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    Default Prosecutors: Son of prominent Imam was training children to commit school shootings

    How in the F is this kind of stuff going on right in our backyards? I know there are a few other muslim 'no go' areas, one being even in NY.

    At first glance I didn't see this posted anywhere? This is insane, and really not covered much by the MSM

    Prosecutors: Son of prominent Imam was training children to commit school shootings

    The son of a prominent Brooklyn-based imam was training children at a New Mexico compound to commit schools shootings, prosecutors said in court documents released Wednesday.

    Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was training 11 children at a compound north of Taos, New Mexico, according to The Associated Press. Authorities raided the compound Friday and arrested Wahhaj, two of his siblings and two other men during a search for Wahhaj’s son, who had been abducted from Georgia late in 2017.

    A 3-year-old boy was found buried near the compound, but has not been identified. Wahhaj’s son was not among the children rescued.

    Residents in Amalia, New Mexico, near the Colorado border, had complained for months about the squalid conditions of the makeshift compound before Friday’s raid, according to news reports. Authorities recovered multiple firearms as well as an AR-15.

    Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said Tuesday that authorities initially did not have enough evidence to search the compound. Wahhaj and his son were not spotted on the property. A breakthrough came last week when authorities received a tip that a starving child might be living at the compound.

    Wahhaj’s father, also named Siraj, is a controversial cleric with close ties to Muslim rights groups like the Islamic Circle of North American, the Muslim American Society and the Center for American Islamic Relations. The elder Wahhaj was also an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing case. He was a character witness for Omar Abdel Rahman, the so-called “Blind Sheikh.”

    A spokesman for the imam told CNN that he is “devastated” that the remains of the child at the compound could be his grandson.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Just as I was saying myself yesterday.


    Why Is the Mainstream Media Ignoring the New Mexico Compound/Islam Story?

    News broke this week that a deranged man, Siraj Wahhaj, was arrested for training a group of starving children at a filthy New Mexico compound how to carry out school shootings. Still, despite the newsworthy aspects of the story, including a Muslim ringleader, children, and the potential for deadly school shootings, mainstream news outlets have covered it only briefly, if at all.

    The story, which involved minors, has a particularly ideological angle that outlets seem uncomfortable lingering over for too long. Not only were Siraj Wahhaj and his adult companions “heavily armed,” but CBS reported, “Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe previously said adults at the compound were ‘considered extremist of the Muslim belief.’ He did not elaborate, saying it was part of the investigation.”

    In addition, Wahhaj’s father, also Siraj Wahhaj, is the imam of the Masjid At-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, New York, which has attracted speakers over the years who have been described as radical. It was actually pleas for food for the imam from family members that led to authorities finding the compound.

    A quick search of “CNN + Trump + Stormy Daniels” revealed almost 15 million hits. A search of “CNN + New Mexico kids + Siraj Wahhaj” revealed only 147,000 hits. Granted, the Stormy Daniels story is absurd and needs to be covered and has been percolating longer, but the story of Siraj Wahhaj attempting to train 11 kids to execute 11 school shootings seems far more important than a juicy story about the president’s immoral choices.

    Muslim extremists have been infiltrating the United States for years and while there has not been another attack like the one on September 11, 2001—thank God—it’s clear that jihadism is alive and well, even here. It’s a relief to see that authorities in New Mexico laid aside all notions of political correctness and instead, tracked down the children for their safety and the safety of others. But it’s disconcerting to see the mainstream media, which possess so much power to inform and sway public opinion, pass over the story so quickly. I would imagine they’re only doing so out of political correctness and fear they will be accused of “Islamophobia" (a true phenomenon).

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    @Tyr-Ziu Saxnot & @Drummond

    Hey, I don't believe you guys saw this thread. Have you heard of it yet though, and see this BS?

    My brother Jeff said there is a similar place in Georgia, that is a Muslim "no go zone" and apparently it's armed if you attempt to enter too far into their property?

    Here is the place I spoke of in NY. Peaceful or not, who the hell opens their own "city" and prevents others from thinking of going in? A dated article, but the place still exists:

    Quiet Muslim-Only Town in N.Y. Founded by Alleged Terrorist

    HANCOCK, N.Y. – If you didn't know where to look, you'd probably never find Islamberg, a private Muslim community in the woods of the western Catskills, 150 miles northwest of New York City.

    The town, sitting on a quiet dirt road past a gate marked with No Trespassing signs, is home to an estimated 100 residents. There are small houses and other buildings visible from the outside, but it is what can't be seen from beyond the gate that has some watchers worried.

