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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Ok, Rev, since you cannot see it, I’m going to just say this: if women are telling you that one of these words is so much worse than the others that they cannot be compared, you should listen. I think we as women get the last word on how it makes us feel, no?

    Those that are enlightened and understand how stupid and moronic we Trump supporters are , get the first and the last word.
    That is in the dem/lib/leftist/socialist handbook.

    We that do not fall in lockstep with these massively superior gods ( that see arrogance as a virtue ), must be silent and let them correct our stupidity!
    And do so, no matter the methods that they use, -- lying, stealing, corruption, violence, etc....
    In fact, if they bake a cake out of human excrement we are to eat it and be grateful...
    Such is pretty much the flavor of the dem party and its corruption, its third arm mainstream media, totally infected universities and rabid allies.

    Wake up my good friend.

    Join the massively superior dem/lib gods in their quest to dominate and destroy liberty and freedom in this country.
    If you refuse, then you are just a bible thumping, gun toting, redneck hillbilly that so richly deserves any and all the punishment meted out to you and your filthy kind..

    sarcasm and rant approved by the foundation of having an informed mind--Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 06-05-2018 at 10:28 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Ok, Rev, since you cannot see it, I’m going to just say this: if women are telling you that one of these words is so much worse than the others that they cannot be compared, you should listen. I think we as women get the last word on how it makes us feel, no?
    Abbey I'm Black, I've told many whites on several occassions how the words N---- and Monkey make me (and I'll say without qualification most other Blacks) feel. And that they are racist terms. But some of those whites INSIST otherwise.
    Should they, Do they listen? or become defensive and double down?

    And Abbey I'm not discounting your personal view.
    I'm saying that both words/phrases are vile. I'm agreeing with you that they are "GROSS" and "AWFUL".
    I said that Trumps was ALMOST as bad. I'm saying neither are an appropriate a part of public (or private) political discussion. So If i'm in error at all it's simply by degree. Plus I'm erring on the side decency and kindness so i don't think i should be wildly reprimanded for it.

    Those that use the phrases are the ones that should be the targets of hostility, whoever they are.

    As far as the levels of degrees goes I don't think many men would be willing to test women's reactions to either phrase.
    we already know both are foul and offensive. So i suspect all the reactions would be negative. Measuring the scale of offense i suspect would vary from 50 to 100% but not from Zero .1 to 100. which is what you seemed to imply somewhat.
    Last edited by revelarts; 06-05-2018 at 11:08 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Abbey I'm Black, I've told many whites on several occassions how the words N---- and Monkey make me (and I'll say without qualification most other Blacks) feel. And that they are racist terms. But some of those whites INSIST otherwise.
    Should they, Do they listen? or become defensive and double down?
    Can you show me where you condemned the liberals and others where they endlessly posted pictures of Bush and a monkey side by side in order to mock him? What about not long ago when Wanda Sykes called Trump an orangutan? Same as with the N word. Do you proactively condemn BOTH sides of the political supporters? What about when blacks use it non-stop? Or are insult words owned by races? Are only whites to be condemned over the years for such comparisons? And why only certain folks being called out? And please, save me the crap about how it's OK for blacks to use certain words, but whites are off limits. My personal view on any words that offend me - is that I won't use those words, and especially so while online, and would hope that I would get treated in kind in replies from others.

    I think it's VERY offensive when black folks use the word without impunity, especially so again, but within music. And put it out there in the mainstream, and then sit back and condemn anyone outside of the black community that may repeat the lyrics. That very thing just happened, where a white woman was called on stage to sing along with a rapper - sang the EXACT lyrics he wrote, but then he stopped the music in front of tens of thousands, to condemn this girl for daring to use the word.

    And if a word is "racist" - then it shouldn't be used by anyone. But folks cannot be hypocritical about it. I'm not saying you are of course, I've never even seen you come close to such a word. But many a times folks here were expected to call out others, and condemned if we didn't say something to the person making the offensive comments. And the same thing should apply in the "real world". But the black community by large is allowing and has always allowed for such words to be front and center in so many lyrics. If white folks are going to hear a band/singer they like using the word non-stop, they very well may end up singing it at the very least. But if folks want to blame Trump for the current culture and what not, then the same applies here. Have such a huge opening of the music and word being used... and it's unfortunately being used MUCH more than just in music. Then it's not going to go anywhere any time soon.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Default rev. Most of us knew you were Black.

