Not sure if posted elsewhere already. But anyhoo, as expected, some expected him to bow to the Queen. And I'm glad he didn't. I LOVE the Queen, and even always capitalize her title out of respect.

They DO live out on old traditions. Yes, they are very rich and likely live on a better set of rules and standards than the rest of us. But it's not easy living the royal life all the time either. They live under an umbrella, with a set of rules and protocols that they honor and live under. I personally wouldn't want to marry into such a family, as I know it's difficult. I don't mean that as insulting at all either. I admire all of them, and how they are so upstanding and what they stand for and all of the other efforts they make.

With all of that said - an American president should not be bowing - whether that be to the Queen, or whether that's a leader in royalty in the middle east or similar. There is NO ONE that the president should be bowing to. And I sure as F don't expect any other leader in the world to bow or present themselves in a lesser manner in any way. RESPECT is key.

Live a respectful life. At least that's what I try to do when I go out in public. Hold doors, say please and thank you. Always be polite and with a smile when I can. I'm gonna make mistakes. For example, small things like "Merry Christmas" to a muslim folk I know, or forgetting when they are in the midst of Ramadan. Or during Hanukkah or anything similar. But if someone is always truly respectful, it'll be shown and known to all.