I worked at a very large law firm at one point. Of course they paid me a nice salary, and my job was basically to do as told by my superiors while on the clock. I DID NOT get to choose things I would do at will and then claim "freedom of speech" - as the reply would ALWAYS be "Sure, you have your freedom of speech at 5pm, and until then you do and say as I please".

This was the norm at every single job I had from a kid delivering newspapers to anything out there today. I'm fully and 100% aware of what freedom of speech is.

They are even giving them an option of staying in the locker rooms somehow - but that they don't want them coming out and making any type of spectacle or protest on THEIR dime while THEY are paying THEM millions.

These guys all have major coverage on their social media, or with the regular media at times, or what they want to do at home, or donate their money to, or they can open an organization to do and help people, they can run for public office, they can plan press conferences, pull out a summit like Ali did with others to draw attention to a cause...

SO MANY other options, but they want the one that gets the most air time - which happens to be when America is tuning in for FOOTBALL - and when the owners are paying them MILLIONS to play FOOTBALL.