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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Rev had to report the post, and evidently it was thought to have been directed towards him, or, he just didn't like seeing the N word.

    Must have really struck a nerve, but then that makes my point in spades. It can be used by blacks under virtually ANY circumstances, but don't dare say it if you're WHITE, or among hypocrites, or among the politically correct.

    That's the point I was making, and it sure exploded.

    There should be a national discussion on just that. Why is it that blacks CONTINUE to say nigger/nigga, whatever, the only difference is if you're speaking ebonics or not, why do blacks keep saying it?

    I know why... because it's an in your face double standard directed at anyone that isn't black. Us crackers can just go pound sand, they can say it all they want and love it, but if you or I say it, OH MY FREAKIN' GOD, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT, IT'S SO INSULTING... ummm, really? Why is it insulting? I just heard you rapping nigger up one side and down the other in your music. Sounded like you liked it to me, so why don't you like me calling you nigga/nigger? Oh... I see... because I'm not black... that makes perfect sense...

    It's pure bull shit. It's one of the most blatant double standards and hypocrisy of black people there is.
    Rev didn't say a word. You crossed the line and you of ALL people, a MILITARY VET , KNOW you crossed the line.

    What you did is EXACTLY what this thread is about and why everyone was arguing with rev to begin with. You won't excuse Trump's daughter being called a C- word, but have ZERO problem using a just as unacceptable word to incite and insult a member of this board. Then you call us the hypocrites

    It's NOT okay because it's YOU are the one doing it. Wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it.
    Last edited by Gunny; 06-07-2018 at 09:13 AM.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Rev didn't say a word. You crossed the line and you of ALL people, a MILITARY VET , KNOW you crossed the line.

    What you did is EXACTLY what this thread is about and why everyone was arguing with rev to begin with. You won't excuse Trump's daughter being called a C- word, but have ZERO problem using a just as unacceptable word to incite and insult a member of this board. Then you call us the hypocrites

    It's NOT okay because it's YOU are the one doing it. Wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it.
    I think he was making a point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Diamond View Post
    I think he was making a point.
    He's not making a point. Everyone knows blacks have a double standard about the word. The board does not. If rev was using the word to insult others, or another black member was using it, I would have the same reaction. This a case of exactly what rev is doing with the c-word .... trying to wordsmith out of context a wrong into a right.

    Completely irrelevant to using it to insult a member of the board. You pay attention more than you like to let on so you KNOW I generally disagree with rev. I don't need a racial slur to win and I sure as Hell don't want some visitor looking this place over and seeing THAT. Not like we got standing room only and a line waiting to get in.

    It's not like he wears his skin color under everyone's noses. I've known him for years I didn't even know he was black. Just a little screwy. That doesn't come in colors.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

  5. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    The simple fact that you felt it necessary to remind Abbey, or the rest of us is very telling. And nearly proves my statement about how YOU are what you accuse the rest of us to Be.

    In my long experience, growing up with, going to school with, living with, and serving in uniform with Black Americans...I have learned WHO the actual Racists are...from nearly every race I have communicated with, and sadly. The most difficult, unwilling fellow Americans LIKE YOU, who refuse to allow me, or others to talk about race in any way...ARE LIKE YOU, refusing to allow us to talk about race in any manner....because YOU insist...we have never walked in your shoes.

    Well, I'm here to tell you now. I have walked in your shoes...because I am a white man who has been threatened, warned, and shouted down by RACIST Black Americans who DO NOT WANT RACE PROBLEMS in America to be solved, or even discussed civilly because it will take away your demands for victimhood from the SLAVERY DAYS, when America didn't observe HUMAN RIGHTS as we do today. still don't want me to talk that way...if it takes away your victimization Thunder as one of the RICH, POOR, VICTIM, BLACK AMERICANS I OWE NOTHING TO FOR ANYTHING.
    Dead on the mark my friend. Whites are not allowed to talk, to point out the massive racism that most blacks engage in on a daily basis.
    In fact, schools are engineered to condition white children to be blind to it or feel guilty by default.
    I am 64 years old, do not feel guilty about a damn thing I say, do or see in regards to blacks.
    If it is true yet is a negative thing about that race we are told it is racist to shine any light on it.
    FFK THAT!!
    Truth should never be hidden and no damn race is special.
    I am totally sick of this damn ever growing-- dem/lib/leftist,/ black hypocrisy.-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    He's not making a point. Everyone knows blacks have a double standard about the word. The board does not. If rev was using the word to insult others, or another black member was using it, I would have the same reaction. This a case of exactly what rev is doing with the c-word .... trying to wordsmith out of context a wrong into a right.

    Completely irrelevant to using it to insult a member of the board. You pay attention more than you like to let on so you KNOW I generally disagree with rev. I don't need a racial slur to win and I sure as Hell don't want some visitor looking this place over and seeing THAT. Not like we got standing room only and a line waiting to get in.

    It's not like he wears his skin color under everyone's noses. I've known him for years I didn't even know he was black. Just a little screwy. That doesn't come in colors.
    Pale didn't even think rev was black. Fact he thought he wasn't. How can he be inciting him the as claimed if he doesn't even know what color he is ?
    and fwiw it's the same thing dr Laura said

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    A reminder to all:
    The board literally prohibits the use of the "c" word. Jim has stated in the past, and I 100% agree, that it is unacceptable to try to get around that by typing slight variations of the word. Including leaving out just one letter. If you must reference the word, as I just had to, one letter is sufficient. Really, we get it. And by no means will we allow anyone here to be called this word, regardless of spelling.

    If you have a problem with other words being allowed, please let staff know in a PM. I'm really not interested in having a debate right here over which words should be prohibited.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

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    The only word banned here is the C word. Society has determind that the C word was reprehensible, and it's not often used in the USA, other than to truly insult someone. There's no valid use of it, not even part of a discussion or news article and certainly not in today's music culture. It's loosely used to describe a part of a woman's anatomy, and is considered disgusting and degrading by all walks of American life. The ban went back long prior to DP even.

    The N word is not banned. Maybe we'll someday see this word treated the same as the other vulgar word. Right now, there seems to be too much use of it to go away anytime soon. The N word is NOT to ever be used here as a name to call anyone on this board. It really shouldn't even be used to call folks outside of the board. My thoughts have always been that it can be used as part of a discussion. There have been many articles over the years using the word, although not mainstream. Discussion about music, and of course about society, culture and comparisons. For example, the video/event I spoke of where a rap star called a white woman on stage to participate in his song, but then stopped the music and called her out for using the N word. I still wouldn't use it, but I can see if someone posted lyrics for example as part of such a story.

    I think the majority of society has also deemed this word quite offensive. It's obviously used many times to call someone names. If/when that happens, it is unacceptable, IMO. Discussion is one thing, but name calling with such a word would be totally different.

    The argument between HPD and Rev is not my beef. As to an apology, one has to want to give that on their own.

    What I will say, is that it's unfortunate and sad that Rev is black and feels like he's attacked with such a word, and I DO NOT want that, ever. I can disagree with Rev, even on racial discussions, and not use such a word in front of him. That's respect to him, and also myself.

    I DO understand some being angry at the double standard. I understand where it comes from and I don't have an answer. But there's certainly no need for any of us to go out of our way to use the word, knowing it's offensive. And if not, we all know now about Revelarts being black. And whether folks disagree with him vehemently and passionately on any subject out there - he certainly doesn't go out of his way to use offensive terms. Those that should be questioned are those that put it out there in the music for their fans & perhaps those that freely use the word.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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