Life, Lost Loves, Sorrows and Fate)

    Note- Blessed is the person that has never felt the deepest depths of sorrow in the loss of a dear loved one.
    May it ever be so for thee.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    Ecclesiastes 10:2 - A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him to the left.
    Wise men don't need advice, and fools won't take it - Ben Franklin
    "It's not how you start, it's how you finish."

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    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    (Second of Three Poem Trilogy)


    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    The "old and useless", in rightly honored places
    would journeying spirits find their defending grip,
    souls weakened without dismay on their bright faces,
    from whence came those packs of jackals to tear and rip?
    Ah, but world's powers feed upon lust and deep greed
    with fever pitch tries to kill foundations of trust
    using false values think power is all they need,
    vanquishing the "old and useless" becomes a must!

    As new dawn emerges, up sprouts new and green shoots
    with light absorbing leaves they sing loud as they glow
    some are outraged, change to put on their stomping boots,
    others joining that course, seeing how the winds blow.
    Burnt midnight oil, ink splashes on receptive page
    as poetic hearts and souls stand firm on solid ground,
    furious, they write and tremble in aching rage
    with shields held higher while knowing their cause is sound.

    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-25-2018

    Note- This poem is titled, Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    and is the , Second of Three Poem Trilogy....
    I found this one much , much harder to compose and truly suspect that the third and final poem will be a real hard and laborious task to complete.
    I have spent four days on this second poem because this subject is near and dear to my heart and is a very important one methinks.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    First poem of this trilogy made Best New Poems list on its first day and now this second poem has made POEM OF THE DAY AT MY HOME POETRY SITE ON ITS FIRST DAY.

    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    Poet's Notes

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-25-2018

    Additional Note- This poem is titled, Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    and is the , Second of Three Poem Trilogy....
    I found this one much , much harder to compose and truly suspect that the third and final poem will be a very hard and laborious task to complete.
    I have spent four days on this second poem because this subject is near and dear to my heart and is a very important one methinks.
    I so hope you may read, enjoy and add your thoughts on this second effort as so many of you have done so the first poem.
    You have my sincere thanks my friends.

    Become a Premium Member and post notes and photos about your poem like Robert Lindley.

    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    (Second of Three Poem Trilogy)


    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    The "old and useless", in rightly honored places
    would journeying spirits find their defending grip,
    souls weakened without dismay on their bright faces,
    from whence came those packs of jackals to tear and rip?
    Ah, but world's powers feed upon lust and deep greed
    with fever pitch tries to kill foundations of trust
    using false values think power is all they need,
    vanquishing the "old and useless" becomes a must!

    As new dawn emerges, up sprouts new and green shoots
    with light absorbing leaves they sing loud as they glow
    some are outraged, change to put on their stomping boots,
    others joining that course, seeing how the winds blow.
    Burnt midnight oil, ink splashes on receptive page
    as poetic hearts and souls stand firm on solid ground,
    furious, they write and tremble in aching rage
    with shields held higher while knowing their cause is sound.

    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-25-2018

    Make of this what you will,
    I give thus and surely shall send no bill
    Yet in my poet's heart my soul oft grieves
    for the Autumn colors not the decaying leaves
    For the heart that yearns to write and truly give
    and the mortal soul that writes to live
    With inked symbols and a mind tired of toil
    wading through worlds filled with pride and hidden turmoil
    I write with purpose to give to others, not to take
    tho' oft my poet's heart over burning coals some gladly rake.

    Note- This poem is titled, Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    and is the , Second of Three Poem Trilogy....

