Quote Originally Posted by Great warrior View Post
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality
*This story was produced by the American Homefront Project, a public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans.

Shabazz hasn’t always been Muslim. He grew up Lutheran in Louisiana.
“We were just really devout people trying to find an experience with God and balance it in our daily lives,” Shabazz recounted.
Shabazz joined the Army at twenty-three. He felt like it would give him the discipline he craved. But he had a hard time following orders, and almost got kicked out.
Then he met a Muslim soldier, and they got into a public debate about their two religions. When the soldier explained that Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, Shabazz was flummoxed.

Shabazz is a maggot(*same as are you*). Just another muslim that worships Satan and calls Satan , Allah...