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    Default 'I gave the US trucks and ammunition to Al Qaeda':

    SYRIA 15 hours ago
    'I gave the US trucks and ammunition to Al Qaeda': The chaotic US effort to arm Syrian rebels
    Hollie McKay By Hollie McKay | Fox News

    U.S. equipment and weapons handed over to Al Qaeda?
    Two U.S. programs aimed at arming moderate forces against ISIS inadvertently put weapons, ammunition and equipment in the hands of Al Qaeda

    REYHANLI, Turkey – U.S. military equipment and ammunition, sent to Syria as part of a failed Obama administration plan to find and arm moderate forces to defeat ISIS, were instead simply handed over to an Al Qaeda group, according to the man who said he himself brokered the deal.

    “I communicated with Al Qaeda’s branch, Al Nusra, to protect and safely escort me and my soldiers for two hours from North Aleppo to West Aleppo,” Maj. Anas Ibrahim Obaid, better known on the battlefield as Abu Zayd, told Fox News from his home in the western Aleppo area. “In exchange, I gave them five pickup trucks and ammunition.”

    Maj. Anas Ibrahim Obaid, better known on the battlefield as Commander Abu Zayd, admitted to Fox News that he gave US-issued trucks and ammunition to Al Qaeda in Syria.

    Those trucks and ammo were issued to him by the United States in 2015, part of a $500 million Department of Defense effort to "train and equip" a new "ideologically moderate" force to battle ISIS. The program, one of at least two designed to funnel arms to so-called moderate Syrian rebels, proved to be a spectacular failure for the Obama administration.

    Zayd, who said he defected from the Syrian Army to the opposition in 2012, described a program that was rife with inconsistencies and incompetencies.

    He claimed the main prerequisite for inclusion in the program was proof of association with a group that had fought ISIS, the Islamic State. That was followed by a few basic questions, like, "With which faction did you fight?" and "What do you think about ISIS?"

    After undergoing training in Turkey, the first batch of 54 trained fighters crossed back to Syria in July 2015 – only to be almost instantly ambushed by Al Nusra militants. Several of the men were kidnapped, and their U.S.-issued weapons were stolen.

    Zayd said he was part of a second group to be sent into Syria -- this time without proper firepower.

    The U.S. trainers "wanted us to go into Syria without weapons because of the ambush, and said we could get the weapons inside instead. This was crazy,” Zayd recalled. “We refused.”

    The weapons issue was worked out, and the rebels eventually started their journey back to Syria on Sept. 19. But Turkish border guards found something else in their bags: Syrian regime flags, rather than the flags of the opposition group the fighters were being sent to support.

    Zayd said fighters charged back to their base in Turkey, demanding answers. U.S trainers took responsibility for the “flag mistake,” Zayd said, and the following day the rebels continued back to Syria.

    Abu Zayd's ammunition warehouse, believed to hold some American-issued items.

    But morale was already a problem, Zayd said, and fighters who were being paid a $250 monthly salary by the Defense Department began defecting. His group of 72 shrank to just 25, he said.

    Zayd said he, too, became quickly fed up with the program and planned to return to his hometown in western Aleppo to fight the Syrian regime.

    But getting home entailed moving through Al Nusra territory. That's when he called the Al Qaeda-affiliated leaders and made the arrangement to hand over the five U.S-issued trucks and scores of ammunition, in exchange for free passage and an armed escort home.

    “The Americans were so angry when they found out, they cut my salary,” Zayd said nonchalantly. “But this was our only option through their territory to get home without getting killed.”

    Zayd said the Pentagon halted the troubled program about a month after his deal with Al Nusra. “I got many messages the Americans do not want to deal with me anymore. But they can’t get their weapons back,” he boasted.

    Abu Zayd's weapons arsenal, in which he claims many of the arms were issued through U.S training programs. (Fox News)

    Over Skype from his living room, Zayd showed off an assortment of M-16 and M-24 sniper rifles, as well as ammo, mortar rounds and machine guns. He claimed most in his arsenal were U.S.-issued, with more in a nearby warehouse.

    Sources close to Zayd told Fox News his American-funded goods routinely surface on the black market, and constitute something of a lucrative business. Zayd today remains a commander for the Free Syrian Army.

    A second Obama administration program, "Timber Sycamore," was started by the CIA in late 2012 with the similar aim of arming rebels. This particular operation was active along the Turkish border to Syria's north, and a Jordanian crossing in the south, referred to as the “Southern Front.”

    But Syrian opposition figures say this program was also compromised, with arms falling into the hands of ISIS or Al Nusra.