    The simple fact that you felt it necessary to remind Abbey, or the rest of us is very telling. And nearly proves my statement about how YOU are what you accuse the rest of us to Be.

    In my long experience, growing up with, going to school with, living with, and serving in uniform with Black Americans...I have learned WHO the actual Racists are...from nearly every race I have communicated with, and sadly. The most difficult, unwilling fellow Americans LIKE YOU, who refuse to allow me, or others to talk about race in any way...ARE LIKE YOU, refusing to allow us to talk about race in any manner....because YOU insist...we have never walked in your shoes.

    Well, I'm here to tell you now. I have walked in your shoes...because I am a white man who has been threatened, warned, and shouted down by RACIST Black Americans who DO NOT WANT RACE PROBLEMS in America to be solved, or even discussed civilly because it will take away your demands for victimhood from the SLAVERY DAYS, when America didn't observe HUMAN RIGHTS as we do today. still don't want me to talk that way...if it takes away your victimization Thunder as one of the RICH, POOR, VICTIM, BLACK AMERICANS I OWE NOTHING TO FOR ANYTHING.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "C---", is just about as bad and Trump Calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo" and Talking about Megan Kelly's "blood coming out of her where ever"
    Seems some on right didn't have much of a problem with that though, all's forgiven... and forgotten because Trump is "making Merica great again" i guess.
    so no hypocrisy on the right's outrage worth mentioning here either i guess.

    seems everyone needs to watch their mouths, be called on their foul crap and make sincere apologizes from time to time.
    Some days you are as dump as tree knot.

    liberals run their fukkin' mouths all the time and are not vilified.

    You run yours to defend them like you are a Saint.

    Weak. All you do is cut and paste liberal opinions, rarely a thought of your own.

    Last edited by Elessar; 06-06-2018 at 12:56 AM.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Can you show me where you condemned the liberals and others where they endlessly posted pictures of Bush and a monkey side by side in order to mock him? What about not long ago when Wanda Sykes called Trump an orangutan? Same as with the N word. Do you proactively condemn BOTH sides of the political supporters? What about when blacks use it non-stop? Or are insult words owned by races? Are only whites to be condemned over the years for such comparisons? And why only certain folks being called out?
    Are these honest question or are they accusations?

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    And please, save me the crap about how it's OK for blacks to use certain words, but whites are off limits.
    I and most civilians wouldn't call any of the marines here "Jarhead", even though they use the word among each other from time to time.
    Why is it so hard to grasp that some word used by a portion of the people of a group is acceptable "inhouse".
    Why exactly is that so strange and "unfair"?
    One family member might call another stupid all day long but if someone outside the family does it, it's inappropriate. and maybe even the cause of a fight.

