Attack at Travis Air Force Base in California reportedly being treated as terrorism
Fox News

An incident this week at a U.S. Air Force base in Northern California -- in which a vehicle burst into flames after crashing through the main gate -- is being treated as "an act of terrorism," according to a report.

Authorities said a driver died, likely by igniting himself, after gaining “unauthorized access" to Travis Air Force Base in Solano County, about 55 miles northeast of San Francisco, on Wednesday night.

There was no further threat to the base, where approximately 7,000 active military members and 3,700 civilians live and work, Air Force officials said.

The FBI has also joined the investigation alongside base officials.

“The safety and welfare of our airmen, their families and our local community is our top priority,” Col. John Klein, commander of the 60th Air Mobility Wing at Travis, said in a news release.


Please advise the latest update on the incident at the Main Gate. #TravisStrong
— Travis AFB Official (@Travis60AMW) March 22, 2018

“I am extremely proud of how our first responders quickly addressed the situation to keep Travis and the surrounding area out of harm’s way. We are fortunate to have enduring relationships with federal and local law enforcement, and will continue to work hand-in-hand with them through the investigative process.”

The vehicle was reportedly carrying propane tanks, and the driver is thought to have started the fire deliberately, is believed to have ignited himself, CBS News reported.

FBI spokeswoman Gina Swankie and Travis spokesman Airman Christian Conrad declined to elaborate on the matter or identify the driver.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Comments from linked article-

I guess he made an ash of himself.

So we are supposed to be relieved because the FBI is on the case ? The FBI has been involved with every major real or staged shooting event, every bombing incident, every train derailment, untold mass hackings, and is now fully engaged in investigating itself. How can anyone have genuine confidence in this agency ?

As a retired trucker, mark my words: The next time it will be a "Bobtail" dry van filled with propane containers and 55 gallon drums of gasoline (or something similar), that comes crashing through the gates. Since they get deliveries all the time at that base (I've made them myself) it will not appear suspicious as the vehicle approaches the gate. This happened about 40 miles from where I live. I believe Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has put it best: "Authorities are searching for a motive. It could be terrorism, they say. They also say it could be mental health issues. Authorities are also trying to determine whether the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 was motivated by Nazism, or by mental health issues among the German High Command.". I believe Political Correctness may well be the death of Western Civilization - if we don't wake up, think honestly and act rationally.

Testing their ability to enter that gate?

Looks like.

So this happened Wednesday and they are just now hitting the news? What's up with that? My Wife works just around the corner from the base, that's irresponsible not to let people know what could be going on.

I live in the Bay Area and this was on the news a couple hours after it happened.

Hard to service those 73 virgins when you arrive with a blackened shriveled piece of charcoal.

No, that's a common misrepresentation of the translation. I've heard that they are actually promised 73 raisins.

Yes, and I've read that the Arabic slang for Sub-Saharan Africans is "Raisins".

He was just preheating himself before he arrived in HELL.

Not enough deaths for the Libs to get riled up about and take on another "cause"

Why no info about the attacker? Their ethnicity, religion?

My question, exactly......

You gues't 'er, Chester.

Funny, I don't recall seeing this on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN or MSNBC for that matter.Hmmm

It was reported on several of the other networks.

What ones besides ABC and FOX?

I guess he's dining with his virgins at alah's snakbar....

No one cares about they leave it out of the news, because it isn't political.

Where's the Headline News on the Major News Networks?

Another happy ending!

Don't forget Lib... A Lib is just and Antifa that hasn't come out of the closet yet.

Not too smart to attack USAF SPs, they have no “stand down” orders from protecting themselves, their people and taxpayer resources.

And the driver shouted "Pelosi el akbar!" as he drove through the gate.

Imagine his surprise when he enters Paradise, asks for his virgin, and Mother Theresa walks out.

Keep in mind, that is 72 Mother Theresas.

I'll laugh when the mainstream media identify him as an American, Jabril al-Sayedd Mohammed. Yeah. A real patriot.
Ah, who am I kidding? the mainstream media won't even report this unless his name is John Smith, "crazy" white dude.

Why the Austin bomber is not called a terrorist?

He was absolutely a domestic terrorist. Although we have not been told a motive, he absolutely terrorized the community. And that was absolutely his intention.

You want to make him a martyr?.

No one injured except the driver?
I love a happy ending.

Their god is allie😁

"FBI spokeswoman Gina Swankie and Travis spokesman Airman Christian Conrad declined to elaborate on the matter or identify the driver..." Why?

how many of those virgins are left?

Funny that, the virgins in their heaven are actually sexless angels, there are no "private parts" They are just there as servants to give food and wine etc.

wine and food is not a bad thing

Nice. Took himself out of the gene pool, like most Muslims should do.

hope he gets to meet allah

It's might hot down there.

Another agent of chaos.

We have to begin to solve the fundamental problems of society.
Bandaids can only cover so much.

Bread and circus are not enough.
there has to be real opportunity.

BREAKING NEWS.....Drivers name is KRIS P BACON !!!

I heard the name Weldon Burger.

ROTFLMAO, thanks for the laugh.

The Austin bomber was a terrorist.

And your point is?

The Vegas shooter was a terrorist.'re good....

Was one of his names Mohammed?

So in the end, was he regular or extra crispy?

FBI spokeswoman Gina Swankie and Travis spokesman Airman Christian Conrad declined to elaborate on the matter or identify the driver.
But they say it was “an act of terrorism”.

Ahhh... California Dreamers. Gotta love them

I assume authorities will check out this guys friends and relatives. There's a good chance there's others connected to him that sympathize with his intent.

Rough deal for this noob, would love to see the look on his face when he finds out the 72 virgins they were talking about were virgin olives

They're virgins for a reason. All ugly as sin.

Does the Koran actually state these virgins as female? They could be male 300 pounders. Also, Why would anyone want virgins?

7 virgin Dungeons and Dragons/pokemon card playing nerds

So there is one less terrorist to worry about

Here's a hanky, wipe yourself off, you're dead! Flew out of Travis AFB on my first tour to Korea. Got a treat and a thrill watching C5's doing touch and goes. Be on the alert brothers and sisters in arms.