Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
Your son was in an "abusive relationship" when he was 13?

Your son acknowledges that his mother doesn't think for herself and he doesn't want a girl like that. He's already smarter than you are.

Of course he said yes! A boy raised by a narcissistic, misogynistic father is always going to say yes. Because he doesn't want to disappoint you.

Unless he uses them wrong. Or doesn't use them at all. At which time you will have to lawyer up.
Incorrect. Hello, this is the year 2018 speaking: At 15 nobody needs "surprises" they are going to pay for the (how long do you lefties stay home now?) 30 years or so.

I ginned up a medical excuse to put my daughter on the pill when she started her period. Of course I'd love to think my little angel was behaving above reproach but I wasn't leaving that up to 13 years old judgement.