    But personally I don't think people inhouse or outside should be used some phrases AT ALL. But the contextual difference doesn't bother me as it seem to bug others. It happens in other context ALL the time and there are no complaints.
    --why i can't I call Marines Jarheads Too! they use it all the time. it's in songs it's not fair. it's hypocritical. etc etc--
    sorry. it's EASY to understand, I get it, marines get to call each other WHATEVER they want and if they tell me I'm not Included OK no problem. NO big deal. I don't want to use any words to put down marines anyway. And if i did what to put one down there are plenty of generic less Marine specific words to use. It's just Unnecessarily inflammatory to use certain words to certain groups and people.
    So i don't get that gripe being applied to blacks use of some words as "unfair".
    that complaint has never made sense to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    My personal view on any words that offend me - is that I won't use those words, and especially so while online, and would hope that I would get treated in kind in replies from others.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I think it's VERY offensive when black folks use the word without impunity,
    I think the word is offenses no matter who uses it. But it doesn't bother me that they use it with "impunity." I don't get why that should upset anyone. (see above) . I don't WANT to use the word and I think it's counterproductive for ANYone to use it. But if some Blacks are -IMO- too blind to see the destructive nature of it, I'm not upset that they can get away with using it. Some Younger blacks i know DON'T use it when they are around me, I don't even have to ask them not use it. but I've overheard them using it on the phone and around friends.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    especially so again, but within music.
    I hate it in music, and so do plenty Black adults.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    And put it out there in the mainstream, and then sit back and condemn anyone outside of the black community that may repeat the lyrics. That very thing just happened, where a white woman was called on stage to sing along with a rapper - sang the EXACT lyrics he wrote, but then he stopped the music in front of tens of thousands, to condemn this girl for daring to use the word.
    I agree that that's hypocritically BS. If they didn't want it sung then don't put it in music.
    Same with lyrics about suicide, and drugs and drinking, gangs, and sex.
    And then folks whining about teen suicide, drug use, drinking, gangs violence, out of wedlock babies and STDs
    A rock, rap, some pop all parts of the music industry have been destructive ... for decades in a lot of ways. the use of racist words is just one.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    And if a word is "racist" - then it shouldn't be used by anyone.
    I agree, If you me and other don't use them and encourage other to do the same that's a start.
    rather than trying to make excuse TOO use it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    But folks cannot be hypocritical about it.
    we can point out hypocrisy like the rapper above but lets not say that ALL blacks agree with rapper. WE DON'T.
    Every place i've worked the backs didn't want the word used in Music. the Liberal black reporters at the newspaper i worked at agreed with the black Christians that worked their that it was foul and self destructive, along with calling woman B--- and Hos in lyrics.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I'm not saying you are of course, I've never even seen you come close to such a word.
    thanks, and I'm hardly the only one.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    But many a times folks here were expected to call out others, and condemned if we didn't say something to the person making the offensive comments. And the same thing should apply in the "real world". But the black community by large is allowing and has always allowed for such words to be front and center in so many lyrics.
    Some Black pastors have BULLDOZED rappers CDs, many black activist old and young have advocated for rappers to stop using the word (and more), heck even some older rappers hypocritically admit they don't even let THEIR OWN children listen to their music or use various words or phrases. But some folks just don't get it or don't really care.
    We can choose to join the voices, Black and White, that advocate disuse as well, but please start by not assuming that "the black community" approves of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    If white folks are going to hear a band/singer they like using the word non-stop, they very well may end up singing it at the very least.
    i never let my kid listen to some music, as best i could that is. just becasue it's popular don't mean it's coming in my house. that's the last line of defense for all families .

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    But if folks want to blame Trump for the current culture and what not,
    As a celebrity and president of the U.S he's a bandwagon leader , for good or ill, there's no doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    then the same applies here. Have such a huge opening of the music and word being used... and it's unfortunately being used MUCH more than just in music. Then it's not going to go anywhere any time soon.
    Yes musicians have a LOT to answer for. there's no doubt. it's a conversation I've had with people for over 20 years in the real world. Sadly the wider culture, instead of condemning it's use in music, embraces it and as you say perpetuates it.
    If people stopped BUYING it it would stop. I have to wonder why it sells so well.
    We vote with our dollar in the case of music.

    but all that is kind of off topic but .. hey there ya go.
    Last edited by revelarts; 06-06-2018 at 12:32 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Are these honest question or are they accusations?
    I AM Now pissed.

    You think YOU with the Cut and pastes
    It is holier than others?

    You Say NOW you are BLACK!
    What country? Nigeria? Gold Coast?

    Your Avatar Shows You to be a Liar.

    All you are is a cut and paste fool with no logic, no thought,
    and a LIAR.

    How many Internet Scams do you try?

    I can trace You, LAIR.
    Last edited by Elessar; 06-06-2018 at 12:53 AM.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    This thread reflects our society today ... So full of anger.
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
    then dumb and silent we may be led,
    like sheep to the slaughter.

    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    I'm very skeptical rev is black. In fact pretty much don't believe it.

