Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
I've never seen him engage anyone in debate. All is see is islamic propaganda being dumped.

Maybe I don't pay close enough attention to the piece of dog shit, but then that's a good thing. I have nothing but utter disdain for moslems and islam.

If moslems bought the property next to mine, I'd put in a PIG PEN along that entire property line and jam as many PIGS in there that I could, then constantly have huge loud drunken parties and invite as many homos and hookers as I could find.
He's a propagandist, for sure. Same time, he stays within the rules. I thought the same as you but I have actually argued with him a time or two so he can't be nailed for just spamming. As long as he's following the rules, he's like the rest of us, regardless his popularity.