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    Default How Big Govt-backed Bad Science made americans fat

    'nuff said.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    It's the foods fault for being so delicious!lol

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    Too much junk/fast food, not enough exercise, sedentary life styles = fat people.

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    I have a love/hate relationship with this topic. I made the mistake when I was a young Devilpup of taking a course in nutrition. Crap like that doesn't go well with OCD.

    I agree the government is mostly full of crap on the topic of nutrition the same as it is on pretty-much ANY topic they receive research funding for. It has completely reversed itself many times over the years. Potatoes, bread, milk and red meat are the top ones that come to mind. They're good for you. No wait ... they're bad for you. Oops ... our bad ... they're good for you again

    Product manufacturers are allowed to lie on the ingredients in their products, but supposedly not. If you actually know anything about breaking down calories and how they metabolize, you know you're being lied to. The ingredients listed are factually correct on the package as required by law. What they really are is another matter.

    I don't agree that bad science alone has led to obesity. Gluttony certainly plays a BIG part. Our society today demands everything feel good and taste good, and if it does, they just eat without boundaries. Overeating is an addiction like any other. Hard habit to break.

    You can't blame the food for being there, and I'm really against telling others what to and not to eat. Marketing to children is a BIG factor. Damn right they want something sweet. Didn't we all? Wonder what they'd do now if "something sweet" was a wad of sap from a beech tree like it was at one time?

    Lazy and/or overindulgent parents are partly to blame. They'll stuff something with zero nutritional value in it into a kid's mouth to shut them up, and hitting the drive-thru on the way home sounds WAY more convenient than busting out the cookware, making dinner, and cleaning up.

    And fad diets? They are a temporary fix with a temporary goal for a permanent problem. Same with all these fat burner products they sell. Not saying they don't work for some, but in general, they're somebody's way to get rich off other other people's problems. And both might achieve the temporary results, but if any of the underlying issues for obesity, such as heart disease, diabetes, etc they can do more harm than good to your health and some --especially damage to the heart, liver and kidneys -- cannot be reversed. Though they stick the the burb "consult your physician" in their literature, who really does? And if your physician doesn't know crap about nutrition you may as well pull up google.

    People eat until they are stuffed. Your body is going to burn X amount of that and store the rest, and no matter what the label tell you it is, anything you don't use/burn off is going to metabolize into and be stored as fat. Your body can process only so many calories at a time. For instance, on I remember for sure is it will process roughly only 4 ounces of protein at one time. That 8 ounce steak? Stored as fat or expensive poop.

    So I would say a lack of education would be another reason. Lack of desire to educate one's self another.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    I'm an amateur prepper ... I'm storing extra pounds for when TSHTF.
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    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    I'm an amateur prepper ... I'm storing extra pounds for when TSHTF.
    Problematic. I would probably starve first, and be the first to catch hypothermia in the from a prolonged period in cold waters. Or just cold, I guess.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Pretty simple fact, you shovel more calories in your pie hole than your body can burn, you will gain weight.

    If you don't shovel more calories in your pie hole than your body can burn, you will lose weight.

    It also depends on what kind of calories. Sugar and things that quickly turn to sugar are especially bad. If your body can't burn it fast enough, it will store it as fat. That's also why it's better to eat smaller meals.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 06-02-2018 at 10:16 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Pretty simple fact, you shovel more calories in your pie hole than your body can burn, you will gain weight.

    If you don't shovel more calories in your pie hole than your body can burn, you will lose weight.

    It also depends on what kind of calories. Sugar and things that quickly turn to sugar are especially bad. If your body can't burn it fast enough, it will store it as fat. That's also why it's better to eat smaller meals.
    Thing is, everyone tried to go for these one-size-fits-all programs and one size DON'T fit all. Genetics come into play as well as metabolism.

    When I was 20 I could eat a whole pizza, routinely ate whole round steaks, a dozen doughnuts, however many sodas a day and I think I put on about 5 pounds. If I ate like that now i'd be as big as a house. My metabolism has slowed down over the years and I don't burn as many calories.

    HOWEVER ... If I stick to a strict low-fat, basic foods diet even now I will not gain weight. I eat a bag (big one) of chips just about every day, or some form of just pure, unhealthy sh*t to keep the weight I managed to put back on where it is. And I STILL don't have much bodyfat.

    And for those that want to hate on me for that, I in turn hate Hugh Jackman That dude built his body doing heavy deadlifts. I'm like WTF? This dude is deadlifting his ass off and keeping a skinny-ass waist like that? My freakin waist would be as big as my chest and I'd look like a barrel if I did heavy deadlifts. It's genetics.