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018

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    Downing Avatar
    Akkina Downing
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:05:00 PM
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    Rob, congrats on your awesome poem. Well deserved POTD...Hugs
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 3:00:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Always a pleasure to read your comments, have your support and read your wonderful poetry. Especially so on this poem...
    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/26/2018 1:56:00 PM
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    A big congrats on POTD Robert, a good piece of justice here! So when do we start rolling out the tanks?(lol)
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:58:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you again my friend. You are one of those very talented poets that has been my honor to learn from , be friends with and enjoy the support of. Our several collaborations have been a true blessing and great inspiration to me!
    Smith Avatar
    Charlie Smith
    Date: 3/26/2018 12:10:00 PM
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    Equally as wonderful as part one Dear Robert and congratulations for POTD honors...
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:55:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you again my friend. I am lucky to have found this poetry site back when I did, as I was just about ready to give up writing poetry back then. Since then ,my journey continues and hopefully will do so for years to come
    Wanter Avatar
    Sunlite Wanter
    Date: 3/26/2018 11:58:00 AM
    Block poet from commenting on your poetry
    This site offers a voice to poets fledgling to accomplished, and there are so many opportunities to improve. Poetry Publishers are in it for what will sell - as almost every product useless or worthy. We have become a very shallow society, I guess. Congratulations!!!
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:51:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. You hit the nail on the head with your comments. So true, this site does give more inspiration and support by way of talented and generous poets helping others. I was blessed to have found it when I did.
    Cozart Avatar
    Dale Gregory Cozart
    Date: 3/26/2018 11:20:00 AM
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    Hey, congrats on POTD!
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:49:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Quite the surprise to find this poem received it and a wonderful gift it is. As the message being delivered is what is truly important. We without any doubt in my mind have the very best poets posting on the internet. I have learned so much since my arrival here and it is due to studying poets here far more skilled than I my friend.
    Michael Avatar
    Arturo Michael
    Date: 3/26/2018 10:50:00 AM
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    A beautiful chant style poem...with a message too...Congratulations my friend...Good to see you here...All the best Robert
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:46:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Much appreciate your support and comments my friend. The message is what is truly important, I being only the vehicle to get it out with these three poems. I just hope that the third and final poem of this trilogy(currently just stared), does not disappoint.
    Ashley Avatar
    Susan Ashley
    Date: 3/26/2018 9:16:00 AM
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    Congratulations Robert for your well deserved POTD honors for your impressive poem. Warmest wishes, my friend! ~Susan
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:43:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my dear friend. And for your support and advice as well. Another example of the great poets and friendly support given me by poets here over the years. Which is exactly what makes this internet poetry site so special and far better than any others, IMHO.
    Joshua Avatar
    Adeyemi Joshua
    Date: 3/26/2018 9:00:00 AM
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    congratulations for getting featured. Joshua.
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:41:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. I am very pleased that this important subject has gotten more views and consideration with the POTD presentation having gave it new viewers!
    Warrior Avatar
    Winged Warrior
    Date: 3/26/2018 8:50:00 AM
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    Congrats!!! Robert on POTD!...stick to your guns my friend...^WW^
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 2:39:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. My guns I keep clean and loaded. For thar bez bear in dem thar Currently have started the third and final poem of this trilogy. Pressure is on to do justice and greater clarity with the final presentation. I hope my muse , does not take a siesta on me.
    Turner Avatar
    Daniel Turner
    Date: 3/26/2018 8:00:00 AM
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    Slowly but surely, we will all find the tar pits. Even though it may not be in fashion, i will continue to write the only way I know how. I write for therapy and for fun. I want people to like it but if they don't, Oh well! I love reading your poetry because of your style, form and content. Putting it on the soup, is publishing it to a degree. Congratulations on POTD, Robert.
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 8:47:00 AM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Points well taken my friend. We each have just one life--so why give so much control over to these mental midgets and allow them to say what is good and what is no longer great? I truly think they are sacrificing the hen to grab the golden eggs, with no thought as to the future and little to no regard for the past and the legacies of the classic poets that form poetry's foundation.
    One Avatar
    Silent One
    Date: 3/26/2018 7:55:00 AM
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    Congrats on POTD my friend..