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    Personally, I don't really care what race anyone is. For the record though, Rev has been 'black' for all but 1 year that I've known him. LOL! He was probably black that first year too, but since he hadn't said, I didn't know.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Rev is wrong, IMO, and I’ve argued with him in several posts in this thread.

    But he doesn’t deserve these personal attacks.

    For God’s sake, it’s a debate board. Debate.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Are these honest question or are they accusations?
    Honest questions, but I already know the answer to them, at least where this board is concerned. And the other questions are to prove a point as well. They are not accusations though. I'm simply showing that you point out your own views/accusations, but that even you aren't immune to a little hypocrisy.

    I and most civilians wouldn't call any of the marines here "Jarhead", even though they use the word among each other from time to time.
    Why is it so hard to grasp that some word used by a portion of the people of a group is acceptable "inhouse".
    Why exactly is that so strange and "unfair"?
    One family member might call another stupid all day long but if someone outside the family does it, it's inappropriate. and maybe even the cause of a fight.

    But personally I don't think people inhouse or outside should be used some phrases AT ALL. But the contextual difference doesn't bother me as it seem to bug others. It happens in other context ALL the time and there are no complaints.
    --why i can't I call Marines Jarheads Too! they use it all the time. it's in songs it's not fair. it's hypocritical. etc etc--
    sorry. it's EASY to understand, I get it, marines get to call each other WHATEVER they want and if they tell me I'm not Included OK no problem. NO big deal. I don't want to use any words to put down marines anyway. And if i did what to put one down there are plenty of generic less Marine specific words to use. It's just Unnecessarily inflammatory to use certain words to certain groups and people.
    So i don't get that gripe being applied to blacks use of some words as "unfair".
    that complaint has never made sense to me.
    Why? You surely can't expect a very large portion of our nation running around using a word whenever they please, even into the mainstream, and then get angry or whatever when another large portion of the nation dares say the word.

    I'd call a marine a jarhead in a moment - even Gunny. That might be insulting but also humorous, IMO, and I would think that successful marines would know it's respectful. Comparing the N word to "jarhead" is almost as bad as comparing the C word to bimbo.

    And it's hardly "inhouse". IF it were brothers for example, and using words within the confines of their privacy/homes, I would agree with you. But we're talking about folks using it in the streets, in stores, in music, in restaurants... basically everywhere and anywhere.

    IMO, if a word is a "bad word", then ALL folks should treat it as such. There should be NO DIVISION at all in America, whether a single word, an alphabet, a school attendance, politics...

    I think the word is offenses no matter who uses it. But it doesn't bother me that they use it with "impunity." I don't get why that should upset anyone. (see above) . I don't WANT to use the word and I think it's counterproductive for ANYone to use it. But if some Blacks are -IMO- too blind to see the destructive nature of it, I'm not upset that they can get away with using it. Some Younger blacks i know DON'T use it when they are around me, I don't even have to ask them not use it. but I've overheard them using it on the phone and around friends.
    One of my main issues is, for example, what happened with the singer I spoke of. Or the endless videos/stories of where someone gets KTFO for using the word. Or someone being placed on blast on social media by a black person because they used the word. Other folks are 'punished' for using the word, while there are still no punishments out there for black folks using the word. Again, division, treated differently.

    I hate it in music, and so do plenty Black adults.
    Oh, no doubt, I know a few elderly black folks that can't stand today's music and a lot of other things as well. While I sometimes speak in generalities, I never intend to speak of everyone.

    I agree that that's hypocritically BS. If they didn't want it sung then don't put it in music.
    Same with lyrics about suicide, and drugs and drinking, gangs, and sex.
    And then folks whining about teen suicide, drug use, drinking, gangs violence, out of wedlock babies and STDs
    A rock, rap, some pop all parts of the music industry have been destructive ... for decades in a lot of ways. the use of racist words is just one.
    Absolutely. Same applies to ALL musicians out there. They are responsible for their own lyrics. Unfortunately, the N word is unique in the manner that it's used all the time, and it's considered extremely offensive to the same side using it in the lyrics.