    The program initially supplied light weapons. But as the Syrian civil war intensified, the U.S. strengthened its commitment by providing selected rebels with American “tune-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided” antitank missiles, better known as BGM-71 TOWs.

    One opposition group backed by Washington in 2014 to use the TOWs was the FSA group Hazem Movement.

    “We became optimistic we could overthrow the regime,” Asem Zidan, 27, formerly a media activist for the FSA’s Hazem, told Fox News. “And the TOW missiles helped us to prevent the regime pushing forward for some time ... but it wasn’t enough.”

    Zidan said only 10 TOWs at a time were issued, which he said fell well short of what was required to defeat regime forces. And matters only worsened when Al Nusra started to attack and “steal their weapons.”

    Another rebel fighter, Suheil Alhamoud, 30, who defected from the Syrian Army in March 2012 -- where he was a specialist in missiles – also expressed frustration over what he called insufficient efforts to help.

    Suheil Alhamoud, now 30, was trained by the U.S and allied countries as part of the CIA's clandestine effort to arm Syrian rebels against the Assad regime in 2014.

    After a string of several successful attacks against ISIS forces, Alhamoud said that in late November 2014 he received a supply of malfunctioning TOWs, believed to have come from surplus Saudi stockpiles. But despite having a stated range of more than two miles, some missiles would travel no more than 150 feet.

    “I suffered a lot because of that,” Alhamoud contended. “And so the regime and the terrorists advanced. We were told more TOWs would come, but it took weeks for them to arrive.”

    Alhamoud also conceded that Al Nusra managed to steal a number of TOWs, many of which have since landed on the black market, fetching up to $30,000 apiece.
    As I said and posted back then, obama is arming/aiding the muslim terrorists. If you think this was not the true destination of those weapons from the start, then you are daft , IMHO.
    Same as he released those top terrorist leaders for one American traitor.
    Same as he gave Iran 5 billion dollars and the ability to nuke up.
    Same as he set rules of engagement so that had most of the sorties flown by our military were coming back with full payloads intact, in the Syrian action by our forces BACK THEN.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I wouldn't call it Obama purposefully arming terrorists. Obama being a clueless moron about the situation on the ground and anything military in the ME arming terrorists comes as no surprise. Anyone who just declares victory and pulls out before the job is done is incompetent as Commander in Chief. A lot of people like to call Obama Muslim but I bet that fool wouldn't know the difference between a sunni and shia if they wore signs around their necks.

    Arming ANY Islamic REBEL GROUP is taking the risk that group will turn on you and use your own weapons against you. Yet we continue to play this arming the lesser of two evils game and it continues to bite us in the ass. WE armed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and look how he showed HIS gratitude.

    We should have used US military forces and wiped ISIS off the map down to the last man. This pussying around crap gets on my nerves.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I wouldn't call it Obama purposefully arming terrorists. Obama being a clueless moron about the situation on the ground and anything military in the ME arming terrorists comes as no surprise. Anyone who just declares victory and pulls out before the job is done is incompetent as Commander in Chief. A lot of people like to call Obama Muslim but I bet that fool wouldn't know the difference between a sunni and shia if they wore signs around their necks.

    Arming ANY Islamic REBEL GROUP is taking the risk that group will turn on you and use your own weapons against you. Yet we continue to play this arming the lesser of two evils game and it continues to bite us in the ass. WE armed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and look how he showed HIS gratitude.

    We should have used US military forces and wiped ISIS off the map down to the last man. This pussying around crap gets on my nerves.
    His father was a muslim, Gunny, he was born in a muslim nation, his step father was a muslim and he was raised as a muslim in Indonesia, and he declares his "muslim faith" with his own mouth, and claims the asinine waling over a loud speaker 5 times a day is the most beautiful sound he's ever heard, and on and on and on with the muslim shit... not to mention he surrounded himself with muslims in his white house staff and administration... so yeah, I'd say he was a muslim... pay attention around 1:55 minutes...

    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 05-16-2018 at 08:51 AM.

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    He was born in HI. I've never bought off on the conspiracy theories any more than I've bought off on Trump's Russian collusion.

    Guess you liked listening to him more than I did. I'd turn on infomercials before I'd listen to the SOB. I don't believe he's a muslim anymore than I believe he is a Christian. He's 100% full of shit and like a pro wrestler in love with his own gimmick. There's no room for God -- ANY God -- and his ego in that egg-shaped head. He attended the Rev Wright's church (who he threw under the bus) for 22 years. Then claimed he didn't believe everything Wright preached trying to distance himself from black activism during the election -- which he participated in freely once he was President -- whne there's no point in going to church if you don't believe since that is whole point to church.

