Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
I really don't know with this nutcase. That's just my opinion. They're going to do what they're going to do and so is Un, even if he doesn't know what that is from one minute to the next.

Maybe he considers strong arming them to stop would be some power play and victory. Here's the thing with Korea. There's a holding force on the ground in South Korea. The REAL force is the Navy and island of Okinawa, home of the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force and Kadena AFB. Most of those exercises are Navy and the Army holding force jockeying around on the ground. When we went to Team Spirit 84 from Oki, we sent a token force from 3rd Marine Division.

There's Anderson AFB on Guam which has so many B-52s I surprised the island hasn't sank. There's an AFB in Japan. Yokosuka I believe. There's a Navy base in Japan. And those are all permanent forces, not just exercise people in for the weekend. I honestly believe Un has no idea what he is actually facing.

So we postpone the exercise. I consider it the wiser course of action, and something we can afford from position of overwhelming strength. It's not like anyone's going to go away. It's a bit of reverse psychology. Call his bluff, but not by confronting him. Let him have enough rope to hang himself or make a deal. Either way, he outs himself. Then, if he's stooging around HE is the bad guy instead of us looking like the bullies.

It costs us nothing, and if he balks we can always hold an exercise the next day. It's not like they don't have 3-5 of them a year anyway.
I get what you're saying, but Trump isn't doing that. Seems the WH is basically ignoring his threat thus far..