    We can't all look like Arnold did in 1980, or Stallone in Rambo. We can just do the best with what we have. What most people don't know about Stallone is he was hospitalized making both First Blood Pt 2 and Rocky 3 for dangerously low bodyfat levels. That's besides the times he was hospitalized for getting knocked the f- out by his opponents in the Rocky movies. Dolph Ludgren laid him right out

    You just can't look like that and be healthy unless you are genetically predisposed to .
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Thing is, everyone tried to go for these one-size-fits-all programs and one size DON'T fit all. Genetics come into play as well as metabolism.

    When I was 20 I could eat a whole pizza, routinely ate whole round steaks, a dozen doughnuts, however many sodas a day and I think I put on about 5 pounds. If I ate like that now i'd be as big as a house. My metabolism has slowed down over the years and I don't burn as many calories.

    HOWEVER ... If I stick to a strict low-fat, basic foods diet even now I will not gain weight. I eat a bag (big one) of chips just about every day, or some form of just pure, unhealthy sh*t to keep the weight I managed to put back on where it is. And I STILL don't have much bodyfat.

    And for those that want to hate on me for that, I in turn hate Hugh Jackman That dude built his body doing heavy deadlifts. I'm like WTF? This dude is deadlifting his ass off and keeping a skinny-ass waist like that? My freakin waist would be as big as my chest and I'd look like a barrel if I did heavy deadlifts. It's genetics.

    We can't all look like Arnold did in 1980, or Stallone in Rambo. We can just do the best with what we have. What most people don't know about Stallone is he was hospitalized making both First Blood Pt 2 and Rocky 3 for dangerously low bodyfat levels. That's besides the times he was hospitalized for getting knocked the f- out by his opponents in the Rocky movies. Dolph Ludgren laid him right out

    You just can't look like that and be healthy unless you are genetically predisposed to .
    I'd have to say I eat half ass healthy. Very little of what I eat comes out of a can, and even then I'm talking about a vegetable like corn or green beans, peas, etc, love cream corn, and I don't eat anything out of a box either. I cook, fresh stuff, and yeah I'm one of those salad lovers, and I guess I'm lucky that there are no fast food joints around here, so even if I wanted to eat that crap, I can't.

    My one weakness is chips too, but I rarely eat those alone. I usually have salsa with them.

    I could eat anything and everything when I was a kid too and never gain a pound, up until about 40 actually. Then the metabolism started to slow down, and now at almost 63, I LOOK at food and I GAIN WEIGHT... I have to be real careful or I'd be big as a house too.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 06-02-2018 at 10:52 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    I'd have to say I eat half ass healthy. Very little of what I eat comes out of a can, and even then I'm talking about a vegetable like corn or green beans, peas, etc, love cream corn, and I don't eat anything out of a box either. I cook, fresh stuff, and yeah I'm one of those salad lovers, and I guess I'm lucky that there are no fast food joints around here, so even if I wanted to eat that crap, I can't.

    My one weakness is chips too, but I rarely eat those alone. I usually have salsa with them.

    I could eat anything and everything when I was a kid too and never gain a pound, up until about 40 actually. Then the metabolism started to slow down, and now at almost 63, I LOOK at food and I GAIN WEIGHT... I have to be real careful or I'd be big as a house too.
    Better watch those salads if you use Romaine. I posted a thread yesterday about an E-coli outbreak that's killed about 25 people. I use fresh spinach instead of lettuce. Lettuce has a pointless existence. You can't taste the difference.

    I eat plain stuff. Meat preferably broiled or grilled. Veggies. Mostly fresh. I eat beans out of a can. Some fresh fruits. Eggs. I'll hold my nose and eat chicken if it's whte meat and not dried out. Forget fresh fish. I'll eat shrimp, lobster, fresh steamed clams. I'll eat haddock and orange roughy because neither taste like fish I just within the past few days dropped some bodyfat. Since it's so damned hot here already I got proactive for once instead of dehydrating and switched from soda to gatorade and sun tea. When it's this hot, soda just turns instantly to foam when you drink it. Not good for you anyway and it really lowers your phosphorous levels.

    The whole FDA thing? I consider them one notch dumber than doctors that don't know anything about sports medicine in physical rehab. They have a one-size-fits-all mentality and dosages so conservative you could get more vitamins and minerals from an orange and some broccoli.

    Disclaimer: Don't any of you knuckleheads run out and start swallowing handfulls of vitamins on MY say so. And yes, it HAS happened. Read the label and read up on anything you put in your mouth BEFORE you do. Some supplement have a toxicity level. Selenium comes immediately to mind.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Better watch those salads if you use Romaine. I posted a thread yesterday about an E-coli outbreak that's killed about 25 people. I use fresh spinach instead of lettuce. Lettuce has a pointless existence. You can't taste the difference.