    Islamberg was founded in 1980 by Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, a Pakistani cleric who purchased a 70-acre plot and invited followers, mostly Muslim converts living in New York City, to settle there.

    The town has its own mosque, grocery store and schoolhouse. It also reportedly has a firing range where residents take regular target practice. Gilani established similar rural enclaves across the country — at least six, including the Red House community in southern Virginia — though some believe there are dozens of them, all operating under the umbrella of the "Muslims of the Americas" group founded by Gilani.

    Federal authorities say Gilani was also one of the founders of Jamaat al-Fuqra, a terrorist organization believed responsible for dozens of bombings and murders across the U.S. and abroad. The group was linked to the planning of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and 10 years earlier a member was arrested and later convicted for bombing a hotel in Portland, Ore.

    Shoe bomber Richard Reid has been linked to the group, along with convicted D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad. But it is Sheikh Gilani who creates the most controversy and concern.

    Gilani has told his followers that "Zionist plotters" plan to rule the world, and he encourates them to leave America's cities and avoid the "decadence of a godless society." Gilani is the man American reporter Daniel Pearl was trying to interview in Pakistan when he was kidnapped and beheaded. The Sheikh was taken into custody and later released by Pakistani authorities; he denies any involvement in Pearl's murder.

    Gilani also denies any connection to Jamaat al-Fuqra, as do residents of the MOA compounds, who say the "terrorist" group doesn't exist and was created by enemies of Islam hoping to destroy their communities. Members also deny sending a portion of their earnings to the Sheikh, but a former resident told FOX News that 10 to 30 percent of their income is regularly delivered to Gilani in the form of cash donations.

    FOX News attempted to visit Islamberg after earlier efforts to set up on-camera interviews were rebuffed. A spokesman said by phone that residents typically shy away from interviews since they worry their words will be manipulated and turned against them. He accused FOX News of misrepresenting the group and suggested covering an Islamic festival in Binghamton later in the month to celebrate the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. Then he hung up.

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    @Tyr-Ziu Saxnot & @Drummond

    Hey, I don't believe you guys saw this thread. Have you heard of it yet though, and see this BS?

    My brother Jeff said there is a similar place in Georgia, that is a Muslim "no go zone" and apparently it's armed if you attempt to enter too far into their property?

    Here is the place I spoke of in NY. Peaceful or not, who the hell opens their own "city" and prevents others from thinking of going in? A dated article, but the place still exists:

    Quiet Muslim-Only Town in N.Y. Founded by Alleged Terrorist

    HANCOCK, N.Y. – If you didn't know where to look, you'd probably never find Islamberg, a private Muslim community in the woods of the western Catskills, 150 miles northwest of New York City.

    The town, sitting on a quiet dirt road past a gate marked with No Trespassing signs, is home to an estimated 100 residents. There are small houses and other buildings visible from the outside, but it is what can't be seen from beyond the gate that has some watchers worried.

    Islamberg was founded in 1980 by Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, a Pakistani cleric who purchased a 70-acre plot and invited followers, mostly Muslim converts living in New York City, to settle there.

    The town has its own mosque, grocery store and schoolhouse. It also reportedly has a firing range where residents take regular target practice. Gilani established similar rural enclaves across the country — at least six, including the Red House community in southern Virginia — though some believe there are dozens of them, all operating under the umbrella of the "Muslims of the Americas" group founded by Gilani.

    Federal authorities say Gilani was also one of the founders of Jamaat al-Fuqra, a terrorist organization believed responsible for dozens of bombings and murders across the U.S. and abroad. The group was linked to the planning of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and 10 years earlier a member was arrested and later convicted for bombing a hotel in Portland, Ore.

    Shoe bomber Richard Reid has been linked to the group, along with convicted D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad. But it is Sheikh Gilani who creates the most controversy and concern.

    Gilani has told his followers that "Zionist plotters" plan to rule the world, and he encourates them to leave America's cities and avoid the "decadence of a godless society." Gilani is the man American reporter Daniel Pearl was trying to interview in Pakistan when he was kidnapped and beheaded. The Sheikh was taken into custody and later released by Pakistani authorities; he denies any involvement in Pearl's murder.

    Gilani also denies any connection to Jamaat al-Fuqra, as do residents of the MOA compounds, who say the "terrorist" group doesn't exist and was created by enemies of Islam hoping to destroy their communities. Members also deny sending a portion of their earnings to the Sheikh, but a former resident told FOX News that 10 to 30 percent of their income is regularly delivered to Gilani in the form of cash donations.