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 8:44:00 AM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. I am very pleased that this poem and its message has been thus honored with POTD. My thought is why are we poets letting these modern poetry publishers have so much control over what we write? I refuse to do so..
    Hobo Avatar
    Word Hobo
    Date: 3/26/2018 5:58:00 AM
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    Congratulations Robert on POTD. Well deserved. An interesting and meaningful topic , although I know nothing about the tastes of today's publishers regarding poetry.
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 8:41:00 AM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Yes, I truly believe it is an interesting and important topic. As poets we are to pose questions and give opinions on subjects about life, love,and all the human existence in this world, etc. The fact that so very few can so manipulate the vast majority of poets into adopting a new modern style they have chosen to be the one that they will publish is giving far, far too much power to the worms , IMHO. I AND AS THE COMMENTS ARE NOW SHOWING--MANY OTHER POETS- ARE FED UP WITH THAT REALITY.
    Williams Avatar
    Maria Williams
    Date: 3/26/2018 4:33:00 AM
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    So good to see this impressive poem getting POTD Robert, Congratulations....Maria
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 5:56:00 AM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you so much my friend. I am shocked and very pleased to receive POTD and with that honor perhaps have this poem and its message receive a wider audience of readers. I have put more into these two poems, than I have in any other poem this year....
    Haigh Avatar
    Robert Haigh
    Date: 3/26/2018 3:26:00 AM
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    As with music, poetry has the popular AND the good, and they are rarely the same thing! Lightweight stuff is liked (apparently), while more cerebral stuff gets left on the margins. What you say is true, Robert! Glad to see this poem win POTD! Awesome!
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/26/2018 5:51:00 AM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you again my friend. This is indeed a very pleasant surprise to receive POTD honors with this second poem, and the first poem of this trilogy made the 31st spot on the best new poems list. Now comes the hardest one to compose, the third and final poem of this series. I hope it can hold the mark my friend.
    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/25/2018 5:40:00 PM
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    Few realize the importance and urgency needed to fight what is being portrayed and awashed on this generation; not to dwell again too much on the Romantics but they and others virtually sacrificed themselves for mankind's sake; now all their efforts are being reversed in various ways, one big one starting with art; to not think as individuals for the better of the many, but to do as you're told or else ---- just like the Pre-Romantic era. This way control and manipulation are more effective.
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 8:16:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Indeed. Not to honor the sacrifices endured by those poets that gave us such beauty and meaningful verse is truly a travesty. Yet that is the current state of affairs as dictated by modern publishers, IMHO. WHEN UNIVERSITIES STOP TEACHING COURSES ON SHAKESPEARE YOU KNOW THE SWORD HAS BEEN PLUNGED IN VERY DEEP.. Truly a sad state and definitely one that needs to be corrected my friend.. Question is, how long will we continue to be dictated to and manhandled by these unappreciative modern poetry publisher slugs that exercise unjust control??
    Hinshaw Avatar
    Robert L. Hinshaw
    Date: 3/25/2018 4:02:00 PM
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    Outstanding, Robert! Very profound and insightful verse! Bob H
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 5:02:00 PM
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    Thank you my wizened friend. My goal was to get the message across, reaffirmed and understood by the majority of the poem's readers. And hopefully stir more interest and discussion of this very important topic. For far too long we poets have turned a blind eye to this problem, don't you think? If not now, then when and how do we address it in our writings? So far I have seen no rebuttals to the message given in the two poems. I have started the first stanza of the third and final poem in this trilogy dealing with this important subject. As I perceived, each poem became a bit harder to compose but, as the old well digger said, "best dig a bit deeper -that water gotta be there". lol "And if it is I just gotta find it-I am damn thirsty" Do you think it matters if enough poets start writing poems about this travesty and contempt of poetry's heritage by these modern publishers?
    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/25/2018 3:33:00 PM
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    The modernists quip the Romantics; 'All they talk about is flowers and trees...' When they fail to see that the Romantics were writing about what was behind it all; the very thing which publishers cherish (money over art) the older poets despised --- so they won't publish classical poets very easily. But Robert you are right to now speak up about it, they are destroying not only art but morality itself...
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 3:47:00 PM
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    I do not disagree, yet the problem is that the newer poets are not even taught about poetry's foundation and the great poets of the past. Thus you and I are talking of things that they have not the slightest clue about. While schools no longer teach anything of poetry in the lower grades -it has even been almost entirely eliminated in high schools. Even when its not eliminated it is usually only given very minor lip service or else the publishers modern progressive and unfathomable way is heralded as great magnificently golden... Would be better if more poets chose to address this issue and perhaps even write poems about it, IMHO. Poems aimed at the modern day publishers that are deliberately leading this vilification and attack upon classical poetry and its foundation.