    I eat plain stuff. Meat preferably broiled or grilled. Veggies. Mostly fresh. I eat beans out of a can. Some fresh fruits. Eggs. I'll hold my nose and eat chicken if it's whte meat and not dried out. Forget fresh fish. I'll eat shrimp, lobster, fresh steamed clams. I'll eat haddock and orange roughy because neither taste like fish I just within the past few days dropped some bodyfat. Since it's so damned hot here already I got proactive for once instead of dehydrating and switched from soda to gatorade and sun tea. When it's this hot, soda just turns instantly to foam when you drink it. Not good for you anyway and it really lowers your phosphorous levels.

    The whole FDA thing? I consider them one notch dumber than doctors that don't know anything about sports medicine in physical rehab. They have a one-size-fits-all mentality and dosages so conservative you could get more vitamins and minerals from an orange and some broccoli.

    Disclaimer: Don't any of you knuckleheads run out and start swallowing handfulls of vitamins on MY say so. And yes, it HAS happened. Read the label and read up on anything you put in your mouth BEFORE you do. Some supplement have a toxicity level. Selenium comes immediately to mind.
    Yeah I saw your thread about the romaine. It's not my favorite. I like Dole "Greener" salad mixes, has iceburg, some romaine, red cabbage and carrots in it, but then I doctor it up with cucumber, green pepper, onions, mushrooms and some kind of cheese grated on top. Oh, and dice up some ham if I have that available. I like eggs too but have cut back on those in recent months. I love fish, most all fish except salmon, and that's my Ma's favorite. My favorite would have to be fresh caught pan fish from around here, Blue Gills, Crappies, Sun fish, the absolute best fish ever. I don't care for lobster at all, but I love shrimp. I batter that and deep fry it myself. I like crab though. I like chicken too. The grocery store here in town sells those whole broasted chickens and I pick one of those up once and awhile, those are real good. I make some mashed taters and gravy and peas to go with it or something and it's a good meal. Then throw the left over chicken in with a can of chicken noodle soup or something, or just throw it in a sammich with some mayonnaise.

    I take an "over 50" Centrum vitamin daily too, and a garlic tab. Been taking vitamins for so long I can't really remember when I started, it's been a long, LONG time. A vitamin and garlic gel tab with a glass of OJ or grapefruit juice.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 06-02-2018 at 12:03 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Yeah I saw your thread about the romaine. It's not my favorite. I like Dole "Greener" salad mixes, has iceburg, some romaine, red cabbage and carrots in it, but then I doctor it up with cucumber, green pepper, onions, mushrooms and some kind of cheese grated on top. Oh, and dice up some ham if I have that available. I like eggs too but have cut back on those in recent months. I love fish, most all fish except salmon, and that's my Ma's favorite. My favorite would have to be fresh caught pan fish from around here, Blue Gills, Crappies, Sun fish, the absolute best fish ever. I don't care for lobster at all, but I love shrimp. I batter that and deep fry it myself. I like crab though. I like chicken too. The grocery store here in town sells those whole broasted chickens and I pick one of those up once and awhile, those are real good. I make some mashed taters and gravy and peas to go with it or something and it's a good meal. Then throw the left over chicken in with a can of chicken noodle soup or something, or just throw it in a sammich with some mayonnaise.

    I take an "over 50" Centrum vitamin daily too, and a garlic tab. Been taking vitamins for so long I can't really remember when I started, it's been a long, LONG time. A vitamin and garlic gel tab with a glass of OJ or grapefruit juice.
    I take about 16-18 vitamins, minerals and/or herbs. About half of them are the "do-it-yourself" blood pressure remedy off the internet. Mine's borderline. The junk I take for it keeps it down below that. I won't take the medicine unless I have to.

    Since I was in the hospital I am or was anemic so some are for that. I load on garlic, the non-stinky kind. Geez. Back in the 80s that crap would burn your throat and mouth and keep you friendless Garlic and echinaeccia (sp) are precursors to natural antibiotics. Take a multiple on top of all that crap. And calcium. I don't care how much calcium I take mine is low. They tried to make me drink the Tang-tasting sh*t by the bucket-load in the hospital. Said I couldn't leave without my calcium level at a certain point and I was like F- U. Hope you got a retirement plan cuz I ain't drinking all that shit.

    Speaking of nutrition ... hospitals have ZERO idea what that is. And they bring you three meals a day and bitch if you don't eat it all but never one to deviate from their schedules to get home, they won't leave the tray. I haven't eaten 3 big meals a day in probably 30 years. I eat ALL day, a little at a time. My body won't hold an entire meal. Especially of hospital food. I made made them give me 2 breakfasts every morning Was the only thing I could stand.

    And you bet when I got my check out little briefing they asked this and that I lit them up on nutrition. Want me to do all this physical therapy, which was also lame, yet you won't feed me enough energy to do it. They were glad to see me go
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