Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
But maybe i really haven't understood what you and other mean by "the War powers Act".
Yup, that about wraps up the entire past, present, and likely endless future. Things can only be explained factually so many ways and times. If it isn't fully understood by then, it most likely never will be.

Personally, I find the act to be crystal clear, and apparently our presidents and congress mostly think so as well.

It's like teaching someone advanced calculus. If they are taught 50x, by various teachers, and the folks that designed the use of, then perhaps time for the student to drop said class and move onto another course.

Swearing over and over endlessly does nothing at all to advance your debate. Posting the same things via youtube videos makes no difference. The arguments are soft, but you outright believe ANYONE who agrees with your position.

But IS funny that you have always leaped from Bush and now to Trump, and pretty much never outright went after, or go after Obama. Pretty much only when someone calls you on it as I do now. And then we'll get the obligatory "Well yeah, he was no better" and that's about the end of that.