    I agree, If you me and other don't use them and encourage other to do the same that's a start.
    rather than trying to make excuse TOO use it.
    I have a rather extensive vocabulary. Probably no word that I've 'never' spoken. But sometimes things change when folks mature. While I'm still a sailor mouth, a lot of the filth disappeared after younger ages. And most certainly respect for others, especially in public settings.

    we can point out hypocrisy like the rapper above but lets not say that ALL blacks agree with rapper. WE DON'T.
    Every place i've worked the backs didn't want the word used in Music. the Liberal black reporters at the newspaper i worked at agreed with the black Christians that worked their that it was foul and self destructive, along with calling woman B--- and Hos in lyrics.
    I never intend to speak for everyone, even if it comes off as addressing everyone at times. That's why I very often just use "folks".

    thanks, and I'm hardly the only one.
    I know that. I've known many black folks from my younger years playing baseball and football, and of course so many folks/friends over the years. I usually won't see eye to eye with the one that would use it freely.

    Some Black pastors have BULLDOZED rappers CDs, many black activist old and young have advocated for rappers to stop using the word (and more), heck even some older rappers hypocritically admit they don't even let THEIR OWN children listen to their music or use various words or phrases. But some folks just don't get it or don't really care.
    We can choose to join the voices, Black and White, that advocate disuse as well, but please start by not assuming that "the black community" approves of it.
    Dang, I know it's not everyone, nor the entire community. That's why I wrote the black community BY LARGE, the part you didn't quote when placing your own quotes around my words.

    i never let my kid listen to some music, as best i could that is. just becasue it's popular don't mean it's coming in my house. that's the last line of defense for all families .
    I said that a million times. It all starts with parenting. It's the reason for a host of negative issues in the world today, IMO.

    As a celebrity and president of the U.S he's a bandwagon leader , for good or ill, there's no doubt.
    Not once in my 50 years of life have I ever even come close to letting anyone in politics change "who I am", or how I speak. or anything in the world about race - actually, for that fact, I don't learn anything or do anything or whatever about the presidents or others that are in office. I tend to have learned from family, life, work and other things. The president may lead folks politically, but one has to be weak if they change their life or language or racial outlook based on politics. I say the same about TV and video games. I enjoy them, but they sure as F aren't going to change me, or lead me.

    Yes musicians have a LOT to answer for. there's no doubt. it's a conversation I've had with people for over 20 years in the real world. Sadly the wider culture, instead of condemning it's use in music, embraces it and as you say perpetuates it.
    If people stopped BUYING it it would stop. I have to wonder why it sells so well.
    We vote with our dollar in the case of music.

    but all that is kind of off topic but .. hey there ya go.
    I don't think they need to answer for anything, but rather just stop using words that they wouldn't want to hear themselves.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Rev is wrong, IMO, and I’ve argued with him in several posts in this thread.

    But he doesn’t deserve these personal attacks.

    For God’s sake, it’s a debate board. Debate.
    Sorry but I disagree. What he said is outlandish and incendiary. And If i went to a leftist board and said Sasha and Malia are fair game to be called niggers after posting a picture with their child because daddy said X ... And none of you complained when daddy said it...

    I wouldn't expect to be treated nicely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Diamond View Post
    Sorry but I disagree. What he said is outlandish and incendiary. And If i went to a leftist board and said Sasha and Malia are fair game to be called niggers after posting a picture with their child because daddy said X ... And none of you complained when daddy said it...

    I wouldn't expect to be treated nicely.
    And you can and should make those arguments if you feel that way.

    I’m talking about personal insults.
    There is no need for that.
    And I don’t think I’ve seen Rev do that, either.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    And you can and should make those arguments if you feel that way.

    I’m talking about personal insults.
    There is no need for that.
    And I don’t think I’ve seen Rev do that, either.
    It gets personal when such behavior is defended. Ivanka posts a picture of her and her little one. Comedian calls her you know what. Rev says she's fair game because dad said...
    I'm with elessar. Leave the kids out. And I understand his being ready for bear.

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