    He's whatever he thinks will get him over. He lied his ass off and the left voted for him anyway. Hillary is a criminal and they voted for her anyway.

    I wanted his ass impeached for REAL crimes he committed against the Constitution of which there are plenty and plenty of evidence as in he signed them into law so they are on the books.

    Chasing the Clinton "what "is" is, a rumored birth certificate or this Russian collusion bullshit is a waste of time going nowhere. He committed real, PROVABLE crimes. He was incompetent as a CinC.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    He was born in HI.
    Well, I'm game.... PROVE IT...

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Well, I'm game.... PROVE IT...
    First, it ain't worth the effort. I mean really. ME putting time and/or effort into defending Obama. That's right up there with me growing hair. It was displayed at some point in time and I saw it. Another board I think.

    It doesn't matter anyway. Chasing his birth certificate was pointless. Even more pointless now. He got his 8 years to trample the Constitution and he did. It's one of those over and done things.

    I look at his birth certificate, Monicagate and Russian collusion as all floating in the same toilet bowl. Bill Clinton got busted as a process crime to Ken Starr investigating Whitewater. Anyone with a brain knows at this point, that is ALL Mueller is looking for on Trump -- a process crime. He brick-walled on Russian collusion LAST year and is just sifting sand looking for an unpaid parking ticket so he can claim "A-HA!"

    I wanted Obama busted for REAL, crimes with hard evidence which could have been done easy enough. I didn't want some he said/she said BS. I wanted something that would legally take his ass out of office. No one pursued it.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    First, it ain't worth the effort. I mean really. ME putting time and/or effort into defending Obama. That's right up there with me growing hair. It was displayed at some point in time and I saw it. Another board I think.

    It doesn't matter anyway. Chasing his birth certificate was pointless. Even more pointless now. He got his 8 years to trample the Constitution and he did. It's one of those over and done things.

    I look at his birth certificate, Monicagate and Russian collusion as all floating in the same toilet bowl. Bill Clinton got busted as a process crime to Ken Starr investigating Whitewater. Anyone with a brain knows at this point, that is ALL Mueller is looking for on Trump -- a process crime. He brick-walled on Russian collusion LAST year and is just sifting sand looking for an unpaid parking ticket so he can claim "A-HA!"

    I wanted Obama busted for REAL, crimes with hard evidence which could have been done easy enough. I didn't want some he said/she said BS. I wanted something that would legally take his ass out of office. No one pursued it.
    Well, I got HEAVY into where obama was born, and the one thing I NEVER saw was proof, HARD proof, can be held in hand, tangible, can be examined and AUTHENTICATED as REAL, PROOF, that he was born in Hawaii... there is none. All we have is a pathetic, amateurish digital forgery that he tried to pass off as a scan that was debunked by professional graphic artists the world over. No one on earth has ever seen or held a real hard copy Hawaiian birth certificate for obama. But on the contrary, we have obama's grandmother claiming she was present when he was born in Kenya. obama then was carted to Hawaii by his mother and they applied for a "certificate of birth," (very different from a "birth certificate,") which Hawaii would issue to anyone from anywhere, but it doesn't say that that person was born IN Hawaii, only that they were born on a certain date. He lied, and he even got his lies screwed up with his sister as they both claimed he was born in different hospitals, both of which deny they ever gave birth to barack obama. I could on and on... really... ON AND ON... the man is a LIAR, and every swinigin' dick POS candy ass mutha fuck prick bitch politician in Washington KNOWS obama wasn't born in Hawaii, and that's why NOTHING has been done about it. He was the GRAND EXPERIMENT, the guy that was going to MEND RACE RELATIONS and make the world LOVE US because he was a MUSLIM... and then it BACK FIRED. obama should be HUNG, and every cock sucker politician that looked the other way and allowed that dog turd to be UNCONSTITUTIONALLY ELECTED should be HUNG right beside him. NOTHING in politics PISSES ME OFF MORE than this ONE issue. America should NOT have had to go through 8 years of that FILTHY muslim America hating horse turd. He was not and never will be a LEGAL president to me. I would love to SHIT IN HIS FACE and smear it in with the bottom of my BOOT.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 05-16-2018 at 09:44 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Well, I got HEAVY into where obama was born, and the one thing I NEVER saw was proof, HARD proof, can be held in hand, tangible, can be examined and AUTHENTICATED as REAL, PROOF, that he was born in Hawaii... there is none. All we have is a pathetic, amateurish digital forgery that he tried to pass off as a scan that was debunked by professional graphic artists the world over. No one on earth has ever seen or held a real hard copy Hawaiian birth certificate for obama. But on the contrary, we have obama's grandmother claiming she was present when he was born in Kenya. obama then was carted to Hawaii by his mother and they applied for a "certificate of birth," (very different from a "birth certificate,") which Hawaii would issue to anyone from anywhere, but it doesn't say that that person was born IN Hawaii, only that they were born on a certain date. He lied, and he even got his lies screwed up with his sister as they both claimed he was born in different hospitals, both of which deny they ever gave birth to barack obama. I could on and on... really... ON AND ON... the man is a LIAR, and every swinigin' dick POS candy ass mutha fuck prick bitch politician in Washington KNOWS obama wasn't born in Hawaii, and that's why NOTHING has been done about it. He was the GRAND EXPERIMENT, the guy that was going to MEND RACE RELATIONS and make the world LOVE US because he was a MUSLIM... and then it BACK FIRED. obama should be HUNG, and every cock sucker politician that looked the other way and allowed that dog turd to be UNCONSTITUTIONALLY ELECTED should be HUNG right beside him. NOTHING in politics PISSES ME OFF MORE than this ONE issue. America should NOT have had to go through 8 years of that FILTHY muslim America hating horse turd. He was not and never will be a LEGAL president to me. I would love to SHIT IN HIS FACE and smear it in with the bottom of my BOOT.
    My point was and is, and I was screaming my head off at the time during the Dem Primaries in 07: Obama was held accountable for zero, zip nada, He was busted lying every time he opened his mouth and nothing.