    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/25/2018 3:23:00 PM
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    I think many of the poets here are much better poets than many published poets; some of the very best poems that I have ever read have come from this site. The publishers are largely geared towards what the public wants, not what it needs. The Romantics opened the door for the whole world when it came to individual freedom and citizenship; it is the very cause of democracy itself and is the reason why we have so many luxuries today.
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 3:30:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Very well said and truly on the mark. I am always awed at the number of truly gifted and exceptional poets that I see posting here and trust me it is a massively greater number than at any of the few dozen other internet poetry sites I have visited. IN ALL TRUTH AND SINCERITY I BELIEVE THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST POETRY SITE ON THE WEB! That being primarily due that great number of gifted poets choosing to present their fine poetry here,IMHO.
    Hobo Avatar
    Word Hobo
    Date: 3/25/2018 1:51:00 PM
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    A praiseworthy Undertaking Robert. The lack of educational lessons that stimulate the moral imagination of young minds is the reason for almost all problems. The McGuffy Reader was the core of ED beginning in the late 1800's. The FIFTH GRADE Reader covered oratory skills: Articulation, Inflections, Emphasis, Modulation & Poetic Pauses. There are 117 poems, Prose & Essays. Essays like "No Excellance Without Labor". &. "Moral Force" Poetry was the heart of early education. george
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 2:51:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Yes,much of it goes back to the lack of education, but the modern day publishers are by and large university educated and are deliberately following unified agenda that seeks to belittle, weaken and destroy poetry's golden foundation.. All in the name of making a quick buck, IMHO. NOTHING WRONG IN SEEKING A BIGGER POETRY AUDIENCE BUT DOING SO BY ACCEPTING , HERALDING AND PROMOTING POEMS THAT ARE BY ANY DECENT STANDARD INFERIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO TAKE. Then additionally, those publishers ridicule and insult even the great and legendary poets too! Why are so many listening to such cretins, I ask..
    Morning Avatar
    July Morning
    Date: 3/25/2018 1:47:00 PM
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    In a world where people like Britney Spears become millionaires it's not surprising that fluff reigns over substance. On the flip side, we have to be careful not to condemn something simply because we may personally not like it. It's a new generation and for better or worse the new-fangled stuff appeals. It is what it is
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 2:44:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. Much wisdom and truth in your post. In these poems(SOON TO BE A TOTAL OF THREE POEMS), I am targeting only the modern publishers and am not addressing the poets themselves, many of which are being lead astray , IMHO. AND MANY OF THOSE POETS HAVE FINE TALENT THAT SHOULD BE REDIRECTED BACK TO THE VERY FOUNDATION THAT THE PUBLISHERS ARE RAPIDLY AND DELIBERATELY DESTROYING IN ORDER TO MAKE A QUICKER BUCK, IMHO. Somebody should speak up about this and I am...
    Ashley Avatar
    Susan Ashley
    Date: 3/25/2018 1:25:00 PM
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    Applause! Robert, your thought provoking sequel carries forward your powerful repudiation of modern day publishers of poetry. With purpose and a big heart, you easily move your heartfelt message through your expressive poetic lines with silky smooth rhythm and 24 carat rhymes. Your imagery effectively expresses your disdain and distaste while exulting poets of heart; 'Burnt midnight oil, ink splashes on receptive page as poetic hearts and souls stand firm on solid ground' Superb! Warmest wishes. ~Susan
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 2:39:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. I am honored and very pleased that you have found it so. I posted this piece with much trepidation about how well it would be received , since it is written about a controversial subject, namely the sad reality of what today's modern--PUBLISHERS-- ARE DELIBERATELY DOING TO POETRY AND ITS FOUNDATION.. My trilogy of poems are written solely about **modern day publishers of poetry and not about the poets** either here at the Soup or even elsewhere.... For this site has truly exceptional poets and far more than just a few that truly meet that high standard!!!
    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/25/2018 12:43:00 PM
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    Just wanted to say that I recently read a rather tame poem from one of the Glam Queens and they got 2 pages of comments? Bananas... I have to say that poem was garbage compared to this, surely vanity is a whore, and POPularity is her pimp...
    Trestrail Avatar
    Keith Trestrail
    Date: 3/25/2018 5:56:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Keith, not only do you possess a wise and magnificent name but also a clear grasp of the Soup. BTW, your pic looks like me 40 years ago.
    Morning Avatar
    July Morning
    Date: 3/25/2018 1:44:00 PM
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    There are those out to Destroy Poetry with their babbling nonsense. Nevertheless, on an amateur site such as this popularity brought about through phony ingratiation rules and always will. It's part of the package
    O.J. Hunt Avatar
    Keith O.J. Hunt
    Date: 3/25/2018 12:36:00 PM
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    Of all your poems that I commented on --- this is the first time I was the first to comment; this piece is brilliant Robert, so much wisdom here, every word of it true to heart. A fave;-)
    Lindley Avatar
    Robert Lindley
    Date: 3/25/2018 2:32:00 PM
    [Block poet from commenting on your posts]
    Thank you my friend. I had hoped this was at the very least an adequate continuance of the first poem written on this subject. And if it was more, then all the better.. Very pleased that you have found it so and added this to your fav list!