    FOX News attempted to visit Islamberg after earlier efforts to set up on-camera interviews were rebuffed. A spokesman said by phone that residents typically shy away from interviews since they worry their words will be manipulated and turned against them. He accused FOX News of misrepresenting the group and suggested covering an Islamic festival in Binghamton later in the month to celebrate the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. Then he hung up.

    Rest -
    Just seen this, Jim.

    I can't say I'm surprised ... although ... did I read that correctly, that 'Islamberg' has been around since approx 1980 ??

    How come more hasn't been done to monitor the place, or investigate it ?

    You'd think, with decades to practice bomb-making, the surrounding countryside would look a bit 'pockmarked' from the air ?

    I think someone should check on what goes into this town. Do they have adequate grocery provisions, for example ? A plentiful supply of bacon ... ?

    Maybe some considerate soul would like to help them out with that .....
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    I hate to say this but I will do so anyways.. That tragic and sad reality is we will not face up to the task at hand. That task is to stop the damn muslims and their plan to destroy this nation. And that is their damn plan.. They have been for decades and still are being given free reign to do as they please in this country and have who knows how many terrorists cells around this nation.
    Why- why the hell this absolute fear about facing them now???\

    Later will likely be too late, they know this - so they keep the right people. the right politicians in the dem party as their faithful allies.
    Now talk here tho' informative basically means nothing regards to preventing what is to come.
    This nation will wait until it is to late- I firmly believe that. Fear, Cowardice, FEDERAL GOV, DEM PARTY , MEDIA, LIBERALS AND GLOBALISTS ARE ALL AIDING ISLAM.

    My advice is to prepare to defend yourself, because it is coming.. Sure as water is wet, it is coming.
    Sad and tragic but we as a nation will not face this threat as it should be faced-Now!
    Every muslim should be deported from this nation as that is the way to face this threat and that will never happen, IMHO.

    Islam is one hundred percent against this nation , our freedoms , our Christianity and our culture.
    Some of us are not blind, nor are we cowards.
    We will not start it but heaven help them when they do. For we were taught how to fight and how to win. .
    That rests entirely in ones spirit... in ones willingness to die if need be, to defend ones home, family and life.
    They had best fear me.... I dont play once I start... -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-11-2018 at 08:10 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    I hate to say this but I will do so anyways.. That tragic and sad reality is we will not face up to the task at hand. That task is to stop the damn muslims and their plan to destroy this nation. And that is their damn plan.. They have been for decades and still are being given free reign to do as they please in this country and have who knows how many terrorists cells around this nation.
    Why- why the hell this absolute fear about facing them now???\

    Later will likely be too late, they know this - so they keep the right people. the right politicians in the dem party as their faithful allies.
    Now talk here tho' informative basically means nothing regards to preventing what is to come.
    This nation will wait until it is to late- I firmly believe that. Fear, Cowardice, FEDERAL GOV, DEM PARTY , MEDIA, LIBERALS AND GLOBALISTS ARE ALL AIDING ISLAM.

    My advice is to prepare to defend yourself, because it is coming.. Sure as water is wet, it is coming.
    Sad and tragic but we as a nation will not face this threat as it should be faced-Now!
    Every muslim should be deported from this nation as that is the way to face this threat and that will never happen, IMHO.

    Islam is one hundred percent against this nation , our freedoms , our Christianity and our culture.
    Some of us are not blind, nor are we cowards.
    We will not start it but heaven help them when they do. For we were taught how to fight and how to win. .
    That rests entirely in ones spirit... in ones willingness to die if need be, to defend ones home, family and life.
    They had best fear me.... I dont play once I start... -Tyr
    There's no doubt about it at all, in my part of the world. It's done by creeping degrees, over much time. Be 'tolerant', because it's civilised to be that way. Then, a change in emphasis ... be INtolerant to anyone not falling in line. Is someone resistant to Muslim demands ? Then, they must be racist ... therefore pilloried. Condemned for it.

    Next stage: pass laws, outlawing speech not of an acceptable form. Call it 'hatespeech', and arrest those guilty of it.

    The UK is at that stage, now. We have a leading politician who recently dared to criticise burkhas. In response, he faces investigation by his own Party, culminating, very possibly, by his expulsion from his Party.


    Such is the strength of 'PC' thinking that no Party, now, dares to defy it. So, our psychological terraforming is complete.

    Started by Socialists, given too much power to control and influence. Continued on by everyone seeking election to power, because PC thinking rules everybody.

    America may well prove to be greatly different. Why ?

    1. Love of freedom, especially of expression.

    2. Insufficient exposure to the cancer of Socialism.

    Well, time will tell - as will the health of the soul of your nation.
    Last edited by Drummond; 08-11-2018 at 10:16 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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