    He was proven to associate with Ayers, a convicted domestic terrorist, A black activist preacher and nothing. He threw his white granny under the bus. He claimed to be some poor black guy made good when Barry grew up in white, middle class neighborhoods.

    He was a fraud and a liar and the left DID NOT CARE. I would vote against him if he ran unopposed. Care salesmen are more honest. They voted for his ass anyway. THAT completely tossed the left and Dem party to the curb in my mind as far as credibility is concerned. Them voting for Clinton this past election just reaffirmed it. Pro wrestling has more credibility with me.

    I don't care if the f*cker was born on Mars. If he got away with anything, then he got away with it. He's still getting away with it with all these leftwingnut activist judges trying to or blocking Trump's every move to enforce the law.

    Fuck him. He better never appear in a crosswalk in front of me. I'd be hard-pressed not spit on him if he ever got close enough and THAT is going some for me because I don't spit. I consider it vile and the worst form of insult to spit on someone.

    I STILL believe no one shot his ass dead because Uncle Joe would become President and Shit-for-brains Pelosi was next in line.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    My point was and is, and I was screaming my head off at the time during the Dem Primaries in 07: Obama was held accountable for zero, zip nada, He was busted lying every time he opened his mouth and nothing.

    He was proven to associate with Ayers, a convicted domestic terrorist, A black activist preacher and nothing. He threw his white granny under the bus. He claimed to be some poor black guy made good when Barry grew up in white, middle class neighborhoods.

    He was a fraud and a liar and the left DID NOT CARE. I would vote against him if he ran unopposed. Care salesmen are more honest. They voted for his ass anyway. THAT completely tossed the left and Dem party to the curb in my mind as far as credibility is concerned. Them voting for Clinton this past election just reaffirmed it. Pro wrestling has more credibility with me.

    I don't care if the f*cker was born on Mars. If he got away with anything, then he got away with it. He's still getting away with it with all these leftwingnut activist judges trying to or blocking Trump's every move to enforce the law.

    Fuck him. He better never appear in a crosswalk in front of me. I'd be hard-pressed not spit on him if he ever got close enough and THAT is going some for me because I don't spit. I consider it vile and the worst form of insult to spit on someone.

    I STILL believe no one shot his ass dead because Uncle Joe would become President and Shit-for-brains Pelosi was next in line.
    Amen brother.

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    I have no way of knowing what Obama’s faith is, deep down, but I do feel fairly certain that he is a Muslim sympathizer.
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    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I have no way of knowing what Obama’s faith is, deep down, but I do feel fairly certain that he is a Muslim sympathizer.
    I use this word sparingly and only for special people that deserve it. Obama's "faith" is "unamerican". THAT is what matters to me. He call himself anything he wants. Fred Phelps called himself a Baptist.

    Actions speak louder than words. Obama's actions tell anyone everything they need to know about him.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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