    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Soul

    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Soul
    (Third and Final Poem- In A Parable style)

    Come on down here says the spider to fearful fly
    this day weather is so fine and I am your friend
    be free, and into my soft web, you shall not die
    for greater pleasure come hither, your time here spend.
    Now wise old owl looks on, hears and sees this charade
    and in loud blasts hoots out his own angry replies
    for mother Nature, hath all living creatures made
    within her heart of hearts hears all their weeping cries.

    Spider hears wizened, infuriated owl's blasts
    continues to spin deeper and deeper spun threads
    Fly sails on as if a yacht with windblown full masts
    trap now seen, his former pals in their web-spun beds.
    Spider feverishly works, other flies are caught
    so goes vicious cycle, dark webs eating their fill
    for flying blind, their souls are easily thus bought
    with time and darkness, their ink-heart blood slowly spills.

    Soon, escaped fly returns, so do ill winds of old
    time has done its job and all fear has left his head
    web is so pretty, its threads glisten as if gold
    vacated are those warning, fat and well spun beds.
    As those droplets lure fly in, owl hoots warning call
    but gleaming hope has turned off his sight and his brain
    in he goes, hungry spider watching sees it all
    giving thanks for those huge glistening drops of rain.

    Come on down here says the spider to fearful fly
    this day weather is so fine and I am your friend
    be free, and into my soft web, you shall not die
    for greater pleasure come hither, your time here spend.
    Now wise old owl looks on, hears and sees this charade
    and in loud blasts hoots out his own angry replies
    for mother Nature, hath all living creatures made
    within her heart of hearts hears all their weeping cries.

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-29-2018
    Rhyme(Third and Final Poem in Trilogy)

    Note- To be added later.... after I post the third blog on this subject.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Your Life A Jewel Unto Me

    O' long departed friend,
    wandering ghost in this dark world's mists,
    why hath thy memory held me so?
    Was not our time in the burning sun,
    an eternity in love's sweet embrace
    and your life a jewel unto me
    that gave both treasures and grace?

    Why could not our legacy hath been joy
    sweetest softness of thine first kiss
    with the gift of thy promising dreams-
    would that Fate have suffered us so.

    Would that life have been colors of your eyes,
    that delicate touch of thy hand
    and blessed morns with thy body next to mine.

    My darling, these longing dreams you send
    great ardor that thy memory bestows
    are gardens in my desires and aching mind
    that thy magnificent beauty recreates!
    Alas! Darkest Fate wiped away with hand-swept speed
    dearest nights of bliss and heavenly glow
    and burning intensity of thy deepest moans!

    O' long departed friend,
    wandering ghost in this dark world's mists,
    why hath thy memory held me so?
    Was not our time in the burning sun,
    an eternity in love's sweet embrace
    and your life a jewel unto me
    that gave both treasures and grace?

    Robert J. Lindley
    Began June 10th 1979, - completed March 31st 2018
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 03-31-2018 at 02:55 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Nightmares and Master Poe's Greatest Riddle

    I took a silver fork, gold spoon and rusty knife
    trying to cut away the dark stains in my life,
    with each slice I stood aghast, dumbfounded finding more
    chained was I, in torture room without any floor.

