Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
Iran has painted themselves into a corner. Their 'retaliation' ended in abject failure and it was seen by the world. Then Israel took the opportunity to further humiliate them and remove all their Syrian facilities.

If they were smart, they'd stop all hostilities and withdraw before they start losing assets in Iran, which could very possibly spark a rebellion. You can lie to the citizens about how great & powerful you are and how the war is going, but when bases start getting blown up a couple miles down the road, the gig is up.

They're about to experience crushing financial sanctions, Israel is kicking their ass, the world knows they're inept, Israel stole a half ton of their utmost top-secret original nuke documents from downtown Tehran, and I'm pretty sure that Trump wouldn't mind sending over a few B2s to blow up their Fordaw site. Things aren't looking very rosy over there.

I only see two paths forward for Iran : Either go big and try to take out Israel or wave the white flag & withdraw and start behaving.

Pretty nice to see Israel doesn't have to worry about the USA stabbing them in the back anymore and the UN following our lead to support them in defending themselves.

It's damn nice.
One would think, right? ESPECIALLY after being admonished by France, Germany and Russia -- the three main countries trying to keep their dumbass deal alive. Not a whole lot of brain activity going on in Tehran.