    On its walls hung hands and heads of the blackest dead,
    all its walls washed in blood so very, very red,
    angry shadows that would reach out to stab at will
    for my every anguished moan gave them a great thrill.

    An eternity, night bled as it slowly passed,
    not enough time to pay for my dark sins amassed,
    each morn came revelation, just before dawn's break
    next to me was he, Master Poe bound to a stake.

    He would wake, speak to me as if a long lost friend,
    promise this paradise, my time would never end
    and then summon his Raven to chide me as well
    laughing loud, saying, welcome my friend to my Hell.

    I begged, Master Poe, release me, let me go
    I beg you, Lord and Master of this horror show,
    I see you control all in this evil abode
    lessen thy dark-handed grip, release thy firm hold.

    With a sardonic smile he would give his reply
    off you go, return each night my Raven shall fly,
    to this dark curse, I gave my sorrowful reply
    please Master Poe, tell me, tell me the reason why.

    His echoes rang as away my torn body flew
    Raven leaves Hades at midnight's stroke is your clue,
    with its flight comes both sweet pleasures and epic pains
    one for truest of love, other for darkest of stains.

    Now I wrestled for years this riddle, its vague clue
    sought out every wise man, this one thing I knew,
    the truest of love was his, Master Poe's Annabel Lee
    but how, how could that tidbit ever free me?

    Tonight I pray that this tired, pleading soul may rest
    as I live in pain on this Poe torturing quest,
    my plea pitiful but true to this old poet's heart,
    please give me the riddle's answer, so life can restart!

    Robert J. Lindley,
    My second poem written on the greatest dark poetry author, the Master Poet, Edgar Allen Poe.
    Started -- November 9th, 1973
    Finished - this morn, April 2nd, 2018

    Note- I truly wish that I had finished this back 45 years ago, as I feel my current writing does not measure up. Why I left this half finished I have no memory- but finish the piece I felt that I must.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    A Look Deeper Into Life

    Do not bemoan fire its blazing warmth or sky its blues
    summer its hotter winds or kindness its well deserved dues.

    Wake up to view dawn's majestic hope and life's singing tune
    sunset slowing fading to night, rising of that bright moon.

    Grasp heavenly gifts, when romance falls right into your arms
    thanking God for beautiful women and their earthly charms.

    Do not bemoan lost or sweeter dreams that never came true
    for life is a mystery and none can read all its clues.

    Robert J. Lindley, 4-14-2018
    Couplet, (Celebrating Life And The Number 14)
    Four couplets, Eight fourteen syllable verses, eighty-four words.

    14 14 0 14 14 0 14 14 0 14 14
    Total # Syllables: 112
    Total # Words: 84

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Remnants Of The First Great War

    Sewing machine, long idle, gathered dust
    From war's great tragedies can we adjust?
    Our fallen brothers, now lie row in row
    Those white crosses, white as new winter snow.

    Once stuck in long trenches, covered in mud
    Night flashes, anguish screams, some soaked in blood.
    Battle cries, they roar, still ring as if new
    Our brothers dead-stiff, love they never knew!

    The war years seemed like only yesterday
    Boys dying, death and darkness holding sway.
    Gone the happy days, before our hearts fell
    When in the hot thick of it, living hell.

    O' the glory, we once thought would be ours
    Singing marching songs, music that inspires.
    Twas' before seeing blood and death so stark
    The candle sputtered, spent, and all was dark.

    Robert J. Lindley , 4-17-2018
    For contest, three verses used, given by sponsor -
    VERSE- 1. "Sewing machine, long idle, gathered dust"
    VERSE- 9. The war years seemed like only yesterday"
    VERSE-16. The candle sputtered, spent, and all was dark."

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018

    World War I began in 1914, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and lasted until 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers). Thanks to new military technologies and the horrors of trench warfare, World War I saw unprecedented levels of carnage and destruction. By the time the war was over and the Allied Powers claimed victory, more than 16 million people—soldiers and civilians alike—were dead.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-17-2018 at 06:08 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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